Twenty Five

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"I highly doubt that, but why?" Husk wondered.

He looked around the room before looking Husk in the eye. "I haven't been even close, to being clean." He released a heavy breath he had held. He let go of Nuggets who was beginning to be restless in his arms. The small pig hopped of the bed and walked over to his own bed in the corner of the room and laid down.

"You talking about the coke you did at the casino?"

"You knew about that?" He chuckled, awkwardly looking down.

"Baby, I know everything that goes on there." Husker laughed. "And you weren't exactly discreet about it."

Angel was silent, looking down at the ground, avoiding eye contact again.

"Something tells me, that's not all you've been doing?" Husk asked.

Angel bit his lip, still looking to the ground as he shook his head 'no'. Husk sighed and sat on Angel's bed beside him. He placed his paw-hands on two out of four of Angel's hands.

"Hey, it's alright. Relapses happen. It's normal." He kissed the spiders cheek.

"You're not mad?" Asked the spider.

"Of course not. Charlie won't be either." Husk assured. "You should probably tell her tho."

"Wait, what? Why?"

"Angel, you've been putting up a front, acting like your fine." Husk started. "Those results are gonna scare her more than anything."

"I-I can't tell her! What if she cries?" Angel panicked.

"If it will make it easier, I'll come with you." The cat pleaded.

"Please?" Angel answered.

Husk nodded.

"Do we have to tell her right now?" Angel asked.

"I guess it could, wait til later." Husk replied.

"Good. Cause I wanna kiss you s'more." Angel chuckled pulling Husk's face close to his. Husk chuckled. Glad to return the gesture.

One of Angeldust's hands was entwined in the fur on Husk's head, his lower hands ruffled through the fur on his back. Husk couldn't help the purring that emmeted from his chest, as Angel deepened the kiss. Their tongues danced around each other's mouths in harmony.

Husk broke the kiss, wrapping Angel in a tight hug and burying his face in the spider's chest floof to hide the redness that spread across his cheeks.

About an hour went by.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." Angeldust sighed.

Husk and stood up, extending both his hands for Angel to take. "Com'on." He encouraged. He gently pulled Angel too his feet, and they walked out of his room hand in hand.

They walked over to Charlie's room. Angel lifted two arms to knock he hesitated, looking over at Husk. Who just motioned him to take a deep breath.

"Breathe." He mouthed.

Angel inhaled and exhaled audibly. He knocked on the door and waited for Charlie to answer.

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