Forty Two

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Husk took a deep breath and exhaled and he sat on the foot of his bed, his legs barely touching the floor as he slouched.

"I was, just gonna leave it alone but, I can't now. What the actual fuck is going on in ya head Anthony?!" Husk asked in a calm tone he couldn't maintain.

Angel was silent, his head was spinning.

"It's real nasty up in there Husky." Angel admitted.

"I know it is, and I don't care. How the fuck haven't you realized that?" Husk crossed his arms. "What the fuck happened yesterday Angel?"

Angel sighed heavily. "I'm definitely not sober enough for this."

Husk raised an eyebrow. Well that was different. He thought.

Angel took a deep breath. Husk looked at him but avoided Angel's eyes not wanting to make him more uncomfortable.


Husk raised an eyebrow, he looked into his eyes this time. Angel struggled to find the words, for a moment.

"Okay so, Val's boss was at the studio today." Angel sighed.

Husk made a face. To say he was lost was an understatement.  Angel waited a minute before he continued, while Husk took the time to process.  He nodded at the spider to continue.

"It's nice when Azmodeus is there, He's like the exact opposite of Val. He'd probably kill the muthafucka, if he saw how he treated us." Angel expressed.

"Shit!" Was all Husk said. "I've been drinking all day, and I'm still not drunk enough for this."

Angel couldn't help but Snicker.

"Anyways, Val was like ridiculously nice to all a us. Like full on lovebombing everyone, and we just have to go with it. We all knew it was bullshit. It would be back to normal the minute he was gone."

Husk was silent just listening retaining the information as it came.

"Well, Val called me over so I went over to him, and uhh he kissed me, I just went with it because his boss was there. He fuckin tried to shove his tongue in my mouth, and I pushed him off me and yelled at him, made a big scene without really meaning for it. He left me alone until they left. When they did he called me into his office." Angel was shaking at this point.

He was on the verge of a panic attack, and the come down was only making it worse. Husk didn't even have the time to be pissed at that cause he was more worried about Angeldust.

"A-Ange." Husk breathed shakily. He stood to steady him and guided him to the bed. Husk sat beside him, and just held him. "In through your nose. Out through your mouth." Husk reminded.

Angel took a deep breath in. Then exhaled.  Husk rubbed his back soothingly, as he tried to steady his breaths.

Angel's breathing eventually regulated. Husk pulled him in for a hug, then held his face with his paws.

Husk wiped them away.
"I'm so, fucking sorry Angel."

Husk let go of Angel's hands and he just pulled him in for a tight embrace.

"I just don't want to fuckin remember." Angel sobbed into Husk's shoulder.

Husk rubbed his back.

"Shhhh, I got you." He assured in a soothing soft voice. He started purring as Angel petted him while the hugged, the sound was calming to him.

Husk let go after a minute and laid on his bed, Angel immediately laid his head on his chest, Husk wrapped his arms around him. "You won't have to deal with his shit soon." Husk assured.

Angel was already asleep. So Husk tried to sleep too.

The next day went better than Husk expected, he and Angel woke up early thanks to falling asleep early. They were still laying in the same position but now Husk was on top with his head on Angel's chest floof as they just laid their scrolling on their phones for a bit waiting for the day to start. It was only eight am and the bar didn't open til ten.

"You alright?" His asked killing the silence.

"Yeah, better now that it's off my chest." Angel admitted.

"You going to that talent show thing?" Husk asked.

"When is that, again?" Angel asked.

"Next week." Husk stated.

"It's still at your casino?" Angel asked. Husk nodded.

"Then, I'll be there." He stated.

Husk sat up, ran his fingers through the fur on his head, and out his hat on. "Good cause Alastor and I have a plan."

"The fuck you thinkin Husky?"

"I'm getting you out of your deal." Husk stated. Angel just stared at him.

"Whiskers, how the fuck are you gonna do that?" Angel's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Doing what I do best." Husk stated, pulling out his cards.

Angel eyes flickered between his love and the cards in his hands before wrapping his arms around Husk tightly.

"You're fuckin crazy but, it just might work."  Angel said before Husk's lips were against his.

They made out for a bit before the two got dressed and went downstairs. Husk went behind the bar opened a bottle of booze and took a swig before he passed it to Angel.

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