Chapter 19: Curse World Part 1

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*Steep Wisdom*

The Bounty landed in the front of Steep Wisdom. "Shouldn't we be going to Stiix? The longer we wait, the worse it'll get" Kai said as Jay and Zane hopped off the Bounty. "We need to stock up," Wu said as he looked at Kai. "On what? Magic tea that will make us invincible? Give us special powers? Is it gonna give us four arms?" Jay asked as Cole walked past him.

Y/n looked at Lloyd as she noticed he seemed more calm. Y/n sighed gently as she stepped onto the railing and looked down, Y/n took a deep breath as she was about to jump before someone grabbed her, her back hitting the edge of the railing. "Why would you jump? Your powers are barely coming back, don't test your limits this early" Lloyd said as he had his arms wrapped around Y/n's torso. Y/n nodded as she grabbed a hold of the railing and turned her body to look at him, "thanks" Y/n said softly, Lloyd smiled, "you would have done the same" he said softly. Y/n started to climb down as Lloyd followed soon after as they all made their way to the shop.

"Sadly, no magical tea today. I had to sell the rest of the merchandise along with everything else" Wu said as there was a big circle with an 'X' in the middle of it, hanging on the doors. "What? You sold your business? But that was for your retirement" Zane said as once he was done speaking a man in a wheelchair came bursting out of the doors with a smile.

"Ah! Hello again, Ninja" a man known as Cyrus Borg said as he looked at the Ninja in front of him. "While we were away, I had Borg use the money from the tea farm to create us some new toys to balance the scales. They are expensive, you know" Wu said as Borg wheeled up closer to them. "It's been so long, I hardly recognize any of you. Lloyd looks older. I see a water Ninja. A titanium Nindroid. Cole is...a ghost. Heh. Jay looks shorter. Then there's Kai. And, you...I don't believe we have met yet" Borg said as he looked at the group before looking at Y/n.

Y/n smiled as she bowed her head slightly, "I am Y/n" Y/n said as she smiled at him. Borg nodded with a smile. "Hey. What do you mean I look shorter?" Jay asked as he interrupted slightly. "I'm sorry, Dr. Borg, but cut to the chase. We don't have much time" Kai said as he walked forward. Y/n moved away from Jay and over to Lloyd. "Yes, always the impatient one. Come, let me show you" Borg said as he went to the entrance of the shop and pressed a red button.

The middle of the ground split into two as Mechs came up into view. "If you want a little muscle with that hustle, I've made Jay a lightning-fast Ghost Taker GT. Front spectral intake, rear incorporeal storage" Borg said as he looked at the blue GT. "Why did the ghosts cross the street? Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause he saw me coming in hot!" Jay shouted as he hopped into his GT. "Zane's Ice Mech. Sure it appears to be the same, but I've equipped the underarms with Deeptone particle shooters, allowing you to freeze the competition" Borg said as Zane saturated jogging to his new Mech suit. "Super cool. And I mean quite literally" Zane said as he hopped into his Mech.

"Cole, I've made you a Ghost Cycle. Twin carbine blasters, auto-evasive handling. Made entirely of Deepstone, perfectly molded to fit the, uh...bodiless. And I've set all the radio presets to your favorite, soft rock" Borg explained as Cole walked up to his Ghost Cycle and hopped on. "I do love a slow jam. Whoa!" Cole said as he started playing the music on his radio. Borg turned to Kai, "and for you, Kai" Borg said as he took out a headband and threw it over to Kai. "A headband" Kai said in disbelief, "a personal embroidered headband. Thirty-two thread count, easy tie capabilities. I apologize. I lost track of time building the other vehicles. Same goes for you Lloyd. To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure you'd be making it back. But Y/n, I do have something for you" Borg said as he took out a new bow, quiver and arrows.

Y/n walked up to him and took the bow in her hands. "It is made of Deepstone, I made sure the string was tough enough that it would never break, not even if you tried cutting it. The quiver is specifically designed to make sure your arrows come back into the quiver. While your arrows are made of Deeptone as well, which I assume will come in handy" Borg said as Y/n took the quiver and arrows in her hand. Y/n smiled, "thank you so much, I will forever be grateful" Y/n said as she looked at Borg.

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