Seventy One

412 15 43

Adam point to Husk. "That one hit me!"

"What the hell did you do?" She asked in her demon voice.

Adam crossed his arms, refusing to answer.

Charlie turned to Husk.

"He called Angel a whore, and asked if he he fucked your dad." Husk stated.

Charlie went from angry to pissed so quickly it gave everyone whiplash.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" She asked. "it's no wonder why Cain and Abel turned out how they did."


In teleported Lucifer.

"What did I say about yelling at my daughter?!" He grabbed Adam by the ear, dragging him away, as Adam yelled 'ow' repeatedly.

"You all are alright?" She asked. The trio nodded.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you for being a little more reasonable than him." She stated talking to Lute.

"He's still a crack whore, and your love for Vaggie is still blasphemous." Lute stated rudly as she folded her arms.

"IM NOT EVEN ON CRACK!" Angel yelled, crossing his arms. "I'M NOT ON FUCKIN ANYTHING!"

Cherri fake coughed. "Except Husk's dick." She mumbled under her breathe as she fake coughed.

Husk facepalmed.

Angel just shrugged. "Well played Sugartits."

Charlie sighed. This was gonna be harder than she thought.

"Okay, so tomorrow we're gonna get to know each other, cause  we're not gonna tolerate you and Adam harassing our guests. You work here to help them, not belittle and berrate them." Charlie stated.

That's the exact thing they did the next day, everyone including Lucifer and Alastor were sat in the lobby.

"My name is Charlie" sang the princess of hell, she clapped before she continued. "I like to sing. And when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing!" She cheered.

"This is still stupid." Angel stated.

"Just do it!" Charlie groaned.

Angel groaned. "My name's Angel," he clapped. "I'm not a crack whore. If that bitch calls me that again she'll be out the fuckin door."  He clapped wearing the fakest smile he could muster while glaring at Lute.

Husk choked back a laugh.

It was Lucifer's turn.

"My names Luci. I am the king. I have a rubber ducky obsession and that's why I never leave my castle, in the pride ring."

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed. "You what?"

"That's not important it's Husk's turn now." Lucifer stated, avoiding Charlie's questions.

He pointed across the room to the cat.

"What fuck you!" The drunk cat demon groaned.

Alastor nudged him, he groaned but complied.

"My name is Husk. I like to gamble. I don't know what else to say cause nothing rhymes with gamble."

He rolled his eyes and he didn't do the claps like everyone else did.

"My name's Adam. Fuck all of you, cause I'm the dick that created you!"

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Wanna say that again?" Lucifer asked.  "You sure as hell aint God, and Charlie sure as hell ain't your kid, what did yours amount to, again?"

This kept going til everyone was introduced.

Angel was just glad he got out of work because of this. Glad Valentino didn't feel like questioning further the minute Angel stated Lucifer was at the hotel today.

A couple hours went by and Husk was given the rest of the day off because Lucifer took over wanting to show off in front of Adam. Who was sat at the new front desk.

Lute's job was to take Vaggy's orders so right now she was just in her room cause Vaggy didn't need her.

He and Angel and Cherri decided to go out again, just later.

Angel was looking through his closet trying to find something to wear, despite still having hours before they were going to leave, he wanted to plan out his make up so he needed to know what he was wearing.

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