Thirty Seven

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Their outing continued for a while longer. They went back to the bar, downing more alcohol, before dancing again.

"I've missed this." Angel admitted loudly so Cherri could hear him over the music, as the two danced.

"I've missed it too!" She agreed, yelling back.

The two danced around singing to whatever song was playing even though they barely knew the words.

In the corner of the club towards the back of the dancefloor stood, two demons chatting and looking over at the two friends dancing.

"Which do you think would lemme get my dick wet?" Asked the taller of the two demons.

"I don't know Maverick. Considering how Latex over there, folded that one asshole earlier I don't think you got much a shot." Said the other.

"Hasn't stopped me before." Said Maverick before fixing his tie and confidently walking up to Angel and Cherri.

"You two got plans later?" He started.

Cherri and Angel shared an exasperated glance, crossing their arms and looking this guy up and down.

"Look, I just wanna fuck, I could do one of yas or both of yas that's yours to decide."

Angel and Cherri smirked big toothy grins.

"You're on hot shot, but why wait til later, when this clubs got back rooms" Angel said with a wink. Cherri did her best to keep a straight face knowing all too well this fuckboy was in for a shitstorm.

Angel and Cherri grabbed hold of each of Mavericks hands leading him to a back room.

"This is gonna be good!" Mavery chuckled so content with his choices.

Cherri shut and locked the door, behind them. The lights were still off and Maverick tried to seductively crawl onto the bed.

"You ready Fuckface?" Angel asked in a semi seductive tone.

"Hell yeah, Slut." The stupid demon stated.

"Cherri, get the lights." Angel stated.

When Cherri turned on the lights all Maverick could see was, Angel and all six of his arms holding his precious tommy guns.

"Holy shit! Fuck! Wait! Can't we talk about this?" The demon tried to bargain.

"Hmmm. Nope!" Cherri and Angel stated.

With that, Angel emptied every single round from all six of his guns into this fucker, not missing a single shot. Cherri cheering him on as he did.

"And this is why your my favorite bitch to party with!" Cherribomb cackled devilishly, pointing at the carcass on the bed, once the gunshots stopped. "Lets go blow some shit up Angie!"

"Hell yeah!" Angel and Cherri walked out of the room, her arm was around Angel's shoulders while his lower arms were around Cherri's waist. They walked through the bar like this, passing Maverick's friend who ran into the room, where the carcass lies.

"MAVERICK!" yelled his friend.

Angel and Cherri bursted into a fit of laughter just as Angel had pushed the door open. The two demons walked to her car, and got in as she unlocked it.

"What should we blow up?" She asked.

"One of Val's stupid clubs is only a five minute drive from here."

"Fuckin bet! I hope he's in there." She chuckled.

Cherri drove off to the particular club Angel was referring to.

Angel loved this homicidal queen. What could he say? The psychos always make the best of friends. They're true ride or dies. He learned that from the time he spent being involved in his family's business. Nobody's got you the way a crazy bitch does. Nobody's got Cherri the way Angel does so the feeling are reciprocated.

Angel reached into his purse reloading his guns with the amo he keeps hidden, for just in case purposes.

"We're not telling Charlie about this." Angel stated.

"Oh absolutely not! It'll be our secret." Cherri laughed.

Cherri wasn't a bad driver but, she was a speedster. She made it to that club in under three minutes. She parked her car and the two got out.

"Follow me, we're going in the back way." Angel instructed walking towards the building and going around the corner. Cherri followed closely behind him.

He opened the back door and let Cherri in.

"You wanna hang a left, that way the bouncers don't see you, and I'll go back through the front and create a distraction."

"You got it Angie." She followed his instructions.

He walked back to the front of the club and walked through the front door. Good thing he knew this place like the back of his hand.

"Angel? Valentino didn't say you were working tonight." The bouncer stated.

"Hey Randy. No I'm off the clock, Do me a favor and don't let Val know I'm here." Angel instructed.

"You know I can't do-" The bouncer cut himself off as Angel pulled out a fat stack of cash from his chest floof.

"You were never here." He said accepting the cash.

"Good boy." Angel snickered patting the bouncers head,  before he walked in. He quickly snuck off to his dressing room, without drawing attention to himself.

He kept his crime hat on but quickly put on, a black trench coat and put on dark sunglasses so he wasn't recognizable, and he shoved is purse into the inside pocket of the trench coat.

He walked out making his way to the other side of the club so he wouldn't get caught and made his way to the dance floor.

"WHO'S READY TO EAT LEAD!" He yelled opening the trench coat and retracting his extra arms and starting shooting, in every direction. It was a fuckin bloodbath Angel shot pretty much everyone there except his coworkers, it was weird that they were here without Valentino, he chose not to ask questions.

Cherribomb some how scaled the structure holding up the speakers above the stage where Angel's coworkers were dancing, without being detected, she climbed onto the chandelier in the middle of the room. She held herself up by her legs and she hung upside down from the chandelier throwing two of her bombs, in every corner of the building.

Next she rocked back and forth causing the chandelier to sway, as it rocked back she dismounted off of it and backflipped in the direction of Angeldust grabbing his hand and rushing out of the building just seconds before her bombs detonated.

"That was fucking sick Angie!"

"I hope Randy makes it out alright he was cool people." Angel sighed.

He just liked that Randy was a push over, for all Valentino's hoes. If they were getting themselves into trouble and needed someone to cover Randy was who they went to. Kinda funny how, he was Val's most trusted bouncer, yet he was quick to double cross him the minute Angel or any of Val's workers offered him extra cash. Valentino didn't pay any of his workers fairly. His bouncers were lucky if they could survive off their pay. So of course Randy would do anything for extra cash.

They walked to Cherri's car got in, and she quickly sped off to the hotel.



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