Chapter 42: The Jade Princess

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*the palace* 

Y/N and Lloyd ran into her room and out onto her balcony, they both caught sight of someone dressed in all green and with a bag full of something, or someone. "He's got the princess" Lloyd said, Y/N squinted as she looked at the person, "but isn't that person a little too small to be a guy? And that bag isn't moving" Y/N said, but Lloyd ignored her as he put his hood on, "you stay here, go stay with Cole, Jay and Zane. I'll go get the princess back" Lloyd said as he hopped off the balcony rails. "Lloyd...Lloyd!" Y/N whispered as she watched him run after the person, Y/N groaned as she walked back into Harumi's room and looked around, noticing the clean bedroom.

As she looked around and noticed no signs of someone else being in here other than the princess, and if she was taken, there was no signs of argument or fighting back since the room and bed was clean and well put together. But Y/N could tell the princess wasn't very clean herself as a few things were messed up, but Y/N didn't judge since her room was never the cleanest either.

Y/N walked out of Harumi's bedroom and closed the doors behind her as she looked at the mask and noticed it was still there, so she shrugged her shoulders and walked to the buffet and saw Cole, Zane and Jay. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" Cole asked as he watched her walk over to them, "Lloyd went after the princess since he thought she got kidnapped, he told me to hangout with you guys until he gets back" Y/N said as she grabbed an apple and bit into it.

"You look like you're having fun there" Jay teased as he nudged her, Y/N glared at him, "palaces aren't your thing?" Zane questioned. Y/N sighed as she leaned against the wall, "I don't know. It's nice here and the royal family is nice, but something seems off. Like why is it called the Palace of Secrets? Are they the ones stealing the masks? Or maybe Hutchins is trying to steal the masks? I...don't know. But something seems off around here, and I don't like it" Y/N said as she crossed her arms over her chest, taking another bite of her apple.

"Or maybe you're just jealous Lloyd seems to have an eye for the princess" Cole teased as he nudged Y/N's shoulder, Y/N pushed him back gently, "no. I don't care if he likes her, it's his choice after all" Y/N said as she looked away from Cole. "Oh, come on, Y/N. We all know you like him" Jay said as he looked at Y/N, Y/N's eyes widened. "No I don't!" Y/N said as she looked back at them, the boys smirked at her as Cole raised his brows at her.

"Then why didn't you go and follow Lloyd?" Zane asked as he looked at Y/N, "because he told me to come here," Y/N said as she shrugged her shoulders, Zane chuckled, "that proves nothing!" Y/N said in a raised voice as she looked at the three boys who were still smirking at her.

"The princess is gone. Find her" Hutchins shouted, Y/N rolled her eyes as she stayed still, "he's saying that to the guards, not us. That's not our job, our job is staying here" Y/N said as she finished her apple.

Jay touched his chin as he looked around, "Y/N, if you could be anything other than a Ninja, what would you be?" Jay asked as he looked at her, Y/N didn't hesitate as she threw out her apple, "normal" Y/N said as she walked back over to the boys, "why? Wouldn't you want to be a cop or a doctor?" Cole asked.

Y/N looked down at the ground, "no...I like being a Ninja, but the sacrifices I've made from being one most of my life...a normal person wouldn't have to go through, no one would have their brother die twice, no one would have to watch their Sensei grow up so quickly that his body couldn't handle it, and no one would have to feel their own body turning on itself" Y/N said as she felt like the whole world was sitting on her shoulders. "I was given a big title at a young age that I couldn't carry it the way my brother did. And now that I've lived a longer life than he has, I wonder if he'd gone through the same thing" Y/N questioned. Cole placed a hand on her shoulder, "he probably did, Y/N. He just didn't want you to see him struggle, that's what older brothers do. They protect their younger siblings, while also making sure to stand strong for them" Cole said, Y/N smiled at Cole.

*later that night*

Later that night, Y/N took a deep breath as she started to overthink things, Y/N's mind was clouded with nagging thoughts. Thoughts she thought she had caged away deep in her mind. But they had come back to her after she had parted ways with the Ninja. Y/N was in her room sitting on her knees as she started to lose control of her powers. Her room was covered with ice over the walls, earth spikes that were around her, protecting her from anything that came at her. It was windy in her room, like it was a tornado while there was a bit of thunder, and fire around her body as her eyes glowed white.

The ninja heard all the ruckus and decided to check it out, once they saw what was happening "Y/N?" Jay questioned, Lloyd quickly ran to Y/N's side, pushing past the Ninja and avoiding all the spikes, immediately bringing her into his arms, he ignored the fire that burned him as everything started to die down. "It's ok. I've got you" Lloyd said as he hugged her tighter, once Y/N calmed down she had passed out in his arms.

"What was that?" Kai asked as he walked into her room and saw the burnt wood under her, "it seems to have been an outburst of energy, I am guessing her emotions control her powers, which is why when she has nightmares this happens to" Zane explains, "someone should stay with her, just in case" Cole said.

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