Sixty Three

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The next day everyone was seated in the lobby chatting amongst themselves between the bar and the couches.

There was a knock at the door, Charlie immediately sat up and rushed over to it.

"Who the fuck could that be?" Vaggy asked.

She opened the door and considering she didn't even need to look to know who it was set of an alarm. She slammed the door.

"Was that who I think it is?" Husk asked.

Charlie nodded. She walked away not caring what the asshole wanted. Everyone waited for the knocking to stop.

"He's a stubborn prick, he's not gonna leave." Angeldust mentioned.

Husk stood up and walked over to the door, and opened it.

"The fuck do you want?" He asked looking up at Valentino.

"I'm here to bargain with y-" Valentino spoke.

Husk cocked his head.

"What makes you think anything you could offer would make me give him back?" Husk asked.

Valentino rolled his eyes.

"I'm not asking for him back. Whore is more trouble than he's worth." Valentino stated.

Husk flew up so he could look the moth in his face. He grabbed him by the collar of his shirts.

"Talk about him like that again mother fucker and I'll cut your tongue from your mouth and feed it to you, prick." The cat threatened.

"Not exactly the best choice of words if you want anything that has to do with Angie." Cherri butted in, not leaving her spot on the couch.

Val put his hands up in surrender.
"Alright, alright. I'll just cut to the chase. Vox told me to fix this myself. I know you don't give two fucks but, our ratings are tanking and so is my relationship." Val stated.

"You're right, I don't." Husk crossed his arms.

Angeldust stood up and walked over to the two demons. He wrapped his arm around Husk, who did the same.

"Thanks Husky, but I got this." Angel stated.

"You sure Legs?" Husk asked, Angel nodded in response.

Husk walked away but still close enough to Angel that if something happened he'd be able to step in. Now Cherri stood to ready for anything.

"You better make this quick, or it's not Husky that's kicking your ass." Angel crossed his arms.

"Look I'm not asking for much. Just an hour at the studio, all week. Vox is pissed I let you go." The moth stated.

"And what makes you think I want to go back?" Angel asked.

The moth was silent.

"Find someone else stupid enough to take a deal with you. I'm not playing your bullshit games anymore." Angel stated.

"Angel-cakes don-." Valentino tried reached for Angel's arms but the spider pulled it away and slapped him across the face.

"YES BITCH! KICK HIS ASS!" Cherri yelled cheering for Angel.

"You don't get to call me that anymore, and don't fuckin touch me!" Angel yelled. "Just get the fuck outta here and leave me alone!"

Angel slammed the door.

Everyone applauded or cheered as he did.

"Ya did good kid." Husk patted him on the back.

Angel walked with Husk back to the bar and sat down sipping his drink again.

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