Chapter 33: A Time of Traitors

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*the new dojo*

"Aah!" Cole shouted, "ooh! Argh!" Lloyd said. "Ugh" Kai sighed deeply as Jay took off the helmet. "Sorry, guys, nothing" Jay said as he looked down at the helmet. "Darn, I was sure trying on the helmet was gonna help us figure out why those samurai snake guys were," Cole said as he sighed deeply, "me too. Jay, are you positive the helmet doesn't do anything?" Nya asked as she looked at Jay, "ha! Besides make me look cool? What? I know how to accessorize" Jay said as when no one said anything he tried to help himself. "Hm. Something about this is familiar, though. I just can't place it. Perhaps Master Wu knows" Kai suggested as he grabbed the helmet from Jay.

*Wu's room*

They all walked into Master Wu's room as Kai led the way. "Master Wu, this helmet. I feel like we've seen it before. Can you tell us anything?" Kai asked as he placed the helmet on Wu's legs. Y/N looked at them as she placed the water she was using to heal him back into a bowl. Wu sat up slowly with Y/N helping him, "curious. Time..." Wu started, "time?" Kai asked. "Time waits..." Wu continued. "Time waits..." Nya repeated. "Time waits for no..." Wu started but stopped when he dropped the helmet and fell back into his bed as he fell back asleep.

"Uh, Master?" Kai asked, Wu shot up as he looked around, "did someone mention lunch?" Wu asked with a worried expression, Lloyd walked up to Wu as Y/N placed a hand on Wu's shoulder, "no, Master, no one mentioned lunch" Lloyd said as Wu laid back down. "Then why did you wake me?" Wu asked as he soon fell back asleep. Y/N sighed as she used her water element to put the water to his temples.

"He isn't himself" Lloyd said as he and the Ninja walked out of Wu's room. "Clearly. Lunch isn't for three more hours. Ahh, this is just perfect. Mysterious snake samurai...uh, things attacked Ninjago, Cyrus Borg is missing and our team is down one master and one Ninja" Jay complained, "we've got to get Zane back online. He was the last one to see Cyrus Borg" Lloyd said. "Yeah, except Cyrus Borg is the only one who has the equipment to get him back online" Cole said as he looked at Zane, Nya placed a hand on Zane's shoulder as she looked down at him, "I might be able to reboot Zane with the computer in the Samurai X Cave. Although I could use some help" Nya said as she looked at the boys. "Well, I'm in," Cole said as he shrugged his shoulders. "You know I am," Jay cheered.

"I'll stay. One of us should keep an eye on Master Wu and help Y/N" Lloyd said as he walked closer to the door. "I'll go back to the museum and talk to Dr. Saunders. He's an expert on all things Ninjago. Maybe he knows what Master Wu is too weak to tell us" Kai said, Lloyd placed the helmet on Kai's head, "good thinking. Go...and see what you can see" Lloyd said. Lloyd walked back into Wu's room and walked up to a table and grabbed a glass of water.

"Here, you need to stay hydrated" Lloyd said as he held the cup up to Y/N's lips, Y/N took a few sips of water before Lloyd took the cup away from her, "thank you" Y/N said softly. "How are you? I noticed you froze back in Borg's shop" Lloyd said as he sat down in a chair next to her, "I'm fine, I just hesitated" Y/N said as she looked down at Wu. "You know, you can talk to me, right?" Lloyd asked as he placed his hand on Y/N's. Y/N looked over at him, "yeah...I know" Y/N said as she looked back down at Wu.

*A few minutes later*

After a few minutes of healing Misako came into the room with a cup of tea, Y/N helped Wu sit up as he took the cup into his hand. "Thank you, Misako. Focus Tea might help to clear my head" Wu said, Y/N stood up and walked towards the door, "I'll be back, I need to go check something out in my room" Y/N said as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Lloyd sighed as he looked down, "maybe you should have some as well?" Wu said as he looked at his nephew. "What?" Lloyd asked as he looked up at Wu. "You seem...distant" Wu said, "yeah. It's just that, as a master-in-training, it feels like I should be doing something. But what?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Wu. "A true Master must always..." Wu said but stopped, "yes, Master? Must always what?" Lloyd asked. Wu dropped his cup and fell back asleep before shooting up once again. "...and only then will he be a true Master" Wu said as he pointed out into the distance, "sorry, I didn't quite get that" Lloyd stuttered as he looked at Wu with urgency. "I said, a true master must..." Wu said but stopped when he fell back asleep.

Y/N walked back into the room and saw Wu asleep again. Y/N sighed as she helped Wu lay down gently, "I don't know how to fix him" Y/N said as she looked down at Wu, "my healing isn't working, Focusing Tea isn't working, I feel like I'm failing" Y/N said as she sat down and placed her hands on her temples. "You're doing the best you can, Y/N. Healing takes time" Misako said as she placed a reassuring hand on her back, "clearly I'm not doing enough!" Y/N shouted in frustration. Y/N paused when she realized she had shouted at Misako, "I'm...sorry. I just...don't feel like myself" Y/N said as she looked at her hands.

"Y/N, it is all right to feel out of place sometimes. Maybe you should rest?" Misako suggested, Y/N shook her head, "I'm done sleeping everytime something doesn't go right" Y/N said as she stood up and walked out of the room, closing the doors behind her.

Lloyd looked at the door and sighed deeply. Misako looked down, "everyone is on edge, it was only a matter of time before it caught up to her as well" Misako said as she placed a hand on her son's shoulder. Lloyd looked at her, "I just wish I could do more to help her, but she's distancing herself from all of us" Lloyd said as he looked over at Wu, "Y/N must figure out what is making her feel this way on her own, and when she does, she may feel more comfortable talking about it" Misako said as she smiled softly at Lloyd. Lloyd shook his head, "how am I supposed to be a Master if she doesn't trust me?" Lloyd asked, Misako sighed, "that I do not know" Misako said as she looked down at the ground.

*in front of the dojo*

Y/N was in the front of the temple, Y/N threw up a box and used an air swipe to cut it in half "hyah!" Y/N shouted as she then punched both halves, causing them to break into pieces. Y/N threw up another two boxes and used her earth strength to break them into pieces.

"Aah!" Y/N screamed as she fell to her knees. Y/N gasped as tears fell from her eyes, her anger, frustration and pain surfacing as she watched the tears fall onto her knees. "What am I doing? I'm pathetic" Y/N whispered as she cried into her palms, the wind blowing around her gently. "You were right, Morro...I am a monster" Y/N whispered as the wind disappeared.

AUTHROS NOTE: Hello everyone! Sorry for the slow update! I've been bust lately and haven't gotten time to write the book! I know I used to update almost everyday, but now since you guys are caught up with me I feel like I need to rush!
Also, I know this chapter is short, but I want this season to showcase more of Lloyd and Y/N's relationship, since in the next season it also showcases their relationship. But if Y/N had gone with Kai or Nya, Cole and Jay, it would have been harder to "start" their relationships journey, if that makes sense?

And I would also like to mention a bit more about Y/N's powers. If you have watched Avatar the Last AirBender, Y/N has all of the same abilities as an Avatar. But if you haven't watched the show, Y/N has the basic four elements (fire, air, water, earth) but I've decided to add on other things that go with each element.

(earth manipulation, metal manipulation, bone manipulation, lava manipulation and sand manipulation, sesmic senses) will I be adding every earth manipulation technique in the book? If I get to it, yes.

(water manipulation, blood manipulation, healing, ice manipulation, spirit bending) so far I have added everything except for I think ice. And I don't know if I will do spirit bending, I'm still thinking about it!

(fire manipualtion, blue fire manipulation, lightning manipulation) will I add everything? No. I might make her fire blue after we meet Harumi but I'm still thinking.

(air manipulation, sound manipulation, flight) If I am being honest I won't use flight much if at all, but I will use sound bending, (really just when she screams maybe?) and that's about it.

Hope this all makes snese, if not please DM me!

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