Forty One

529 20 15

Husk didn't like where his mind was. He hated every single time Angel went back to the studio, he hated the nights he came home all beaten up, he hated Valentino most of all.

The day Angel's safe is the day that shit stain gets what he deserves. He thought.

He still didn't know what happened to Angel last night and fear, of the worst set in. He already had several bottles of alcohol before this, and he just downed six more bottles to the face, and get here he goes opening another.

Charlie had just returned from her little poster parade, and Husk seemingly hasn't noticed her presence, as she sat at the bar for five minutes and he hasn't said a word to her. .

"Uhhhh." She said in her usual upbeat voice, but with a worried tone, one finger lifted as if to get his attention. "Husk, are you alright?" She asked.

"What? Oh, hey princess." Husk said as Charlie snapped him from his thoughts.

"How many have you had?" She asked.

Husk chuckled.
"Uhhh, I sssssstopped coun'in aff'er ten." His words slurred.

"Riiiiiiiight. I know it's normally your job but, I think you need to be cut off."

Charlie should have known he'd move his arm as she reached for his bottle.

"I'm fi-ine!" Husk argued, hiccuping.

"Husk. I know you're an alcoholic but do you normally drink more than ten bottles before Angel even gets back from work?" She asked.

Husk's eyes narrowed. His ears drooped "no." He said lowly.

"What's up?" She asked.

Husk annoyed cat noises. He mumbled

"I'm just worried about him." He crossed his arms.

Charlie's expression fell more than it already was.

"Is everything alright?" She wondered.

Charlie thought for a moment. She filled with enough worry to match Husk. They shared a glance their faces matched their emotions. Husk slammed his hands down on the bar top startling The Princess of Hell.

"I don't know! He wouldn't talk to me last night!" Husk's eyes went wide as he realized how loud he was, he was just stressed, and really drunk.

"Shit, fuck. I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." He apologized.

"I understand you're worried. I worry about him too." Charlie assured.

He contemplated telling Charlie he's been sober but, he knew Angel wanted it to be a surprise. He decided against it.

Just then, the door opened and in walked Angeldust, he sat down at the bar. Husk immediately knew he was high.

"Angel?" Charlie asked.

"That's my name don't wear it out." He laughed.

Husk groaned, not knowing what to do.

"You seem different." She stated.

Husk looked between the two demons, put his bottle to his lips and just swallowed the entire contents. Seriously how the fuck had he not black out yet?

"I'm high, cupcake." Angel stated.

Husk's eyes widened with astonishment.

Did he really just say that? To Charlie?!

Charlie immediately went into word Vomit mode and Husk cut her off because neither he nor Angel understood what came outta her mouth.

"Charlie, why don't you take the cocktail I poured you, and this glass of tequila for Vaggy on, up to your room? I'll deal with this." Husk assured, just as he poured tequila into a glass and sat it down.

She just nodded, taking the glasses and walking away, towards the elevator.

Husk waited til she was in the elevator, he opened another bottle and took another swig. He put his hands on both of Angel's shoulders.

"Are you fucking nuts?!" Husk asked not yelling but he was talking a bit louder than usual for emphasis.

"Relaaaax Husky!" Angel said in a calm tone. "I'm fiiiine!"

"What the fuck did you take?" Husk asked looking Angel dead in the eyes holding him in place.

It was silent for a moment, Angel's mind was blank.

"Uhhhh, Xanax."

"Angel!" Husk wasn't even mad, this just amplified his worries. He's been trying to stay clean, and Husk knew, once Angel was sober again he was going to hate himself.

"You done?" Angel asked. "All this yellin' is giving me a headache." He sighed, pulling a pill bottle out of his purse. Husk wasn't even yelling.

"Fuck, no!" Now he was.

Greatful for his cat-like reflexes he leaned over the bar and snatched the bottle away.

"Hey! Give it back!" Angel whined, reaching, and practically laying over the bar top trying to grab the bottle from Husker.

Husk refused. Alastor walked down the stairs humming a show tune. Angel was almost completely behind the bar at this point. He went for it.

Husk threw the bottle at Alastor.

"Fuck! My Drugs!" Angel sprang off the bar top and sprinted in the direction of the flying pill bottle.

Alastor didn't even need to look at it, he snapped his fingers just before the bottle would have hit him, a portal appeared sending the drug only Alastor knew where.

Husk knew Alastor wouldn't let it hit him, infact he counted on it. One thing gambling teaches you, is probability. Paired with his ability to read people, it's how he became an overlord. Not only that but he's been on Al's leash long enough to know what he'd do, if a projectile was coming near him.

Husk ran after Angel, grabbing the back of his shirt just before he hit the floor. He turned Angel to face home and looked him in his eyes.

"Get yourself together Angel!" Husk said concern evident in his voice.

The reality was Angel was coming down, and he didn't want to deal with himself right now.

"I'll close up the bar." Alastor sighed realizing what was going on.

Husk thanked him quietly and took Angel by the hand dragging him to the elevator.
Husk pressed the button for the second floor. The ride to the next floor was deafeningly silent.

Husk took his hand again as the two walked towards Husk's room. Angel could tell Husk was upset his ears were drooping, and Angel hated it, he walked mopily behind Husk who was still gently pulling him, forward. They reached his room and Husk pulled Angel into the room and shut the door with his other hand.

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