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A/n please take the time to appreciate angry Charlie. I feel like thats the face shed make while fighting Val on Angel's behalf just also with her horns. XD

Valentino wouldn't shut the fuck up about Angel and Husk. Even during his dinner date with Vox.

"VAL!" vox yelled annoyed.

Valentino finally shut up.

"You sound like a hypocrite." Vox informed.

"So? This is hell?!" Val crossed his arms, annoyed Vox would even call him out.

"You don't care bout Angel so why does it matter so much if he's got a boyfriend outside of work?" Vox asked.

"Because!" Val yelled everyone in the restaurant was getting annoyed with how loud he was being. "Because of that fluffy alcoholic asshole, Angel has been so fuckin disrespectful and disobedient." Groaned the moth.

"Oh please. Angel has always been like that, he does whatever he wants! he just knows when to be on your good side." Vox stated, in a calm tone.

Val yelled again now Vox was angry because the whole restaurant was staring and the host and come to kick them out.

"Look what ya did." Vox groaned. "We can't even have a nice fuckin date cause you gotta be a hothead all the damn time!"

The two were walking back to the limo on their way back to the tower.

"You know, Alastor's side project is hosting a talent show. You know what that means don't you?" Vox asked. Val was expressionless he had no clue what that meant.

"Angel and that bartender will be there. Maybe you could convince him to come back."

Valentino groaned he knew the only reason Vox wanted him to get Angel back was the fuckin money. He protested spitting in his face as he spoke.

"THAT'S IT!" Vox finally snapped. He wiped his face. "Pull the fuck over!" He yelled at the driver, who complied. "Get the fuck out!"

"V-Vox bab-" Val tried to play it off, he reached for the TV headed demon.

"I said get out!" He yelled yanking his arm away.

Valentino complied and walked back to the tower.

Vox eventually cooled off and had a chat with his boyfriend, he may or may not have controlled his mind to get what he wanted outta him from time to time. Right now they can't tank in ratings, they needed Angel, neither of them would say it to Angel's face but that was the truth.

A few days passed and it was now Wednesday, let's recap really quick. On Monday Angel did come home a little banged up but nothing nearly as bad as he expected, which he was greatful for. Tuesday he only ended up working for two hours out of his usual shift because Tiffany tit fucker and her only two braincells set the fuckin lounge in fire. Dumb bitch put a spoon in the microwave, while she was heating up ramen without water.

While he had more free time than he expected he decided to take the time to hangout with Cherri at her apartment, catching her up to speed on how the date went, and how Sunday's date went. Long story short she wants Val's head on a platter even more now.

Because of this Vox and Velvette were busy with insurance people all day today, as they tried to estimate the damages and get it taken care of.

Today that meant Val's favorites would be working at one of his clubs, as much as Angel hated it he was glad he wasn't in that shit hole cause out here he could do whatever, whenever he wanted and Val had no say.

Angel had just left work, dispite Val not wanting him to, after a very long night. His feet ached and his body was exhausted. It was already midnight, he asked about five buildings away from the club not wanting to deal with the asshole once Husk shows up.

Husk begged Alastor to let him keep the bar open for Angel, he gave him til eleven so the bar was unfortunately closed but he still took two bottles. One for himself and one for Angel. He was in his room scrolling on his phone when it rang.

Was the caller ID.

Husk pressed the button and put his phone to his ear

"Baby?" He answered, Angel blushed you'd think he'd be used to it by now, but Husk still gave him butterflies.

"Hey, I'm sorry it's so late, I just got off work, I'm at Satan café right now cause I don't wanna deal with his bullshit if he sees you." Angel explained.

"Don't be sorry babe, I'll be on my way." Husk assured.

He put on his hat grabbed his keys and rushed downstairs and out t his car he drove off to the Café where Angel was waiting.

He was there within fifteen minutes.

"Hey, pretty boy." Husk called out to Angel a smirk on his face. It was obvious he was drunk off his ass. Angel still grew flustered at the new nickname.

"How the fuck do you drive like this?" Angel asked, getting in the car.

"Don't ask." Husk chuckled.

"Just don't kill us Husky." Angel begged.

Husk chuckled, not really aware of himself or his words. "Wouldn't be the first time."

"Wait what?" Angel asked before the remainder of the ride went by silently. Husk had no idea what he said or what Angel said before that. All Angel had were questions.

They got back to the hotel. Angel went to his room and Husk went to his. The two eventually fell asleep, regardless of Angel's racing thought. He decided he'd ask husk about it in the morning.

Here have song. Enjoy song

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