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The group dispanded. Alastor went up to his room, Charlie and Vaggy were tidying there room, and Husk and Angeldust were sat on Angel's bed.

"He can't even do basic math Husky! I had to count the money and I had to split it up so he knew how much to tell Vox to give us all!"

Husk laughed. "That's terrible."

There was silence again. But it wasn't exactly awkward. This time it was comforting.

"Sooo." Angeldust started. "Is this, are we?" He asked gesturing between him and Huskawkwardly, unsure how to word what he's trying to ask.

"Do you, want us to be?" Husk answered with a question.

Angeldust didn't answer, he cupped Husk's face in his hands and kissing him again. Husk kissed back wrapping his arms around the demon.

He smirked as they pulled away. "I was hoping you'd say that." He chuckled.

Angeldust giggled and playfully shoved Husk's shoulder. "Shut up."

Husk kissed him this time.

They kissed for a good five minutes before they pulled away.

"It's kinda late." Husk stated.

"Yeah." Angeldust agreed.

"I should go back to my-"

"No! Please stay?" Angeldust asked with a pout.

"I'll stay, but put that lip away." Husk replied.

Angeldust moved over making room on his bed for the cat demon. Husker laid down beside the spider. Angeldust scuttled between the cats legs.

"What the hell are you doing?" Husk asked.

"Just relax." Angeldust assured. He moved until he was able to rest his head on Husk's chest and wrapped four of his arms around the demon. He feet were dangling off the edge of the bed but he didn't care. He was comfortable.

"Oh." Husk released a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Husk hit the light switch, shutting the light off.

"Goodnight Whiskers."


In the morning, Angeldust woke up woke up first, he just laid cuddled up with Husk until the cat demon woke up too. Husk stretched and yawned, wrapping his arms around Angel.

"Morning." Angel greeted.

"Morning, Hot stuff." Husk chuckled reading the demon's shirt.

Angeldust moved off the bed.

"Imma go get dressed, I'll see you downstairs?" Angel said like a question.

"Who else would tend the bar?"

"Al? Like last time."

"Good point." Husk said, unable to argue. He left the room, going to his own before he went down to the bar.

Angeldust took a quick shower before he got dressed and went downstairs.

Husk already had Angel's drink poured.

"Thanks Whiskers." Angeldust said before grabbing the glass and taking a sip.

"Of course." Husk replied.

"You wanna go out later?" Angel asked.

"Ain't ya got work today?" Husk asked.

"Well yeah, I meant after." Angeldust stated.

"I don't see why not." Husk agreed. "Let me just make sure it's fine with Alastor."

"Alright, just let me know." Angeldust said.

Husk nodded. Angeldust finished his drink.

"You got time for another?" Husk asked.

Angeldust checked his phone and shook his head. "not really, but I'll take a sip of this." Angel took Husk's bottle that he had just sat down and took one big gulp. Husk chuckled.

Angeldust stood up from the bar, walked around it and cupped Husk's face in his hands. Husk stood in his tippy toes, and Angel leaned down slightly as they kissed.

"I love you." Husk said as they pulled apart.

"Love ya too." Angel answered. "Bye Husky, don't miss me too much." He winked before heading towards the door.

"Later, Loser." Husk said before Angeldust walked out of the hotel.

At least Val kept his word this time. The schedule did change, Angel was now just working his regular shift. Just filming. He liked it better that way anyways. Though the extra dough was nice, when he took clients he can't stand how all of them think they can do whatever the fuck they want.

"Hey, how's your neck?" One of his coworkers asked.

"Better, but still sore." Angel answered.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the same guy who kicked Melissa in the ribs last week."

"Shit." Was all Angel could say. He didn't usually socialize with his coworkers cause he avoids the lounge as much as possible.

Angeldust shut his door and got ready for his next project.

On his break he scrolled through his phone. A notification popped up.

Hey, Al said it was fine. Wondering if you want me to pick you up?

Angeldust typed a quick reply. Texting back and forth with his boyfriend before his break ended.

Husk was behind the bar serving a few of the new guests his phonewas sat on the counter space just below the top of the bar, as he discreetly texted Angeldust not wanting to hear Alastor's protests of phone usuage while hes working.

Yeah that would be great.

Husk typed a quick "okay x" before pressing send. He immediately got another notification.

Loser 🩷
I gotta get back to work now. I'll see ya later Husky 😘

Husk didn't answer. He poured another drink for the sinners at his bar.

Angeldust left his phone in his purse in his dressing room and walked out to shoot his next scene.  Luckily today wasn't too eventful. Angeldust had only a couple bruises scattered here and there from a coworker not realizing their grip on his wrists was that tight. At least they apologize unlike a certain someone who's actions against the spider are intentional. Just a couple were from Val. Had to show the others he wasn't giving special treatment just because Angel was injured. Gotta feed his stupid ego somehow.

He finished his scheduled shift.

"Angel-cakes, I'd like to see you in my office." Valentino directed. Angeldust gulped.


"Yes Valentino."

Angeldust went into his dressing room mentally preparing for whatever the fuck Val wants.

He quickly went to Val's room and knocked on the door.

"Enter!" Valentino instructed.

Angeldust did. He just wanted to get whatever it was this time, over with.

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