Eighty Three

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A couple weeks went by.

Sir Pentious was down in hell with Emily visiting a certain spunky powerhouse under careful supervisor.

Heaven wanted no part of demon/angel hybrids. The possibility gave them much anxiety. Charlie didn't mind the rule cause it gave Cherribomb more reason to keep trying. She'll get there eventually. She's been clean for nearly two months now. She's been clean longer before but, shit happens.

Husk and Angel were sitting in the lobby. Husk was laying on the couch, his head rested on the armrest his knees were bent. Angeldust was between them with his back to Husk, and his head resting on the area between the cat demon's chest and shoulder as he texted Cherribomb from his hellphone that he begged Sera to let him keep, even though she didn't argue about it in the slightest. Husk's arms were around him.

Husk nudged the spider. Anthony turned his attention to Husk and looked up at him.


"You wanna maybe meet, my ex wife?" Husk asked.

Angel sat up with a surprised expression on his face.

"What?!" Angel asked in confusion.

He was not expecting that to be what came out of Husk's mouth. Like it was nothing.

Husk shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand.

"I uh... I talked to Sera and Emily to see if she was here since I didn't see her in hell. I just want to apologize to her for well. You know. I don't really wanna go alone cause it's been so long since she's died and it's gonna b-" He said awkwardly.

Anthony forgot about that conversation for a moment. Now that he understood his face softened. He turned his body around so he was facing Husk. He laid back onto the cat demon as he wrapped his arms around Husk. The sudden movement surprised the cat demon and he cut himself off.

Anthony and Husk were nose to nose. The spider stared into Husk's eyes as he spoke.

"I would love to meet your wife!" He exclaimed.

Husk smirked loving how enthusiastic Anthony was about it. He thought the question could have made the spider uneasy. It was a little weird to invite you're current spouse to meet your ex spouse, but these circumstances were also a little weird.

"Ex-wife." He corrected.

Anthony shrugged.

"Only cause when you died you went to seprate places. I'm sure she refers to you as her Husband."

Husk facepalmed he didn't think of that.

"Fuck!" He groaned. "What the hell am I gonna say?"

Anthony shrugged, he kissed the top of the cat's head.

"The truth?" Anthony stated but said it like a question.

Husk groaned.

"Well yeah, but technically the truth is I chea-"

"No! You died. 'Til death do us part' is a sayin' for a reason!" Anthony argued. "I'm sure she'll understand, Husky. I mean, she died before you and you've been dead since the seventies that's a pretty long time babes."

Husk nodded. Fat Nuggets was roaming around the Happy Hotel but, he made his way to the couch wherw he made snorting sounds to get their attention.

Angel sat up again.

"You want walkies?" He asked the pig who spun around in a circle.

The spider went up to their room and got Fat Nuggets leash. He got back downstairs clipped the leash onto Fat Nuggets collar.

"You coming old man?" Anthony asked.

The trio left the Happy Hotel, and walked around heaven for about twenty minutes. Anthony brought the pig up to their room. He and Husk left again. Dispite Husk wanting more time to figure out what he wanted to say, Anthony made a valid argument that the conversation has been put off long enough considering how long Husk and his wife have been separated.

(Secretly though Anthony was just reeeeeeeeaaaaaally excited to meet Husk's wife.)

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