Chapter 3: Versus

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*In the Cafeteria*

It was the next day, everyone was in the cafeteria getting their breakfast. As Lloyd and his dad talked in line Y/n didn't really pay attention until Lloyd started talking to her and the ninja. "Well, I know what we are being served, a whole bunch of baloney. This isn't a fighting tournament, it's an alibi for Chen to steal everyone's powers, but we still don't know why" Lloyd said as he sounded almost defeated.

"Isn't it obvious? Chen wants to destroy New Ninjago City. I don't know what it is, but that place has had a string of bad luck" Kai said as Lloyd left to go sit, "I'm not so sure. From what Sensei G's told us about him I have a feeling it's something far more sinister" Cole said as Kai left to go sit. Y/n follows behind him. "And may I remind us, we still don't know where Zane is, which is why we all need to take care of our first rounds to give us more time" Jay said as Cole then caught sight of what Jay was wearing, "don't look at me. I've already moved on" Jay said with a smile as Cole was still astonished at his robe and eye mask. "Your opponent got himself kicked out" Cole said as Jay laughed at him. "Either way, it's my day off" Jay said with a smile on his face "extra creamy biscuits. And don't skip" Jay said as Cole started to walk away, Jay following behind him with his tray full.

"Taking a day off? And here I thought ninjas never quit" Cole said in an angrier tone, "and I used to think a ninja wouldn't steal your girlfriend" Jay argued as they both glared at each other. "Whatever you have to say to each other, say it now. Because harboring grudges hurts no one but yourselves" Garmadon said as he looked at the two in front of him. "He's right. You should be preparing to fight your next opponent, not each other" Y/n said as she looked at both of them as if they were toddlers.

"What grudge? I already dropped it" Cole said as he looked away from Jay. "I dropped mine first" Jay said as he tried to one up Cole, "did not" Cole argued, "did too" Jay argued back. As they both pushed their trays together they soon spilled Jay's food and drink on the floor. Y/n sighed, "this tournament will test them, Lloyd. Either find a way for them to make peace, or neither of them will move on" Garmadon said, Y/n looked at Garmadon in disbelief, Y/n hated the thought of her failing to help them, and hated that if they got caught it was because of her.

Everyone went silent as the PA system turned on. "The Tournament of Elements continues. Fun time! Would the following masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Smoke, Nature, Mind. Oh, and last and hopefully not least..." Master Chen said over the PA system. "Huh, maybe we all get the day off" Jay said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Fire!" Master Chen finished. Y/n looked over at Kai, fear filled her to the very brim as she saw his body tense. "Remember, only one can remain," Master Chen said.

*The Arenas*

It was the start of the second day, Y/n was sitting on one of the bleachers with the other ninja, Y/n was in between Lloyd and Kai. As the people cheered, a drum was played as they started their fights. Speed vs Gravity. Mind vs Nature. And Fire vs Smoke. All put into different places, Speed and Gravity were on a cliff with a cherry blossom tree, with a Jade Blade at the top. Mind and Nature were on a small hill, with the blade at the top of a tall rock. And finally fire and smoke were on a bridge over lava.

*The cherry blossom arena*

"Turner, Master of Speed, versus Gravis, Master of Gravity. Fight!" Master Chen shouted as the fight began, if Y/n had to call this fight anything she would call it more of a race, there was not much contact at the start. As the fight started to actually get more physical Y/n got more interested as she watched her potential opponents carefully, "what? Can't keep up?" Turner asked as he ran around, as Y/n watched the fight continue she noticed how fair the fight actually was, they both had good advantages and disadvantages, which kept them both easily balanced.

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