Forty Three

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Angel took the bottle from Husk and took a long swig.

Charlie and Vaggy entered the lobby through the elevator and walked over to the bar. "Good morning you two." Charlie greeted. "Don't forget Angel you drug test is tomorrow."

"I know." He sighed.

"It would have come back negative, if Val didn't piss me the fuck off yesterday." Angel sighed, only a little annoyed with himself.

"Wait, like completely?" Vaggy asked.

Angel nodded Husk smirked an all knowing smirk, at the two demons who looked completely shocked.

"It was supposed to be a surprise but, I kinda fucked it up. I've been sober since the last relapse, well... til yesterday." Angel informed.

"You have?!" Charlie gasped in amazement and hugged him. "I knew you could do it! Good for you Angel!"

Husk took the bottle back from Angel and took another swig. Just observing the conversation.

"That's a HUGE improvement!" Vaggy stated patting Angel on the back.

"I feel kinda stupid for letting that fuckhead ruin my streak but, my fuse was so fucking short and I didn't want to come home and snap on any of you guys, for no reason." Angel explained.

Charlie's hands rested on Angel's shoulders assuringly "That's so understandable. Shit happens." Charlie stated.

"We're very proud of you regardless!" Vaggy stated.

It felt nice to be appreciated and to have people proud of him. Val's bullshit words held even less meaning to the spider now, than they already had. The girls wandered off to decide what they were going to do today, with the sinners. Husk finished the bottle of alcohol in the span of few minutes he had it. He opened another and sat it on the bar as he swallowed.

"You're off tomorrow right?" Husk asked.


"Still on for that date?" Husk wondered.

"Absolutely!" Angel agreed.

He got off the bar stool he was sitting on and laid across the bar top with his one leg bent and his forearm rested on his knee, he leaned towards the cat demon and kiss Husk's lips, glad Alastor hadn't come back from his outing with Rosie yet. The two made out for quite a while.

A few moments passed before Vaggy walked back towards the bar realizing the delivery truck was outside.

"Oh Husk we got a shipment of alch- oh you're being gay, carry on." She cut herself off when she saw the two making out, she gave a thumbs up as she finished speaking, and went outside to deal with the shipment herself.

(Someone please understand that reference)

Husk pulled away with a smirk as the two demons chuckled with their foreheads pressed together before Husk filled the gap between them again.

"I love you!" Angel whisperered once they finally pulled away.

"I love you too." Husk said in return.

Angel hopped off the counter grabbed Husk's bottle of booze and took a long swig before handing it to him. "I'll see ya later Whiskers."

"Be careful!"  Husk called as Angel walked away.

Angel left and Husk helped Vaggy bring in the cases of alcohol since it was his job to do that anyway. He made sure to thank her for not being a dick about it, like Alastor would have been. He ended up accompanying Charlie, Vaggy and all the guets of the hotel on their outing. He of course brought a nice big bottle of booze with him.

Work for Angel was better today. He did his best to keep it that way.

It was almost time for Angel to leave when Val said something so fucking disrespectful Angel didn't even process the word he uttered but Val's reaction wasn't good.

"I'm starting to wonder if the money you make us is worth this disrespectful ass shit from you lately." Val snapped. Angel didn't even know what he said, but Val wasn't happy.

"Well maybe if you treated me half way decently I wouldn't be such a damn cunt? Ever think about that?" Angel remarked.

He knew what was coming but it was the end of his shift anyway.

Val punched him dead in his face, giving him a black eye and a fat lip. "Keep it the fuck up Slut! I swear on all things kinky, I'll end you." He quickly walked away

"For Fuck Sake!" Angel groaned, as he walked out of the building holding his face. He walked over to the usual spot Husk picks him up at and called him.

"Hey Legs, I'll be on my way in just a minute. I just went out with Charlie and the others." Husk answered after two rings.

"Thanks babe, love ya." Angel replied.

"Love you too, see ya in a bit." Husk said before hanging up.

Husk walked over to Charlie let him know he was heading back to his car so he could get Angel, and did exactly that.

Luckily they were close by, so he got to Angel pretty quickly. He pulled his car up to the curb parked but kept the car running. Angel hopped into the passenger seat.

"You wanna meet up with everyone, or just go back to the hotel?" Husk asked.

"The hotel." Angel asked.

"Thank fuck!" Husk enthused. "I don't know why the fuck I chose to go with them." He admitted, putting the car in drive and pulling onto the road in the direction of the hotel.

"Wait." Angeldust paused. "You CHOSE to go? Who the fuck are you and where is My Husky?" He chuckled

"I was drunk." Husk stated.

"You're always drunk babe. If you weren't I'd really wanna know where the fuck my boyfriend is." Angel laughed.

"Fuck you." Husk playfully pushed him with one hand still on the steering wheel.

"When we get back to the hotel. Unleeeess, you want head." Angel joked raising his eyebrows suggestively, making Husk regret his choice of words. He looked at Angel dumbfounded, and immediately looked back at the road as his cheeks turned red.

Asshole! Husk said in his head.

Husk pulled into the hotel parking lot, parking his car near the entrance. He got out and walked around the car to open the door for Angel. They walked hand in hand towards the entrance of the hotel and Husk held that door open for Angel too.

They walked in and Husk went back to the bar. Angel sat down in a bar stool.

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