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The limo dropped him off at a brick two story building. The door was white and had a decent sized window. Angel contemplating for a moment before opening the door, a bell went off as he stepped through signaling someone had entered the building.

There was a Desk with a small female looking imp sat typing away. Angeldust walked over to it.

"Um, hello?" He greeted awkwardly.

The small imp looked up at Angel. "Oh hello, how can I help you?" She asked.

"Uhm a friend gave me this card, I called earlier." He stated.

"Oh yes, down the hall to the left, room 125." Said the reception-imp.

Angel thanked her and walked past the front desk going to the door with that number. Only a few people were here. It was only 1:45 yet. He noticed a couple of his coworkers were also here, he hoped none of them would tell Valentino about this.

"Oh hello, I'm Daz, my pronouns are they/them, I'm so glad you're joining us today." A demon greeted. They had small horns and two very messy space buns with fly aways that looked intentional and added to her over all Grunge looking style.

"Uh, Angeldust, he/him." He greeted.

"Oh yes, we spoke over the phone. Take a seat we'll be getting started in just fifteen minutes." Daz stated. He walked over to the group fo chairs placed in a circle and sat down.

More demons piled in after ten minutes and they started right on time.

Everyone took a moment to introduce themselves since there was a new member and then Angel introduced himself to everyone as well. Everyone talked about their experiences and Daz offered insight on how to deal with the trauma and feelings that come from sexual abuse. She had these designated pillows to help let out their feelings in healthy ways. One was for hugging and one was for punching.

Angel used the punching pillow as he explained the events of his previous day. He only hugged the other pillow when he mentioned Husk and how awful he feels for not even greeting him yesterday, let alone not talking to him at all until later on this morning. He was worried about using Husk's name since his coworkers were also here so he just called him his friend, afraid of what would happen if anyone told Valentino.  He cried violently as he recalled last night's events.

Husk was at the bar serving the other guests while Al and Charlie work out the details for the talent show taking place next week.

Eventually Alastor mosied over to the bar.

"Alright, here's the plan." He stated. Husk poured him a drink and placed it before the deer.

Alastor took a sip before continuing.

"Charlie will have her talent show at your casino, it will be open to all. We're going to be putting fliers up all over hell and I'm sure once the Vees find out my project is putting it on, they'll attend." Alastor explained.

"Where do I fit into this?" Husk asked.

"I'm getting to that! You'll be at one of your poker tables, as that is your talent. You can challenge that pitiful moth, just make it good before you place your bet for Angel's soul. I'll be there if you need a hand." Alastor continued.

"What makes you think I'd need help? You got lucky when I lost to you." Husk asked before tipping his bottle.

"The Vees are notorious cheaters and liars, I would just be there in case they pull any bullshit." Alastor assured.

"House always wins." Husk muttered.

"Exactly, my good man!" Alastor said in his over enthusiastic voice, before downing the remainder of his drink.

Angel's little therapy session was more helpful than he expected it to be. It felt good to get those emotions out without having to trauma dump on his friends. Although Daz said some things that made him feel a bit called out but he's pretty sure everyone there had felt the same.

"The people down here that care about you, want to be your support system. Let them, I know it's easier said than done but I guarantee having people there at your lowest, help you get back on your feet."

Well I guess I owe Husk a better apology. He thought to himself.

The limo picked him up when the session ended and brought him back to the hotel. He sat at the bar, his head in his hands.

"You okay Legs?" Husk asked handing Angel his bottle.

The spider graciously accepted and took a nice gulp. "Yes? No? Sorta?" He groaned unable to answer because he didn't understand his emotions right now.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you. It's just easier to hide than, see your face fall when you see me in pain." Angel groaned.

"Hey, you apologized already. You don't need to keep doing it. I understand your thought process. It just, hurts more watching you choose to deal with it by yourself." Husk stated, his ears drooping as he spoke.

"I realize that now." Angel sighed.

There was a pause while Angel took another swig from the bottle before he passed it back to the bar tender.

"Was it helpful at all?" Husk wondered, just wanting to know what Angel thought about it. The spider nodded.

"I think so. I wish the damn pillow they gave me was Val's stupid face doe."

"Pillow?" His was confused.

"Yeah, they passed around these pillows for us to hug or punch as we needed. I'm surprised I didn't put a hole in it." Angel chuckled, realizing it probably wasn't a good thing.

Husk took a swig from his bottle, he put his arm supportively on Angel's shoulder, and patted it.

"I'm glad it helped kid." He said calmly.

"Me too, I only considered it cause I was gonna start looking for a high, if I didn't." Angel agreed.

"Wait, you're still clean?!" Husk didn't mean to sound as shocked as he had, he took a swig of his bottle. He didn't want to doubt Angel but, last time he avoided husk it was because he was high as shit. He didn't want to assume of course but, he knew it could have been why he shut him out again.

Angel nodded.

"I'm so fucking proud of you!" Husk annouced before leaning over the bar and kissing his boyfriend. Luckily Alastor was out posting fliers around hell with Charlie. They pulled away regardless cause it was only four and any of the sinners could come by for a drink. "You really have come a long way, Anthony."

Angel's eyes widened as he opened his phone. "Fuck I gotta get to the studio!" He face palmed, he really didn't want to go back after the shit Valentino pulled.

"One more kiss for the road?" Husk offered. Angel agreed by walking behind the bar and planting his lips on Husk's. Making out for just a little while before Angel left the hotel frenzied.

Husk wasn't one to pry usually, but if Angel wasn't hiding that he was high, he couldn't help but wonder what the fuck happened that made him hide like that.

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