Sixty Four

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The rest of the day went by uneventfully, which everyone seemed to be grateful for after two very different surprises happening right after each other.

Husk Cherri and Angel were sat at the bar, chatting away after quite a while of both Angel and Husk teasing her for falling for a guy like Sir Pentious.

"In all seriousness, I'm glad you two worked out well, dispite the whole long distance thing." Angel admitted.

Suddenly snorts and squeals were heard as well as the pitter patter of Nuggets feet running down the stairs.

"Fat Nuggets?! what are you doing out of my room?" Angel asked out loud not expecting an answer.

Just then Alastor came running after the pig with a fork and knife in his hands.

Fat Nuggets squealed and jumped into Angel's lap.

"The fuck you doing to my Nephew?!" Cherri stood off her bar stool yelling at Alastor.

"How many times do I gotta tell ya, you can't fuckin eat Fat Nuggets!" Husk groaned.  "Keep this shit up Al and I'll kill ya."

"Now now, let's not do anything hasty." The Radio Demon tried to plead. "I just wanted to know if he tasted as good as he looks."

"YOU'RE NOT FUCKIN EATING MY SON!" Angel yelled, cradling Fat Nuggets.

He kissed the pig's head and whispered. "You're okay, Nuggs he won't hurt you. Daddy's gotcha."  He looked angrily at Alastor.

Charlie walked down the stairs.

"What's with all the yelling?" She asked.


Charlie gasped, and dragged Alastor away by his ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, is this really necessary?" He groaned as Charlie dragged him up the stairs.

"Leave that pig alone or I'll have my dad Smite you." Charlie warned.

He groaned. "Fiiiine."

The trio went back to talking amongst themselves and drinking, before Husk's shift ended. Then Husk and Angel went up to his room and Cherri left the hotel, she said she had some things to do.

Angel didn't let Nuggets out of his sight now, he made sure his door was shut as he walked into is room and sat his son on his bed and sat down next to Husk.

Angel and Husk and the small pig were cuddled up on Angel's been when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Angel called.

"If it's Al, Fuck you go away!" Husk yelled.

Charlie opened the door, to reveal herself and Vaggy.

"Oh it's you guys, what's up?" Angel asked.

The couple walked into the room.

"Weeeell Emily, wanted me to pick a few sinners to join her on a tour of heaven. I chose you two and Cherri." Charlie stated.

Husk immediately refused. "Oh no, absolutely fuckin not."

"Hey, it could be fun." Angel tried to negotiate.

Vaggy looked at Charlie with a face that said 'I told you so.'

"No!" Husk stated crossing his arms. "I ain't going up there with all those preppy self righteous bastards."

"But Husky!" Angel whined, and pouted.

Husk looked away not budging on the matter. "You can go with Cherri and I can stay here."

The room fell silent til Charlie spoke up. "Weeeell, Emily told me to pick three so I'd have to pick one of the newbies." Charlie stated.

Angel's eyes widened.
"Oh no, I'm not touring Heaven with some douche bag I don't know, with out you. Especially cause Cherri wouldn't go either and then I'd be stuck with TWO douche bags I don't know." He protested.

"Sorry Husk, looks like you're stuck." Vaggy stated.

The cat demon groaned. "Even when I'm fuckin free, I still get forced to do shit."

"Good talk!" Charlie cheered. She and Vaggy left the room and closed the door, taking the elevator up to the third floor to tell Cherri the same news. Who took it much better cause she hoped it meant seeing Sir Pentious.

Husk still looked annoyed.

"Oh com'on sourpuss, you really don't think it would be fun?" Angel asked.

"You think there's booze in heaven? There's probably not, and if I gotta be fuckin sober imma kill myself."

"But, you're already dead." Angel stated.

"I'll spend eternity blowing my brains out then." Husk stated.

Angel rolled his eyes.

"Come on babe, it's not that serious, how long could a tour of heaven be?" He wondered.

"I don't know and I don't care, I still don't want to go." He crossed his arms again.

Angel sat in his lap and wrapped his arms around him, and kissed his face repeatedly.
Husk wrapped his hands around Angel's waist.

"You're not gonna get me to change my mind." Husk stated.

"I know." Angel admitted before kissing his lips.

Husk kissed back, sliding his tongue in angels mouth the second the spider's lips parted. Angel started grinding his hips against Husk's as the kiss deepened.

Husk let it go for a bit before he pulled away.

"Angel." He breathed.

Angel looked Husk in the eye waiting for him to speak again.

"I love you, but not right now." Husk stated.

Angel sighed.

"Fiiiine. Can we cuddle at least?" Asked the spider.

Husk laid back on the bed and pulled Angel on top of him. "Always."

Angel placed a kiss on his forehead before burrying his face into the fur on Husk's neck.

The cat demon chuckled.

"Husky?" Angel said like a question.

"Tony." Husk answered, causing Angel to blush.

"What if one of us does go to heaven?" Angel asked.

Husk facepalmed. "I'm not drunk enough for this."

One of Angel's various hands was petting Husk's head, while he placed small kisses on Husk's neck, the cat started purring as he played with Angels hair.

"You're so fucking cute, you know that?" Husk asked.

Angel buried his face in Husk's fur.

"You're blushing aren't you?" Husk asked.

"Uh no." Angel stated.

"Mhm." Husk chuckled.

Angel sat up slightly to kiss his boyfriend, who pulled him closer, and flipped them over, without breaking the kiss. They made out for little while before Husk pulled away kissing Angel's forehead, then nuzzling into his chest floof.

"I love you so much Tony." Husk stated.

Angel hugged him tighter.

"I love you too kitty." Angel placed a kiss on top of his head.

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