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Angeldust went down stairs at roughly eleven am. Husk was already on his third bottle and the bar had only been open an hour.

"What time did you come back last night?" Husk asked, pouring the spider a drink.

"No idea, early this morning." Angel answered, he lifted the drink and took a decent sized sip.

Husk just nodded and sipped his booze. He was glad Angel did come back. For a moment he thought maybe he wouldn't.

"I hope I'm not on the same schedule today." Angel sighed.

"Don't like all nighters?" Husk asked.

Angeldust shook his head. "They're the worst!" He groaned. "At least for work anyway, the clients suck, I get here so late. I contemplated sleeping at the studio and I decided not to. The pay is nice, but fuck it sucks." Angeldust rolled his eyes as he explained.

"You walked all the way here last night!?" Husk was taken aback

Angeldust nodded. "I always do."

"Was the sun even out?" Husk asked. Angeldust shook his head.

Husk grabbed a pen and paper and sloppily scribbled something on it. "If you need a ride, don't hesitate to ask." He slid the paper in front of Angel.

His Number?! Angel's eyes went wide.

"You sure?"

"Yes. I don't care how late it is. Are you fucking out of your head?!" Husk shook his head, taking another swig of booze. "It's fucking hell Angel, what the fuck were you thinking?!"

"I can take care of myself Husk." Angeldust stated a little annoyed he was being lectured.

"That's not the point!" Husk raised his voice not really meaning to.

"Fuck this!" Angeldust downed his drink, he placed four of his hands on the counter pushing himself off the bar stool, and stormed away from the bar.

"Angel wait!" Husk called after him.

"Fuck you, I'm done!" His arms moved as he spoke only emphasizing his words. He door slammed behind him. He didn't know where else to go so he was just an hour early for work today.

It can't possibly get worse. He thought to himself, as he walked through the building and up to his dressing room. Immediately regretting the thought.His schedule was the exact same for the rest of the week.

"Fuck!" He slammed his fist into the door before opening it and shutting it behind him.

Charlie was sat at the bar wondering what all the commotion was about. Husk rolled his eyes at most of what she had to say.

"For fuck sake! I didn't mean to yell at him!" Husk defended.

"You know what you need to do right?" Charlie asked.

"Yes." Husk groaned, before chugging his booze.


Charlie left Husk alone for a bit she and Vaggy spent there day prepping for new guests courtesy of Alastor. The two had a busy day of showing the new guests around the hotel, as well as assigning rooms.

Angel's night was just like last but he had quite a few more clients tonight. He fuckin hated every minute of it he wanted nothing more than to disappear. Pretend like none of this was fucking real. After his last client he convinced Valentino to leave him at the bar. There was no way he was asking Husk for a ride, not after being screamed at like that. But being at the bar made the walk back to the Hazbin Hotel much shorter, so Angeldust was back just before one am.

He walked in the door, the bar wasn't closed down for the night which was odd considering it was well past ten o clock and Husk wasn't behind it.  Angeldust walked deeper into the lobby and saw the as for mentioned demon sitting in the couch. Husk stood up the moment he heard the door shut. He walked towards Angeldust

"Angel, I'm so sorry." Husk's voice was soft, his extended his hand to place on Angel's shoulder but he flinched away. Husk was taken aback, the sheer thought of Angel thinking he'd ever hurt him physically made his facial expression fall. His ears drooped.

"Just leave me alone!" Angeldust tried to run off but Husk cought one of his hands gently in his.

"Wait!" Husk exclaimed. His voice softened quickly. "Did you think I was going to hit you? Angel, I'd never."

"Never?" Angeldust's voice broke as he choked out the word.

The two demons were only inches apart. Husk slowly closed the gap, his lips softly brushing against Angel's. Both of their eyes widened and immediately shut as Angel kissed back.

"Holy shit!" Vaggy exclaimed from the top of the stairs. She and Charlie left their room to see what the yelling was about but by the time they made it to the stairs well it was already over.

"Awe!" Charlie gawked.

The two demons downstairs pulled away. Husk rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, as Angeldust ran up the stairs to his room. Husk shut down the bar and mopily walked up stairs to his own room.

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