Chapter 28: The Last Resort

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*the OPP*

The commissioner opened the door as he looked at Nya and Jay. "We can't defend you any longer. Did you find a safe house?" the commissioner asked, Jay nodded, "yeah, it's-" Jay said but the commissioner cut him off. "No, no, no, don't tell me. No one can know but you" the commissioner said as he opened an underground hatch door. "Listen, Jay, if Nadakhan finds and marries Nya, he'll have infinite wishes. Protect her" the commissioner said as he looked at the two Ninja. "I promise to, with my life" Jay said as he looked at the commissioner with a stern look. "I appreciate the macho sentiment, but may I remind you that I can look after my..." Nya said but she got cut off as piles of officers piled outside of the door. "There isn't any time. Go, Ninja. Go" the commissioner said as he closed the hatch once they got in.

The commissioner destroyed the map Jay and Nya were looking at just as Nadakhan and Flintlocke got in. "And what do you think you're doing?" Nadakhan asked as the pirate crew crowded outside of the room. "You're too late, Nadakhan. Ugh, that was a big map" the commissioner said as he burped. "Hey, look. They got away, Captain" Flintlocke said as he opened the hatch. "You'll never find them," the commissioner said as he pointed at Nadakhan. "Oh, I have my ways. Take him prisoner! Take them all! And find me that girl!" Nadakhan shouted as he looked at his crew.

*in the ocean*

Jay and Nya were on a rowing boat, heading to their safe house. "Please let me take a turn. If this is our way of traveling with a low profile, the least I can do is help row" Nya said as she looked around them, only seeing open waters. "No, no. I won't hear of it. You saved me last time. This time, let me take care of you. Besides, a gentleman would never let a lady row" Jay said as he panted while rowing as hard as he could.

"Oh, look, we're almost there" Jay said as they looked up at a lighthouse. "The lighthouse where Zane's father was held prisoner. Haven't been here for a while" Nya said as she looked at the lighthouse. "Yeah, let them search all of Ninjago. They'll never find us way out here" Jay said. Nya smirked as she placed her hands in the water and used her element to push them faster towards the lighthouse, causing Jay to be pushed forward from the push. "Woah!" Jay shouted as he was pushed towards Nya. "You said I couldn't row. I'm not rowing" Nya said as she smirked at him.

As Nya managed to beach the boat, Jay hopped out of the boat as the seagulls flew away. They both looked up at the dark lighthouse. Once they made it to the top the seagulls were surrounding the roof. "Uh, actually, it's a nice little resort. Vacant for years, yet not a sign of dust" Jay said as he emptied out his bag, showing all the food in his bag. The sound of beeping flooded their ears as a mini robot came out of a small box. "Oh, I forgot Zane's father liked his toys," Nya said as the robot cleaned up Jay's mess and set the bag upright. "Let's see what kind of supplies we have," Nya said as Jay started to search through his bag. "Enough food for a week. Change of clothes. The vial of poison Nadakhan doesn't know we have. And finally, one teapot of Traveler's Tea. But Y/N said to use it in case all else fails" Jay said as the robot put everything back in the bag as Jay pulled out other things.

"You wanna go over the plan again?" Nya asked as she smiled at him. "Okay. If Nadakhan shows up, we shoot him with the poison, then when he can't use his magic, I say my last wish and save Ninjago. A wish Lloyd told me is said from my heart, a heart that has no clue what it could be, but if said incorrectly could likely make everything ten times worse" Jay said as worry started to fill him. "You'll think of it. You always do" Nya said as she placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly. The mini robot zipped up their bag as Nya sighed, "let's get settled in. We could use the peace and quiet to think. All we can do now is hope the police can find Nadakhan, before Nadakhan finds us" Nya said as she looked at Jay.

*later that day*

Later that day, Jay was eating chips while the mini robot cleaned up his crumbs. "Okay, here's a crazy one. What if you wish to resurrect the Devourer? Then we sic it on Nadakhan" Nya said as she looked at him spill the rest of his chips into his mouth. "No, uh-uh. Can't do that either. Can't wish to do harm, can't wish for more wishes, and you can't wish Which is how I got us into this mess. All due to just one little glimpse into the future showing us together" Jay said as the mini robot went over to the stairs. "Our friends, gone. Our world, torn apart. Look at us. This is all my fault" Jay said. "Jay..." Nya said but Jay cut her off. "I guess we really do end up together, just not how I'd envisioned it" Jay said in a saddened tone.

"Stop," Nya said as she looked at the mini robot. "I know. I know. You don't want to hear it" Jay said as he looked down, "no, I mean stop talking. Did you hear that? I don't think we're alone" Nya said. The mini robot was making noises, so as Nya and Jay stood from their seats and walked near the stairs they both heard shuffling along with sounds of someone running down the wooden stairs.

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