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The next morning Angeldust woke up dreading another day of work. He laid on his bed, just snuggling with his pet not really ready for the day. Eventually he got dressed and kissed Fat Nuggets on top of his head before he left the room and went downstairs.

Husk wasn't at the bar yet, how early was it? Angeldust checked his phone, it was eleven am. Angeldust assumed he had to do something else, for Alastor. So he went back upstairs. He bumped into Charlie because he wasn't paying attention to anything.

"Shit sorry." He apologized.

"It's fi- hey are you alright?" She asked a hint of worry evident in her tone.

"Just don't want to go to work." Angeldust stated.

"Is there anything I can do to help? You could tell him you got a drug test appointment, it wouldn't be a total lie." Charlie offered some suggestions. She didn't know the extent of his situation but, she knows enough to want to help in anyway she could.

"It would just make tomorrow worse, if I avoid it. I appreciate your effort though. Thanks, Charlie." Angeldust stated.

Charlie just nodded and have the spider a supportive hug with a pat on the back.  She knows Angeldust is stronger than most people give him credit for. It's probably why she's more lenient with him, than Vaggy. Ever since she tried to get him time off before, she's been so worried about him. It's been months since then and she wants more than anything to be able to Angeldust out of that.

Angeldust went back into his room and Charlie went down the stairs.

Charlie's heart hurts for all the sinners in hell, regardless of all the baggage they carry, she sees something in them, they don't even see in themselves. Well,
She has only her parents to thank for that. She was born with the humanity, the majority of these sinners either abandoned or forgotten. She knows her dream will help them but, it takes time and how much bullshit will these sinners go through before they get into Heaven? She hopes it's worth it, for their sake.

Alastor and Husk stepped through a portal, Husk wasting no time opening the bottle of booze Alastor rewarded him with, for his assistance. He walked over to the bar.

A little over an hour had passed before Angeldust swayed down the stairs. Smiling the instant he noticed Husk was back. His posture changed, and he seemed to be in a better mood, he sat down at the bar.

"Hey!" Husk greeted.

"Hiyah." Angel wiggled his fingers flirtatiously. He noticed Husk wasn't drinking his usual cheap alcohol. "Whatcha got there?"

"Blackberry bourbon, courtesy of The Radio Demon." Husk informed, he poured a little into a glass and passed it to the spider with a wink.

Angeldust looked between him and the drink, just before picking it up and sipping it. He smacked his tongue to the roof of his mouth a few times, getting a good taste fo the beverage. "That's good shit!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah it is." Husk agreed swilling the contents of the bottle.

Sooner than Angeldust was hoping for, the time for him  to head to work, approached. He said goodbye to everyone in the Lobby and walked out of the hotel.

Angeldust went to his dressing room and checked the schedule posted on his door.
Valentino had him scheduled for a late night. "Fanfuckingtastic." He groaned entering his dressing room.

He quickly went through his contacts and called Charlie. She answered after the second ring.

"Angel? Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just got here. Val's got me scheduled for a double so I probably won't be back til tomorrow morning." Angeldust stated.

"No problem Angel, thanks for letting me know." Charlie said.

"Alright, bye now." Angeldust said.

"Be safe. See you tomorrow." Charlie said before Angeldust hung up.

At least filming will be mellow, Satan knows his clients won't be.  He changed quickly and put in his robe, going to hair and makeup right on schedule. He got to the set and went to his starting position waiting for the cue.

"Action!" Valentino yelled.

Angeldust nailed the scene in one take quickly barreling through today's project. That's why he was Val's favorite. Once they wrapped up. Valentino gave Angel and the other workers three hours of down time before they would need to get ready. They were allowed to leave the studio, as long as they came back on time. Angel didn't seize the opportunity only because, he didn't want to take the risk of leaving the hotel too late and pissing Val off by not being here. He's gotten really good at picking his battles, and this one just wasn't worth it.

  He went to the lounge only for a snack and a hot cup of coffee and went back to his dressing room, where he ate, and drank his coffee as he scrolled through social media.

Angeldust left his dressing room at 8:30 and went to the lounge to wait for Valentino. Two of his actresses were already there. He scrolled through his phone while he waited not wanting to socialize at all. Another actor walked in at around 8:45. Angeldust only looked up to see who was coming in.

Valentino, didn't enter the lounge until 9:15. "Sorry I'm late, Vox and I had errands, I expected it to only take an hour." He rolled his eyes, as he insincerely apologized.

Nobody said anything dispite knowing full well what "errands" he was running. Everyone in the lounge stood up and followed the moth out of the building where the black limousine was waiting.

Everyone piled in after Valentino, Angeldust was last and he sat as far away from Val as he could.

"Ang-el..." Val spaced his name out in a warning tone. Angeldust rolled his eyes and stood up, sitting next to the moth. Only for Val to pick him up and sit him in his lap. Angeldust crossed his all four of his arms in annoyance. He didn't speak at all on the ride to the club.

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