Sixty One

491 17 46

Valentino and Vox haven't been on speaking terms since what happened at The Spades Casino. It's been two weeks and they weren't even on visual terms.

Valentino's ratings without Angeldust plummeted, next to immediately.

Vox told him he was on his own to fix it and they haven't spoken a word to each other since. It's been making Valentino more uptight than usual and Angel wasn't around to be his little punching bag, so all the other demons working for him are beginning to feel the very extent of his wrath.

For Angel these past two weeks have been almost perfect. His drug test came back the Monday after the talent show. Regardless of already knowing the results Vaggy and Charlie still expressed that they were proud of him.

Currently, Angel and Cherri were sat at the bar along with some other guests.

"We have to go out tonight! Please Angie!? We've been chilling at the hotel for two weeks now, without leaving." Cherri begged.

"I dunno, Cherri, I'm not really up fo-"Angel  denied

"How bout my Casino?" Husk asked


Husk chuckled.

"Fiiiine." Angel agreed.

It wasn't that he didn't want to go out. He's been hiding at the hotel, because a certain moth demon has been blowing up his phone since the night of the talent show. He hasn't bothered to even look at the messages, but he's worried if Valentino saw him while they were out, he'd bother him and he just didn't want to deal with it.

"Later on tho, we still got our date this afternoon." Husk stated.

"Date?" Angel asked.

"Yes, don't tell me you forgot." Husk answered.

"Where are we goin again?" Angel asked.

"Cannibal Town." The bartender answers.

Angel didn't mean to forget he's just had so much on his mind it was hard to keep everything together.

"Ohh yeah, I didn't realize that was today. My bad." Angel apologized.

Both Husk and Cherri exchanged glanced, Husk raised an eyebrow. Cherri shrugged.

The two demons have been thinking something was up with him for a while now but haven't said anything because they thought he was just adjusting, to everything.

At two Alastor took over and Husk the couple got ready for their date, Angel was just wearing what he had on, which was a crop top and skirt as well as his boots, however he did his make up and grabbed his purse. He grabbed Fat Nuggets collar and put it on him and tucked his leash in his purse before he lifted the pig into it.

Husk work a red shirt under his black suspenders.

The walked out of their rooms and walked down the stairs only a couple minutes apart from each other. They walked out to Husk's car. They drove off to Cannibal Town to their favorite doughnut shop.

Some time passed, Cherri was still sat at the bar.  Alastor topped off her drink.

"Where's your smile, my dear? you're never fully dressed without one." Alastor asked after a while. He didn't really care but the silence was awkward and he didn't like it.

Cherri half smiled just to please him. "somethings up with Angie and neither Husk or I know what." She stated.

"Oh." Alastor stated.

Angel and Husk sat at a table enjoying their drinks and food. Husker got a hot black coffee, and Angel got a frozen hot chocolate, they got a plain donut for Nuggets. Husk ordered a bagel with cream cheese, and Angel ordered a strawberry frosted donut. Angel's phone was buzzing in his purse non stop, but he ignored it.

"You gonna get that?" Husk asked.

Angel shook his head. "It's not important."

His phone kept buzzing he picked up Fat Nuggets and sat him in his lap for a second so he could put his phone on silent.

"Ooookay." Husk said, awkwardly shifting in his seat.

Angel raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"You've been acting funny since Monday. What's wrong?" The cat demon asked taking another bite of bis doughnut.

"I don't know what you mean." Angel stated as he looked down at his pig avoiding Husk's eyes.

"Cut the shit, Anthony." Husk stated.

Angel just stayed silent. He didn't know what to say.

"Right." Husk let it go. He was annoyed but he wouldn't show it. Whatever's going on is already enough. He'll either say something or he won't.

"Husky, I'm sorry." The spider apologized.

"It's fine, I'm just worried about you." Husk stated.

They talked about nothing in particular, and joking a bit before they finished their food and drinks and headed back to the hotel.

The listening to music on the ride back humming along until Husk parked the car.  He got out and opened Angel's door for him.

The two walked into the building.

"Hey gay and gayest." Cherri greeted.

"Which one is which?" Alastor asked.

Husk Cherri and Angel, looked at each other and then at the Radio Demon before they started laughing hysterically.

"If you don't know, you're not gonna." Husk chuckled.

"He didn't just ask that!" Angel was gasping for air from how hard he was laughing.

"We should probably get going." Husk mentioned. t

The trio walked out of the building and to Husk's car.

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