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A few days go by, Angeldust was at work earlier than normal. Valentino insisted he was behind even though, Angeldust knew full well his productions were ahead of the rest. Valentino, was just in a mood and that meant Angel was working double time like that would some how fix whatever the moth was avoiding. Probably a fight with Vox, again.

Husker had his alcohol in one hand and a rag in the other, as he wiped the bartop clean, until Alastor summoned him from God knows where. The bar was unattended for most of the day. Vaggy and Charlie went out on a date during the free time they had, while everyone was away.

Angeldust got through his day at work as close to alright as he could be. As it turned out Angeldust wasn't behind. Valentino was behind and the only actor available was Angeldust because he finished all his projects early.

If only he wasn't so lucky.

He was on his way out of the building when Vox called him over. The spider turned around and walked towards the flat screen tv.

"Take the day off tomorrow. I know you're also off this weekend but take tomorrow off as well. Your ability to get Valentino cought up today is much appreciated." The TV demon stated.

"Really?" Angeldust asked. "Val's not going to be pissy with me if I do?" He was weary to the idea.

"Its already been discussed. If he gives you shit, see me." Vox stated.

With that Angeldust left the studio and ran off to the hotel.

He sat at the bar quickly realizing Husker wasn't there, and neither were the girls. He groaned and sneakily grabbed a bottle off one of the shelves and began drinking from it.

Alastor and Husker managed to beat the girls back home. Alastor walked into the hotel holding the door open for the bartender who walked in slowly after. He reclaimed his spot behind the bar and shot Angeldust a look.

"So when I'm not here, you help yourself to whatever?" Husker asked.

"You didn't lock the bar. What was stopping me?" Angeldust laughed, as he traced the rim of the bottle with his finger before taking another swig.

"Where's Charlie?" Alastor asked.

"Not here. Nobody was here when I got back." Angeldust answered.

Alastor nodded and teleported off to an unknown destination. Angedust and Husk chatted amongst themselves for a while until Charlie and Vaggy returned. They walked through the door greeting the two demons on their way to their shared room.

"Guess what." Angeldust said turning his attention back to Husker.

"Sup?" The bartender asked.

"I got tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday off!" Angeldust stated enthusiasticly.

"Let me guess, you're gonna bother til you go back?" Husker groaned.

"Only if you want me to." Angeldust winked. "Nah I made plans with Cherri for tomorrow, but I'm free to bother you on Saturday and Sunday." Angeldust assured.

"Don't do nothing stupid."

"Stupid is my middlename." Angeldust stated, causing Husker to roll his eyes in annoyance. Angeldust downed the remainder of his bottle of whatever he was drinking and tossed it into the recycling bin.

"You're more than welcome to join us, if you can get smiles to give you the day off." Angeldust mentioned before walking off to his room.

Alastor appeared at the mention of himself.

"What was that?" He asked.

"He wants me to hang out with him and his friend tomorrow if you give me the day off." Husk sighed.

"Why, I think that's a splendid idea. Go on, get to know him. You need friends Husker. Life is so lonely without them." Alastor stated in a sing song type of voice.

"Maybe lonely is how I like it." Husker groaned taking another glug from the bottle of cheap alcohol.

Alastor vanished again and Husker shut down the bar once it was time do so.

Friday comes and Angeldust is so glad he doesn't have to deal with the shit storm Valentino is guaranteed to be giving everyone today. He got out of bed a little earlier than usual. He was in a cropped top sweater with elbow length sleeves and a longer mid thigh length skirt. He also had a pair of fishnet tights under his thigh high boots.
Making his way downstairs before, even Husk. He just sat on his couch and scrolled on his phone until someone did come downstairs.

Angeldust eventually made his way over to the bar being tended by Alastor.

"Surprise me." He asked.

The Radio Demon mixed him up a fruity yet very strong cocktail. Angeldust thanked him and sipped the drink. Husker got up later than normal considering he's not operating the bar today. He went downstairs at around ten thirty which was only fifteen minutes after Angeldust.

"Hey there, Schnookems." Angeldust said flirtatiously. Only half joking.

Husker rolled his eyes. "I haven't even been here five seconds and you're already making me regret this."

"I'm just fucking around. Don't be so serious all the time." Angeldust nudged the cat demon with his elbow.

Husker turned toward the bar. Alastor knew what he was looking for and reached under the bartop and placed a bottle of his cheap alcohol on it.

"Ah." He breathed, happily reaching for the bottle. "Thanks Al."  He took a swig.

"Anything for my best employee." Alastor's voice sounded sugar coated, but that could just be because he's not usually one for giving out complements. Husker was weary of it, he was probably going to be asked for a favor tomorrow.

"When are we doing, whatever it was we were doing?" Husk asked, not remembering much of yesterday's conversation.

"Later on. She's probably blowing shit up or something right now. She'll be here whenever." Angeldust shrugged.

Husker nodded in understanding. He wasn't much of a spontaneous person, but how else are you gonna keep the afterlife fun? Probably why he's drunk all the time.

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