Chapter 23: Enkrypted

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*Kryptarium prison*

The Ninja walked through the halls of Kryptarium, their chans clanging as they walked with the officers and the warden. They were now all in white and gray striped shirts with gray pants, the prisoners tried to grab at the boys as they walked alongside each other. Nya grabbed onto Jay with fear, Jay grinned before he tripped on his ankle chains. "Whoa, agh!" Jay said as he landed on the floor, Cole helped him up as he looked at Jay, "don't look scared. Look mean. You gotta look hard in a place like this" Cole said as they continued walking.

"Meat, fresh meat" a man said as he tried to grab at them. "Argh!" Jay shouted in disgust. "Fresh meat" a man said as he licked his lips. "Don't mind them. They all get a little grouchy when they don't get their meat" the warden said with a smirk. The Ninja hurried their pace as a woman with meat came around, handing them all a chicken leg. Y/N cringed as she watched one of the men stare at her while he ate his food.

"Kryptarium Prison. We've been here before, but as guests, never inmates" Zane said as he looked around. Lloyd tried to use his powers to break the chains, making a grunting sound in the process. "You can try, but those shackles are made of vengestone. Pretty good for shutting down your powers, and making sure you don't ghost out of here" warden said as he looked back at Cole. "Oh. Yeah? But how good are they against my super strength?" Cole asked with a grunt as he started pulling on his chains. "Just wait. Almost got them" Cole grunted. "They aren't gonna break" Nya said, Y/N sighed as she looked down at her chains.

"Hey, aren't those the Ninja? They're responsible for putting me in this place!" a skeleton man shouted as he took off his one arm and grabbed it before sticking it out and grabbing the collar of Y/N's shirt and pulling her to the bars. "Argh!" Y/N shouted as she was slammed into the bars, "look what we have here, fresh meat, and a pretty face" the skeleton said as he looked down at her. Y/N put her hands on the bars and tried to push herself away. "Oh, don't be scared. I don't bite" the skeleton man said as he smirked down at her. Y/N pushed herself away from him as his grip loosened enough for her to back away from him. Y/N panted as she grabbed the collar of her shirt gently, her eyes not moving from the skeleton man. Hands touched her waist and Y/N looked behind her quickly, "it's ok, I've got you" Lloyd said, Y/N nodded as she looked back at the skeleton man and kept walking beside Lloyd.

"And we're shuffling, we're shuffling" Cole said as they all picked up their paces to catch up to the warden.

"Since you're celebrities, I took the liberty of taking you out of the general population," warden said as he turned to look at the Ninja with his hands behind his back. "Ha! Who doesn't love special treatment?" Kai asked in a sarcastic tone, a smirk plastered on his face. "And placing you in the super mean and dangerous population," warden said as he pressed a button, they walked into an open area, which in the middle had a tower for the police officers. Y/N looked around as she saw all the villains the Ninja put in here. "Real special, all right," Nya said as she looked around.

As they continued walking they went into a single file line. "It's no problem, warden. We'll do our time until all of this is straightened out. Like I said before, we were framed" Lloyd said as he looked at the warden. "That's what they all say. Now, get in your cell, inmates," warden said as they stopped at a cell. "Oh, god. Gosh, darn it, I forgot my keys again. Look, stay here while I go find them," warden said as he ran off. They all turned to look at the inmates locked in their cells.

Jay chuckled nervously, "at least they're locked up" Jay said. But as soon as he said that, the bars opened and all the inmates surrounded the Ninja and two guards. The Ninja backed up, Lloyd moved back practically shoulder to shoulder with Y/N. "Nifty gadget. You make that?" Lloyd asked as he looked at a man with a robot eye and arm. "They call me The Mechanic. And I've got a bone to pick with you" Mechanic said as he pointed at the Ninja. Lloyd pulled Y/N behind him as he kept his eyes on the inmates. The inmates agreed with the Mechanic as they all watched them. "Well, that's one more bone than you've got in your entire arm. Let me guess, you don't have much of a spine either" Lloyd said as he glared at Mechanic.

"I used to repair noodle trucks for Master Chen and his underground organization. When you put him out of business, you put me out of business" Mechanic said as he looked at Y/N. "Then by my observations, that was your own error. Working for a crime boss isn't a very reliable career choice" Zane said as he walked in between Cole and Lloyd, hiding Y/N more. "By my observation, actions have consequences, and you have to pay. This Nindroid here, it's got spare parts. I could use a few in a place like this" Mechanic said as the inmates chuckled. Y/N pushed past Zane and Lloyd and looked at the man. "And I could use a spare arm. These chains won't stop us" Y/N said as she glared at Mechanic.

"Got my keys! Oh, come on, knuckleheads, shake hands and be friends" warden said as he looked at Mechanic and Lloyd. As they both shook hands Y/N glared at Mechanic. "Just wait till I get my hands on your Nindroid" Mechanic said as he let go of Lloyd's hand. "You won't even come close enough to lay your eye on him," Y/N said as looked at him. "Come on, boys, back to your cells" the guards said as they walked past Y/N and Lloyd, while getting the other inmates to their cells.

"Let's hope Darreth gets us out of here soon" Kai said as they all walked into a cell. "I don't know how much longer we can last in a place like this" Kai said as the bars closed and he placed his hands on them. Y/N groaned as she looked around the cell.

*a few hours later*

After a few hours, an officer brought the Ninja to the meeting room, which is where inmates could talk to their families, friends and others. Lloyd had the phone in his hand while the Ninja looked at Darreth as he walked up to the glass. "What are you doing to get us out of here?" Cole shouted into the phone which made Darreth move the phone away from his ear. "This is no place for a Nindroid!" Zane shouted, "I don't look good in stripes!" Kai shouted into the phone. "They're all so mean. Help us. You have to help us!" Jay yelled in fear.

"Shh. While we're stuck in here, the Djinn is out there" Y/N whispered into the phone as they looked at Darreth. "I know, I'm doing everything I can. Borg wanted me to let you know that the Djinn broke into Hiroshi's Labyrinth stronghold and took the Realm Crystal. The good news is, everything else is accounted for. The bad news is, the Djinn may now have his old crew back" Darreth informed the Ninja on the new information. "You have to get us out of here, Darreth. You're our manager. What are you doing to manage this?" Kai asked as he shook his chains at Darreth through the glass. "Did you get the cake? I baked some tools in it for you to cut through the bars" Darreth whispered into the phone. "Cake? We didn't get any cake" Jay said as he looked at Darreth. "Uh, well how was I supposed to know there was something in it? I just thought it was crunchy" Cole asked nervously. "You ate our only way out?" Jay shouted at Cole.

"Well, sounds like you're on your own. Be strong, little Ninja" Darreth said as he placed his hand on the glass. "What do you mean on our own?" Kai asked as he looked at Darreth. "You're not leaving us in here!" Jay shouted. "Wait, Darreth!" Cole shouted as they all started banging on the glass except for Y/N, Lloyd and Nya.

"If anything happens to them in here, you'll have to answer to the Brown Ninja" Darreth said with the phone still in his hand while he talked to warden. "If there's a Brown Ninja out there, maybe he belongs in here too" warden said with a smile. "Uh, I'll give him the message. Gotta go" Darreth said as he dropped the phone and ran out quickly.

*in the caf*

Food was placed on Y/N's tray as she walked down the line. "So the bad guys are out there, while the good guys are in here. It's not fair" Jay said as they all walked down a few steps and were walking to a table. "What was it your favorite movie character would say? 'Fair isn't a word where I come from'." Cole said as he held up his fist. "The word was fear. And if intergalactic space hero Fritz Donnegan was here, we'd already be out" Jay said as he looked at Cole. Cole banged his muffin on the tray, "is this a muffin or a fossilized rock?" Cole asked, but his muffin was ripped out of his hands by a chef. "Earth Ninja, no one likes you. What's Earth anyway?" the chef asked as he walked away with Cole's muffin. The lunch lady walked up to Cole and Jay with a smile. "He's a Jay fan" she said as Jay laughed.

"Hi, guys, care for some Ninja company?" Lloyd asked as he sat down. And just as Y/N placed her tray down the inmates left with a groan. "Guess they can't all be fans," Zane said as he sat next to Kai. "We may be out of the action, but that doesn't mean we can't take action. So, what do we know about this Djinn?" Lloyd asked. Y/N flinched as someone stabbed her tray with their fork harshly. Y/N looked up only to see the villain known as Captain Soto. "Did someone say Djinn? You best not be speaking about Nadakhan the Djinn" Soto said as he was standing on the table. "His name is Nadakhan the Djinn?" Kai asked.

Jay smiled, "hey, it's Captain Soto, the first captain of the Destiny's Bounty" Jay said as if he was a fan. "And it's Jay, the whiny sniveling blue pajama man who says everything obvious," Soto said in a sarcastic tone. Nya giggled while Y/N started to eat her food. "Why can't anyone here be nice?" Jay asked, Y/N and Nya smiled at Jay. "But who be you two? I don't know you. Are you a...pajama women?" Soto asked as he pushed Y/N over into Lloyd so he could sit next to her, and in front of Nya. "Yes" Nya said with a smile, "I guess you could say that" Y/N said as she continued eating. "No. You look really familiar for some reason" Soto said as he looked at Nya, analyzing her features.

"Let's cut the small talk. You know him?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Soto. "Know him? I was the one who caught him" Soto said as he looked at the Ninja. "So you were the one who trapped him in the teapot? But how?" Kai asked as he looked over at Soto. "Catching a Djinn is harder than steering a galleon upstream in a storm with a leaky hull. But let me try to articulate me words so that you can visualize it" Soto said as he threw his hands up dramatically.

"Long ago, me crew were aboard the Destiny's Bounty, the finest ship ever built. Save one other. Misfortune's Keep. Nadakhan the Djinn was the most feared pirate of the high seas. Since he was from another realm, his powers were unmatched. He and his crew were always a step ahead. The trick to catching a Djinn ain't be getting him into the vessel. It's making sure he don't poof away when you try to do it" Soto said as he explained more about Nadakhan. "Ha! Easy. Just wish him into it" Kai said, as if he had fought many Djinns before.

"Easy? Everyone knows you can't wish for more wishes, you can't wish for love, and you can't wish to harm others. Wishing a Djinn into a teapot would most certainly fall into that category" Soto explained as he looked at Kai. "What do you mean you can't wish for love?" Jay asked in a confused tone. Nya and Cole looked at him with a confused look, while Cole looked at him with an angered one. "What? I'm asking for a friend. Heh" Jay said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Don't let us stop you. You were just about to tell us how to catch a Djinn" Y/N said as she looked at Soto. "Certainly. To stop a Djinn, you must–" Soto said but Mechanic slammed his hand on the table.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you saved us some seats. Now, let's talk about those spare parts" Mechanic said as he sat down at the head of the table. "Not now, Sprocket Arm. We're dealing with first tier bad guys here. You're fifth tier. Maybe fourth tier, tops" Cole said as he glared at him from across the table. "Fourth tier?" Mechanic asked as he stood up and grabbed a spoon. "Look at that, pajama people, they have all the weapons. And you are chained" Soto said as he laughed loudly. "Yeah. Sounds like it's almost a fair fight" Cole said as the Ninja threw their food at the inmates before they started attacking them with their trays, then with their fists.

Y/N grabbed a tray and threw it like a frisbee at an inmate's head, causing him to fall. Y/N smirked but she was grabbed from behind. They held her arms to her body and was lifted up off the ground. "Let me go!" Y/N yelled as she kicked her legs. "Why would I let such a pretty thing loose? You could get taken" a man's rough and scratchy voice said. Y/N yelled as tried to break free, but it was like he had the strength of ten gorillas. "Argh!" Y/N screamed, Jay looked over and his eyes widened. "I'm coming, Y/N!" Jay shouted as he ran over. Jay quickly threw a tray at the guy's head, which caused the man to let Y/N go. Once Y/N was back on her feet, Y/N kicked the man into the stomach as he fell on his back. "Thanks, Jay" Y/N said, Jay smiled at her and nodded as they continued fighting.

"Where's Zane? I don't see Zane" Lloyd shouted as they all looked around for Zane. Y/N caught sight of Zane as he took someone down behind her. "Zane, you're ok!" Y/N said as she looked at him, "of course I am" Zane said with a smile. "Finish what you were gonna say. You said you knew how to catch Nadakhan" Lloyd said as he looked at Soto. "The only way to slow a Djinn long enough to catch one is with the venom of a Tiger Widow. One drop is strong enough to kill a man or tire a Djinn, so he don't be poofing around" Soto said as Y/N threw a man away from Soto and Lloyd. "Tiger Widow? I've never even heard of one of those. Where do I find one?" Lloyd asked as he dodged a tray being thrown at him. "You don't. They be the rarest of creatures, indigenous to only one island that's found on no map, but me own" Soto said as Lloyd was pushed forward from someone. "Then where's your map?" Kai asked as Y/N punched a man in the face.

"All right, lunch crew, serve them up!" the lunch lady shouted as the lunch crew threw muffins at the inmates. Y/N blocked muffins being thrown at her while the guards jumped on a giant soldier. "The fun is over!" one of the guards yelled. "No dessert for you. Take them back to their cells" another guard said as he grabbed Mechanic. "Not the Ninja. They go to the hole for starting this mess," warden said in a stern voice. Lloyd looked at Soto as they were both being dragged in separate directions.

"Wait, tell us where the map is. Soto!" Lloyd shouted as he looked at Soto. "Break me out of this place and I'll tell you. You want the map? I want me freedom. Speaking of which, can anyone tell me where my leg is?" Soto asked as he looked at his wood peg. "I guess we could try to find this Tiger Widow on our own in eight to ten years" Kai said in an angered tone as two guards pushed them forward. "Or we could bust out of here tonight and take Soto with us" Y/N whispered as she looked at the Ninja.

*later that night*

The Ninja were now in what the warden called, the hole. It was dark and had chains hanging from the roof above them, there were bars keeping them in the hole. Jay sighed, "this has to literally be our lowest point. We're in a hole, rock bottom" Jay said, they were all chained to the floor, a few feet away from each other. "On the bright side, if we were never arrested, we never would've talked to Captain Soto," Nya said as she smiled at Jay. "If only we could use our powers again," Zane said in a whiny tone.

"First thing's first" Lloyd said as he took a fork out from his pocket. "A fork?" Y/N asked as she looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "What are we gonna do, eat our way out?" Cole asked as he looked at Lloyd while he picked at his chains. "I was thinking, something else" Lloyd said as he managed to get his chains off before destroying the other's chains. "Great, we got our powers back. Now, how do we get out of this hole?" Jay asked as he used his electricity to show off his powers.

"Cole will escape through the bars. Then he'll figure out a way to free the rest of us" Lloyd said. Cole used his ghost form to make his way through the bars, then used his super strength to break the bars open. The others used Airjitzu to get out of the hole quickly. "Once we escape the hole, we find Soto," Lloyd said as he used his energy ball to break the door before running to the halls. "Jay, make sure we're not seen" Lloyd said as Jay used his powers to take out the security cameras.

Kai used his fire to melt the bars to Soto's cell. "Huh?" Soto said as he sat up, rubbing his eye. "Come with me, quietly," Kai said. Soto smiled as he got up and started walking, only to have a horn for a leg. And everytime he walked, he made a noise. "Are you kidding me?" Kai asked as he and Soto started running while the alarms went off. "Once we have Soto, Zane will make sure we're not followed" Lloyd said as Zane used his ice to make sure the guards couldn't walk on it. Once they made it to a wall, everyone used their element to break a hole in the wall, before Kai covered it quickly.

They were now in the sewage system. The Ninja and Soto made their way down to an opening quickly. "Since they'll have the main doors well guarded, we'll need to make our exit through the sewer pipes" Lloyd said as he and Y/N spun the opening and opened the top, showing a ladder going down. "Sewer pipes? Argh. Gross" Jay said in disgust. "If we're spotted, Nya, help us make a quick getaway" Lloyd said as they all hopped down into the sewer pipes. Nya used her powers to push them down the pipes quickly. "Ahoy, there she blows!" Soto shouted. And soon they were out of Kryptarium as they landed in sewage water.

"We made it" Jay said as Kai held Cole up and out of the water's reach. They all cheered as they felt the fresh air on their skin. Soto walked out of the water and kissed the land, "thank you, pajama people" Soto said as he smiled at the Ninja. "All right, Soto. We held up our part of the bargain, now you hold up yours. Where's the map?" Kai asked as he placed Cole down on the ground. "The map's hidden within a lantern. Light its candle and it'll show you the way" Soto said as he walked away, squeaking in the process.

"Then where's the lantern? Gosh, all you pirates are so long-winded" Jay said as he put his hands into fists. "Ah, it'd be our nature. We can't refuse a good treasure hunt" Soto said as the sun started to rise slowly. "Where's the lantern, Soto?" Y/N asked as she looked at Soto. "That's the tricky part. It's aboard his ship, Misfortune's Keep" Soto said. Cole sighed deeply. "Nadakhan's ship? I thought we said we were trying to avoid that guy?" Cole said as sirens went off.

The Ninja looked up at the Kryptarium entrance and saw flashlights being flashed around. "I never said it was going to be easy. Good luck, and may the winds always be in your sails" Soto said as he started walking away before stopping. "Wait, I suddenly remember why you look so familiar. Oh, my, that be a charm! By word, you're a spitting image of her" Soto said as he looked at Nya. "Of who?" Nya asked as she looked at Soto with a confused look. But Soto didn't answer. Nya looked at Y/N, Y/N looked at Nya and shrugged her shoulders as they ran with the Ninja out of sight. 

AUTHORS NOTE: here is chapter 23! This chapter is one of the shorter ones as well, but just as a heads up, Chapter 24 is probably and hopefully the shortest chapter I will ever write! 

Thank you for everyone who is reading! I hope my book is ok and you understand what I am explaining!

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