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"Fuckin Christ!" Husk gasped.

"What the hell happened?" Husk asked, driving back towards the hotel at the usual speed he drives.

Angeldust explained how he was on his break when Val walked in.

"He on to us, Husk." The panic was evident in his voice. "I tried to convince him that it wasn't the case. Well, he didn't want to hear that, smacked me a couple times, and I - I dunno, I guess I blacked out and punched him or something."

"YOU WHAT?!" Husk was shocked.

"I know imma be in for it but, shit did it feel nice." Angel admitted. "I grabbed my bag and ran."

"You're fuckin nuts, Legs." Husk chuckled, sipping the bottle of booze he brought with him. "I love you, and I'm proud of you, but you're fucking nuts."

"I told you stupid was my middle name." Angeldust laughed.

Husk parked his car by the front entrance, he got out and opened the passenger door for his boyfriend.

Husk and Angeldust walked into the hotel everyone was in the lobby.

"Somebody pop open a nice big bottle of booze! Hell just fuckin froze over!" Husk cheered.

Everyone looked at him like he lost his marbles.

"You tell em, babe!" Husk nudged taking a swigg of the bottle he brought with him.

"I uh, I punched Val in the face."

"I'm sorry, what?!" Vaggy asked.

"Are you okay, he didn't hurt you did he?" Charlie filled with worry.

"No, no I ran out of my dressing room before he could try." Angeldust assured.

Husk and Angeldust went up to Husk's room, in attempt to avoid having to answer several questions. They were laying on his bed, Angel's head resting in Husk's arm.

"You never sease to amaze me Angel." The cat demon stated. "I'm so fucking proud of you." He placed a kiss to Angel's cheek before turning his head towards his with his forefinger. He brushed his lips gently against Angle's as the spider kissed back.

The two pulled away momentarily.

"I gotta tell Cherribomb!" Angeldust exclaimed realizing he forgot to, he took out his phone and pressed her contact.

"Hey bitch!" She answered.

"Hey Cherri, by the way you're on speaker, I have great news!"

"Who can hear me?" She asked.

"It's just me and Husk." Angeldust stated.

"Yo!" Husk said making his presence known.

"Alright, I'm listening." Cherri said.

"I punched my boss in the face today."


"No, no he wasn't there." Angeldust stated.

"You better not be shitting me."

"I'm not babe! You know I can't lie to you!" He assured.

"That's great Angie! I'll come over tomorrow, We have to celebrate!" She stated.

"That's what I said!" Husk laughed.

Eventually Cherri had to go, so they said their goodbyes. Angel was sat in Husk's lap while the cat demon ruffled his hair. They were sat like this, in silence for a while.

"You okay?" Husk asked.

Angel was still processing how he managed to do that, but he nodded.

"A little nervous tomorrow is gonna be hell."

"You think it wasn't, worth it?" Husk asked wanting to understand.

"No! It was definitely worth it, but I don't know what he's gonna do. I do-don't want you t-to see me however I'm going to end up." He looked away letting the tears that threatened fall.

"Hey!" Husk cupped Angel's face with his paws, wiping them away.

"You don't need to hide anything from me, you know that! Whatever he does we'll get through it, like we have been. You're not on your own." Husk stated before kissing the spider on the forehead.

"I love you, Husk." Angel stated.

"I love you too Angel."

The two made out for a little while. It was silent for a bit after they pulled away.

"You know, I'm kinda glad we gave this a shot?" Husk stated like a question.


He nodded.

"Me too. You're the best I could have asked for." Angel admitted.

"No way in hell that's true." Husk chuckled.

"Even in life, my boyfriends were abusive. Not all of them physically, but none of them loved me like you."

"You just got shit taste in men."

"What about you, then huh?"

"I'm not that great Ang!" Husk stated.

"You are, to me." Angeldust argued.

Husk silenced the demon by kissing him again. Their tongues fought for dominance for a bit but Husk's won obviously.

"That's a great way to shut me up." Angel chuckled after they pulled away.

"Yet, you're still talking." Husk chucked sipping his booze.

Angeldust playfully pushed Husk who just wrapped his arms around Angel.

"I love you." They said in unison, before laying down under the covers.

Husk wrapped his arms and wings around Angeldust as they fell asleep.

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