Chapter 50: Big Trouble, Little Ninjago

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*the Bounty* 

"Misako" Nya said over the phone, "is my son okay?" Misako asked in a worried tone, "we found him. But he's in really bad shape. We're headed your way, but...but we don't know what to do. It's's like his life force is fading" Nya said, "Lloyd. Help" Nya heard baby Wu over the phone. "I know where to take him," Misako said.

Nya sighed with relief as she looked over at Lloyd and Y/N. Y/N was currently trying to heal his wounds, he had minor bruises but she could tell he was fading. Y/N whispered as few things under her breath as she closed her eyes, her hands on either side of his head, water on his temples.

Nya walked up to Y/N and placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders gently, "Y/N, Misako said we should meet her at Mystake's Tea Shop , you should rest, you've been at it all night" Nya said as she looked at Y/N. Y/N opened her eyes slightly, her eyes glued to Lloyd as she shook her head, "I'm fine" Y/N said as she closed her eyes, the water glowing on his temples as he laid there. Nya sighed as she walked away, she looked at Cole to see him looking worried.

"How is he?" Cole asked, Nya shook her head, "the same as before" Nya said with a sigh, "and Y/N?" Cole questioned, "she won't budge" Nya said as she glanced back at Y/N. Cole nodded as he followed Nya.

*Mystake's Tea Shop*

Once they made it to Mystake's Tea Shop, Y/N sat beside Lloyd as he faintly spoke in his sleep. "Oh. I c–there's–he's too–he's too much. I can't–please" Lloyd faintly spoke in his sleep. Y/N placed her hand on his forehead, his head burning, Jay patted his head with a wet cloth. "Hurry. He's burning up" Jay called out to Mystake. "You cannot hurry tea. Only have patience to get it right. It is ready" Mystake said as she walked into the room.

Y/N looked up at Mystake, "is it going to make him better?" Y/N asked softly. "It will heal his wounds, but..." Mystake said as she looked down. "But what?" Y/N questioned eagerly out of worry. "Agh, there's always a but" Kai said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "It comes with a price" Mystake said as she looked at the Ninja, "whatever it is, we will pay it" Zane said as he looked at Mystake, "I will take no coin for this. I speak of a price for you and your friend. Each of you must lay your hand upon him. The tea will focus your elemental powers to save him. But it may use up all the power you have left" Mystake informed them, Y/N looked over at Cole to see him in deep thought.

"Are you telling me to save him, we could lose our power?" Jay questioned as he looked at Mystake. "Perhaps. Perhaps not" Mystake said as she looked at the Ninja.

Y/N looked down at Lloyd quickly at the sound of his whining. "Do it" Y/N said quickly, "wait! You don't just jump into decisions like this, I mean–" Kai said, but Cole but in, "you're just worried about yourself" Cole said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe I am. But you saw how powerful Lord Garmadon was. Without our elemental powers, what chance do we have?" Kai asked as he looked at the others.

"The decision needs to be unanimous. I will give up my power to save Lloyd" Zane said as he placed his hand on Lloyd's ankle. "Me too," Jay said as he placed his hand on Lloyd's wrist. "It's not even a choice" Cole said as he placed his hand on Lloyd's foot, "it shouldn't be an option. You know he would do the same for you in a heartbeat" Y/N said as she placed her hand on his head, Nya placing her hand on his shoulder as they all looked at Kai. Kai then walked close to Jay and placed his hand on Lloyd's other foot.

Mystake smiled as she then looked at Y/N and nodded, Y/N lifted him up gently, his head in her arm. Mystake placed the teacup to his lips and allowed him to drink it. Y/N gently laid him back down, keeping her hand on him as she looked down at him. Y/N watched as the color of their powers formed on where their hands were. Lloyd groaned loudly as Y/N looked down at him, worry in her eyes as his eyes shot open before closing again. His body relaxed as the glow disappeared. "Now...we wait" Mystake said as she walked away.

The Ninja stayed close as they waited, Y/N sat beside Lloyd as she kept the cold cloth on his head, looking down at him, her eyes soft as she sighed deeply. Mystake was humming in the front of her shop while the Ninja stayed in the back. Kai looked at his hand and made a small flame, "so at least we have our powers," Nya said softly. "Yeah. But is it enough?" Kai asked as he let go of the flame. "It always is," Nya said as she looked at him. "But what if it's not?" Kai asked as he looked at her, "Ninja never quit" Nya said as she looked at Lloyd and Y/N, "Ninja don't last forever" Kai said, Nya looked back at her brother as she sighed. "Whatever happens, we fight on" Nya said in a determined tone.

Y/N glanced at her before looking back at Lloyd. "Ugh, what possibly could be so important that you have to do that now?" Jay asked Mystake, "just a little something–to go" Mystake said as she giggled, Jay looked at Cole and watched as he shrugged his shoulders. Mystake walked into the room with a bag, "what is this, takeout?" Cole asked as Mystake walked over to Jay. "For your time of need. Remember to go" Mystake said in a hushed tone, "to go" Jay mocked her as he giggled nervously. "To go" Mystake said again as she left the room. Jay whistled as he spun his finger near his ear.

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