Chapter 35: A Line in the Sand

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*Monster Amuesment Park*

As they made it to Monster Amusement Park, the sun was starting to set. "Megamonster Amusement Park? Really? Don't these guys have any sense of decency? When does it end?" Cole asked as they all got out of their vehicles. "It ends here and now" Lloyd said in a determined voice, "Pixal, give me a danger analysis. Pixal? Pixal, respond. I need a danger analysis" Zane said as he got no sign of Pixal. Nya looked up at the roller coaster and gasped, "here's one! The roller coaster!" Nya said with worry. "Zane, Cole, get up there fast!" Lloyd ordered, "right!" Zane said as he put on his mask and used Airjitzu to get up to the roller coaster. "Got it!" Cole said as he followed Zane's lead. "The rest of you, spread out. Time to make this place a snake-free zone. We can do this, team!" Lloyd ordered the others as everyone put on their masks. "Wow, listen to Lloyd taking charge. I like it. He's starting to get this Master thing down" Kai said as Nya ran next to him.

Y/N ran over to a stand and saw snakes were starting to pull things off of people such as watches, rings and phones. "Hey! Want some metal? Come and get it!" Y/N said as she took out her throwing knives. The three samurai snakes started charging at her. "Okay, let's try something I like to call earth faults!" Y/N shouted as she slammed her heel into the ground, causing a crack to form in the ground. The crack chased after the samurais until they all fell into the ground. Y/N pushed her hands together as once she clasped her hands together, the crack had vanished as did the samurais.

While Y/N dealt with another samurai, one came up behind her and grabbed her, lifting her up into the air. "Agh! Let go of me!" Y/N shouted as she squeezed her eyes shut, and as she opened them, they glowed white. The samurai squealed as he dropped her, Y/N looked behind her and used her wind element to push it into a cart. Y/N took deep breaths as her eyes turned back to normal. "Calm down, Y/N. You're fine" Y/N whispered to herself as she looked around and saw Lloyd helping a little boy.

"Ninja, sound off! Is everyone okay?" Lloyd shouted, "so far...barely!" Nya answered as Cole fell beside them. "If you mean, 'okay, there sure are a lot of them!' then, yeah, I'm okay" Cole answered as they started to climb the middle statue. "For the record, this is the least amusing amusement park I've ever been to" Kai said as he held onto the bar tightly.

"These snakes are behaving curiously," Zane said as he climbed higher. "You think? 'Cause boosting scrap metal doesn't seem like, you know, normal snake behavior" Kai answered in a sarcastic tone. "Neither does reforming into unstoppable samurai things" Cole argued, "I mean strategically. They appear more interested in keeping us away from their compatriots that are stealing metal, than they are in actually defeating us" Zane explained to the Ninja.

"Well they finally have to deal with us at full strength. And...hang on. Has anyone seen Jay?" Lloyd asked as he looked around, "no. Now that you mention it, he wasn't with us when we arrived" Kai said as he looked at the Ninja, "you know, just once, it would be nice to go into battle with a full team" Cole whined as he looked over at Kai. "Well don't tell us, tell Jay! He's the one who took off for wherever without saying a word to us" Kai argued as he looked at Cole. "I'm sure he had a good reason" Nya urged as she looked at the boys, "well I'm glad you're sure" Kai said as he rolled his eyes.

"Wait, where's Y/N?" Cole asked as he looked around. Lloyd looked around and then caught sight of something, "over there!" Zane shouted as he pointed off into the distance. There was a pile of snakes, as they moved around vigorously. "What is that?" Kai asked in an almost disgusted voice, "if I had to guess it would be a pile of snakes" Zane stated. Cole rolled his eyes as he got off the metal thing they were on and as they all followed a suit. There was a shout as the samurais were thrown into the air, and Y/N was seen with her fists on the ground, hair blowing in the wind, and her eyes glowing white. Time slowed down, giving Lloyd a perfect view of Y/N, his eyes widened slowly as just as time went back to normal, so did Y/N's eyes.

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