Seventy Four

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The next day, everyone gathered in the lobby including Adam and Lute. Lucifer was also there. Husk stayed at the bar he already knew what this was about. He took a swig from his booze just observing.

"I think it's time I reintroduce myself to you guys." Anthony stated.

Charlie knew exactly what that meant because she had to know his name as it would appear to heaven.  However everyone else, including Cherribomb looked confused.

"Hi, I'm Anthony and I'm really glad I can finally be myself now."

Charlie was so excited she didn't think this would happen.

"He's the twin brother Molly wouldn't shut the fuck up about?" Lute asked Adam.

"Honestly how did we, not see that coming?" Adam asked in his usual assholic tone.

Vaggy was shocked. She wasn't surprised that Angeldust wasn't his actual name but it still surprised her that he was comfortable sharing it with everyone.

"Wait Angeldust is a man?!" Niffty asks.

Everyone facepalmed. They've only been telling her that since the pilot.

The spider just chuckled.

Everyone went about their day like normal.

Cherri and Anthony sat at the bar, Husk served them drinks.  Vaggy waved him over exactly as he expected her too. He excused himself from the bar and walked over to her and Charlie with a smirk.

"Alright, what is so important?" Charlie asked.

Husk mumbled something in Vaggy's ear, and she immediately shared it with Charlie who immediately bounced happily.

"Absolutely, I'll tell Alastor I'm giving you the rest of the day off." She assured.

"Thanks Charlie, keep him busy I don't need him asking questions." Husk stated.

He walked back to the bar.

"You ready to go?" Cherri asked.

Husk nodded.

Angel raised an eyebrow.
He stood from the bar and rushed passed them, blocking the door.

"Hang on, since when did you to go anywhere without me?" He asked.

Vaggy walked into the room. "Ang- sorry Anthony Charlie forgot to tell you you got another drug test today."

"Fuckin damnit!" He groaned. He glared at his boyfriend and his friend. "You two are up to something. I will find out what it is." He walked away.

Husk and Cherri left the hotel, without further delay. They walked around hell for hours popping into the best jewelry stores Hell had to offer.

Charlie, Adam, Lute, Vaggy and Anthony, all got into the limo.

Anthony wasn't very happy to see Adam and Lute with them.

"Why the fuck are they here?" He groaned.

"Oh that's cause I lied." Vaggy stated, with a chuckle.

"WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH!" Charlie cheered.

Anthony didn't buy it. He crossed his arms.

"Then why didn't ya say that, and why are none of you dressed for the beach?" He asked.

"Cause we're just looking for hellshells and going to eat." Vaggy explained. "These two can't be alone with Alastor. And Lucifer has shit to do."

He was still unsure, but didn't argue. The limo took off to the beach and left. It will be back later to pick them up. First they went to Hell's greatest surf and turf Charlie paid for everyone.

Husk and Cherri walked around one last store. Cherri and Husk were on opposite sides of the store, nothing he looked at made him think Angel would like it. Hense why Cherri agreed to go with him.

She was looking at a display case for white gold bands some of dimonds some had other time of gems or crystals. Her face contorted into very wide toothy smile at the sight of one particular ring. She immediately called Husk over to her.

Husk walked over. Glad she found something at least. She pointed to a ring with a black onyx gem in the center, it wasn't small but it wasn't huge, it has smaller rose quartz gems on either side of the center gem.

"That's fuckin perfect!" Husk stated.

"Right!" Cherri agreed.

Husk waved one of the workers, asking for a price. He paid and was handed  the ring in case and a small drawstring bag.

"You know he's gonna kill me for this right?" She asked.

"Yeah by squeezing the life outta you." Husk laughed.

The two left the store and headed straight to the beach.

By now the group  made it to the beach where they looked for hellshelles not finding very many.

"Charlie I swear if you tell me, what the fuck those two are doing, I'll talk Husky into letting you hug him at least once."

Charlie shook her head. "I've sworn to secrecy. VAGGY YOU WERE RIGHT!" she yelled

Anthony panicked. "Hey hey, no we don't need vagina. EVERYTHING IS FINE VAGGY!"

Vaggy ran up to him as Charlie walked away.

Shit! Anthony facepalmed.

She motioned Angel to get to her height, and gently punched his shoulder.

"You really think, Husk was gonna trust her with information, and not have a plan for if you try to get it out of her?" She asked.

Angel was now really annoyed, he just wanted to know what the fuck was going on. He hates surprises, but alas he just went back to looking for the stupid shells.

Husk and Cherri came into view and Charlie waved Vaggy, Lute and Adam to the pier, without letting Anthony notice.

Cherri patted Husk on the shoulders as they got closer.

"Go get em tiger." She laughed. Before joining everyone else on the pier.

Charlie, Vaggy, and Cherribomb had their phones out, ready to take pictures.

Husk took a deep breath and walked over to Anthony who was still looking for hellshells.

He stood up realizing everyone disappeared and noticed Husk walking towards him so he met him half way.

He crossed his arms.

"You gonna tell me what the fuck is going on, now?" Anthony asked.

Husk chuckled.

"Are you actually as mad as you sound?" He asked.

Anthony shrugged, his arms still crossed but, stayed silent.

"Turn around." Husk instructed.

Anthony groaned, he rolled his yes but did.

Husk rummaged through his pocket, taking the small, draw string bag out, and taking the black box out of that.

Charlie was trying so hard not to scream she was so excited.

Husk opened the box and got down on one knee.

Anthony sighed at how long he was taking.

"Can I turn around now?" He asked.

Husk chuckled. "Yes, Tony you can turn around."

Anthony did and he gasped, his eyes went wide.

The girls at the pier immediately started taking photos.

He looked from Husk to the girls, doing his best to fight the smile that was creeping on his red tinted face, as he stuck his finger in the air, before looking back at Husk.

"Will you Mary me Tony?" Husk asked.

Anthony nodded violently. "Of fuckin course I will!"

Husk stood, wrapping his arms around the spider's waist, lifting him in the air and spinning around.

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