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The two walked back into the hotel, Angel grabbed his gift off the bar top, went into the kitchen and took the tray of cookies that had a piece of paper that said 'for Angie' upstairs. Husk followed him to his room.

The two got to his room and sat on his bed.

Angel offered a cookie to Husk as he took one.

"Ya gonna open it?" Husk asked.

Angel nodded.

He lifted the bag and untangled the handles. He pulled out a rectangular box wrapped in newspaper.

He tore it open to reveal a framed picture of The couple and Fat Nuggets on Angel's bed. Husk had just kissed Angel's cheek when he took the picture. A wide toothy smile appeared on his face.

"Awe, babe." Angel wiped a tear away before it fell, he placed the frame on his night stand, and wrapped his arms around Husk. "Thanks Whiskers, I love it."

Husk smiled and hugged back.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Husk was closer so he stood up and opened the door.

There stood, Charlie, Vaggy and Cherri. Charlie waved.

"Hey nerd!" Cherri greeted.

"Charlie dragged me here." Vaggy admitted.

Husk chuckled and turned back to face Angel, who rolled his eyes.

"Get in here." He sighed, tilting his head as he spoke.

The group of three piled into the room and Husk shut the door sitting back on his bed.

Angel offered them all some of the cookies Cherri as Charlie baked for him. Vaggy was still unaware of his birthday, but Charlie insisted she come with her.

The group chatted and just kept Angel company. Fat Nuggets made his way around the room begging for attention from everyone. Vaggy lifted him.

"I guess he is kinda cute." She admitted petting the piglet before placing it on Angel's bed. Fat Nuggets ran up to the spider and rested in his lap contently. Angel petted the small pig.

After a few hours Charlie and Vaggy left with a 'goodnight' on the way out Charlie turned back, to mouth the words 'happy birthday.'

"I love you guys!" Angel said wrapping three of his arms around Cherri and the other three around Husk.

"We love you too!" The other two demons stated, as they hugged him.

He was more happy in this moment than he has been in his entire afterlife.

Angel still had half the batch of cookies to eat by the time Cherribomb left his room.

Husk just engulfed him yet another embrace, signing contently.

Angel kissed his cheek.

Husk looked lovingly into the other demon's eyes.

Fat Nuggets moved off of Angel's lap and fell asleep at the foot of the bed

"How the hell could you ever think I just wanted your soul?" Husk sighed.

Angel chuckled, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah I guess that was pretty stupid of me."

Husk chuckled and pushed Angel against the bed and tickled him. "You're adorable you fuckin idiot."

"Husky stooooop!" He groaned trying to stop the fit of giggles but overall failing.

Husk didn't. "But your laugh is so cute though!"

Angel squirmed underneath him trying to get away. "If you keep going, I'm not responsible for your injuries!" He yelled as he laughed.

"Oh really?" Husk took that as a challenge and continued to attack the spider with tickles.

Angel continued laughing, and then he gently kicked Husk's shoulder to get him off him, and sat up. "That's enough babe."

Husk complied and just hugged him wrapping his wings around Angel and laying back on the bed with his boyfriend on top of him.

"I love you so much." He stated.

"I love you too." Angel replied kissing the cat demon.

A few hours went by and the couple fell asleep. Fat Nuggets made his way between both of them, stealing all of the cuddles.

Here this song reminds me of Husk

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