Thirty Four

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I love this picture!

Most of the night went by uneventfully.

"You're off tomorrow too then?" Husk asked, as he finished his booze.

"Yep, Cherri and I were gonna go out." He answered.

"Good. You really should get out more." Husk stated, as he polished a glass.

"Don't like my company?"

"Now, you know that's not true." Husk rolled his eyes. "You've not really hung out with her in a while. I think it would be good for you both."

"Fair enough."

Husk walked out from behind the bar entwining his fingers with Angel's as the spider leaned down meeting the cat demon half way as they kissed.

"Oh, you guys are finally up." Charlie greeted. "You're feeling better I presume?" She asked.

Angeldust chuckled.

"Much." Husk stated.

Charlie sat down and Husk poured her usual fruity cocktail.

"How are you doing Angel?" She asked, taking a sip.

Angel grabbed his drink and stretched. "Same old shit different day, why?"

"Weeeell, Vaggy and I were talking and we wanted to know if you'd be interested in trying a support group, for other sinners in situations like yours." She stated.

Angeldust gulped.

"Uh, I'mma go up to my room, bye." Husk said, rushing to the elevator.

"Husker! You asshole!" Angel yelled.

"We're not forcing you to go, we just wanted to give you the resources. Here's there card if you decide to consider it. They're located in Cannibal town." She handed Angel a business card and held it out so he could read it.

Angel took a moment, then hugged her. "Thanks, Charlie. I'll think about it." He said. "Goodnight." He said, before going to the elevator he forgets is there sometimes. He pressed the button go off on the second floor and went to his room.

He closed the door, alerting Fat Nuggets he arrived back to the room. "Hey buddy. He lifted the little pig, looking to his food bowl.

"Shit! I'm sorry." He quickly sat the pig on the floor, and filled his food bowl. He didn't really forget to feed him, Nugget just finished the remainder of food in the bowl. Angel tries his best to keep his bowl full so if he's hungry he can eat at any point, especially since Angel is gone for hours.

Nuggets ate, Angel got ready for bed, he even laid under the covers, but he scrolled on his phone for a bit.

His phone buzzed.

♠️♥️ Whiskers ♣️♦️
Sorry legs I don't know if I was too drunk or not drunk enough for that.

Angel sighed, typing back a reply.

Loser 🩷
Yeah yeah it's fine. Still an asshole tho 🥺

Angeldust waiting for a reply that didn't come.

There was a knock on his door.

He sat up on his bed. "Come in." He called.

The door opened and Husk walked through it.

"Hey." Was all he said. Fat Nuggets greeted the cat by snorting and sitting at his feet and tilting his head. Husk lifted the small pig.

"Hey." Angel said with a little wave.

Husk chuckled to himself.

"Whatcha want Husky?" The spider asked.

"My bed was kinda lonely." He said as he eyes wandered around Angels room.

"Get over here, dumbass." Angel rolled his eyes, and moved over to make room for Husk.

The cat laid down beside the spider, wrapping his arms around Angel and kissing his cheek.

Angel melted under his touch and turned toward him as he engulfed Husk into a hug, as his chest floof brushed against Husk's, due to their height difference. Husk moved so it wasn't completely in his face.

"Do you think I should?" Angel asked finally.

"My thoughts aren't important babe. You gotta decide for yourself." Husk stated.

"Do you think it would help?"

"It might, it might not. But you've got nothing to lose." Husk assured.

Angel's fingers combed through Husk's fur on the back of his neck causing the cat to pur.

"I love hearing that." Angel sighed contently.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't do this shit in front of the others okay?"

"I promise Husky." Angel assured, basically petting the cat.

Husk purred and eventually fell asleep as Angel continued.

"Awe." Angel gushed in a whisper before he slowly fell asleep too.

Angel was back at the studio, Val was visibly pissed off and was pushing shit around and throwing whatever was in his way, as he approached Angel's room.

"You think you can fucking cheat on ME?" He said slamming the door open.

"Va-val!" Angel gasped. He didn't realize it but he was sweating.

"I should fuckin kill you right fuckin now!"

Val pulled out one of his various guns, and aimed it at Angel.

"Val! Fuck no! I'm sorry!" He yelled.

"It's a little late for sorry." Val cocked the gun getting ready to pull the trigger. Angel's body tensed ready for what happens next.

Husk woke up to Angel's screams of distress. "Legs are yo- shit Angel wake up!" Husk shook him until his eyes opened.

Angel immediately looked around realizing he was still in his room at the hotel and smiled when he saw Husk next to him.

"What the- Oh it was just a dream." He sighed hugging the cat and thanking him for pulling him away from the nightmare.

"Are you alright?" Husk asked stroking his cheek comfortingly.

"I am now." Angel said in his flirtatious tone, snuggling into the crook of Husk's neck comfortingly. Husk wrapped his arms around Angel and held him tightly.

"I've got you, and nothing is gonna happen while I'm here." Husk assured.

The two went back to sleep as it was like the two in the morning and neither of them wanted to be awake.

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