Chapter 40: Lost in Time

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*The Dome* 

Y/N took off her mask as the Time Portal disappeared. "Kai! Nya! Come back! Kai! Nya!" Jay called out as he ran out of The Dome and whined as the others followed him, "why'd they risk their lives to go after Krux and Acronix?" Jay asked as he looked at the Ninja and Borg. "It was the only way to save Wu," Ray, also known as Kai and Nya's father, explained as he was being helped by his wife Maya. "Oh, okay. I'm good with it. Hey, wait a sec. Who are you? And how do you know that?" Jay asked as he pointed at Ray and Maya. Y/N swatted his hand down as she gave him a scolding look.

"I'm Maya. And this is Ray. We are..." Maya explained but Y/N cut her off, "Kai and Nya's parents. We saw your portrait at the museum" Y/N explained as she looked at the two. "Krux and Acronix traveled back in time with the Reversal Blade so our children had to follow," Ray explained weakly, "why?" Jay asked. "Only that blade can undo the effect of the Time Punch on Master Wu. They are his last hope" Maya explained as she looked worried.

"Master Wu is with them?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Maya and Ray, "we have to go help. We just need a time machine. You can build another one, right?" Cole asked as he walked over to Borg with a sense of urgency. "I can't," Borg said as he looked down. "Oh, I get it. 'I can't' is business speak for 'it'll cost you big'. Okay, businessman, I hear you. Hm, I've got a tenner" Jay said as he started rummaging through his pockets. "No Time Blades, no time travel. I'm afraid there is nothing to do but wait and hope Kai and Nya return" Maya said as she placed her hand on Jay's shoulder.

Jay walked over to Samurai X, "okay then, Samurai 2.0. While we're stuck waiting, why don't you tell us who's really under there?" Jay asked as he looked at Samurai X. "No," Samurai X said bluntly. "Would a tenner change your mind?" Jay asked as he reached into his pocket, "no" Samurai X repeated. "What about a piece of candy?" Jay asked, "no" Samurai X said again. "What about two pieces of candy?" Jay asked as he looked determined. "No," Samurai X said once again. "What you said is true. Kai and Nya truly are Master Wu's last hope" Maya said, Y/N looked over at the couple as she noticed they both looked worried, and she didn't blame them. Y/N knew if she was in their situation, and it was her kids, Y/N would have been freaking out as well. "Not just his. All of Ninjago..." Ray said, but started to cough before he could finish his sentence. Y/N looked at him worryingly as did the others.

"Ray. What is it?" Maya asked as she looked at him in fear, "on the ship...when Acronix hit me, he was holding a Time Blade. And something happened" Ray explained in a strained voice. Zane scanned Ray almost immediately. "Accelerated physical deterioration, rapid loss of life function. You've been hit with a Time Punch, too" Zane explained, "and there's no cure" Lloyd said as he walked forward slightly. "Wait. You said the Reversal Blade can undo it on Master Wu. Would that work for you, too?" Y/N asked as she placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "Only if our children retrieve it and return in time," Ray explained. Y/N sighed, "they will. I know they will" Y/N said as she looked at Maya and Ray reassuringly.

"You...I recognise you" Ray said as he looked at Y/N, "me?" Y/N asked as she looked at Ray and Maya with a confused expression. Ray nodded, "I feel like I've seen you before as well" Maya said as she held her hand out to Y/N, Y/N took it and walked over to Maya and Ray. "Who are your parents?" Maya asked, Y/N's body stiffened, "I...don't know. Wu adopted my brother and I when I was a baby" Y/N explained, Maya nodded, "who is your brother?" Ray asked.

Y/N opened her mouth to answer but stopped, Y/N sighed as she looked at Ray and Maya, "Morro, Master of Wind" Y/N said. Maya and Ray looked at each other before looking back at Y/N, "we did know your brother, but not for long, and we had met you as well, you would have only been one year old" Maya explained, Y/N smiled.

*a few minutes later*

A while later they were walking in Ninjago when things started to change. "Guys, something's really wrong. The city is, um, different" Jay said as the city started to look older than it used to. "Yeah. It looks old. Like Ninjago forty years ago" Cole said as he looked around. "Huh? My BorgWatch has disappeared" Borg said as he looked at his wrist, Y/N went to grab her bow, but it was gone. "So is my bow," Y/N said as she looked at Lloyd. "What is going on?" Jay asked in a worried tone.

"My worst fear has come true. The past has changed. Your watch doesn't exist because your technology no longer happened. No computers. No telephones. No..." Ray explained as his hair was now turning gray. "Zane" Y/N said as she turned around and saw old Zane on the ground. He looked like his human self, before he became a Nindroid. Y/N and the Ninja ran over to Zane.

*a bit later*

And in only a matter of seconds, everything went back to normal. "Guys, you won't believe it" Jay said as he looked over at Ninjago, "Ninjago is back to normal" Cole said as he looked at Ninjago. "My technology has returned" Borg said, Y/N smiled as she felt her bow behind her. Zane gasped as he stood up, "I believe something just overloaded my sensors. Did anyone else feel a temporal disturbance?" Zane asked as he touched his head.

"Ha, ha! Kai and Nya did it. Wanna celebrate by telling me who you really are?" Jay asked as he hugged Samurai X. "No," Samurai X said bluntly. "Everything is fixed. Yeah!" Cole cheered as he wrapped his arms around Y/N and Lloyd's shoulders.

"Fate of Ninjago. Ugh" Ray said in a strained tone as he laid in Maya's arms. "Not everything" Maya said as she looked down at her husband.

A few seconds later Y/N heard screaming. "Kai? Nya?" Maya called out. Y/N swiped her hand which caused air to cushion their fall.

"Mom?" Nya said as she ran over to the Ninja, "dad?" Kai said. "Can't hold on," Ray whispered, "I'm afraid he is close to his end. There's nothing to be done" Maya said in a saddened tone. "Yes, there is," Kai said as he put the Reversal Blade at the top of his head, and soon Ray was back to his normal age. Ray sighed as he sat up, Nay and Maya helping him stand. "My children" Ray said, "dad" Kai and Nya both said as they hugged him tightly. "Oh, you guys. Let me get in on this" Jay said as he and Zane joined in on the hug.

"Wait. What happened to Master Wu?" Y/N asked as she looked pained to see he wasn't there. "Oh, no, he's still on the Iron Doom. He stayed aboard to deal with Krux and Acronix" Kai said in a saddened tone, "and now he's gone" Nya said as she looked down, "so we don't have a master anymore?" Cole asked, Y/N felt a lump in her throat but she pushed it down as she walked up to Lloyd.

"Yes, we do. You, Lloyd. It has to be you" Y/N said as she looked at Lloyd, "but..." Lloyd said. "Master Lloyd" Kai said as he handed Lloyd the Reversal Blade. Y/N smiled and nodded at Lloyd as he took it. "Master Lloyd" Lloyd repeated as he looked at the Ninja. "Everyone listen up. First, we get rid of this. It's too powerful. Then it'll take all our energy and we will not rest until we know, where is Wu?" Lloyd said as the Ninja all nodded and smiled at Lloyd proudly.

AUTHORS NOTE: Here is the last Chapter of Season 4!! I can't believe I finally finished this season!
I am so excited for Season 5 since you all know we get to see baby Wu, and I know Cole takes care of him a lot throughout the season but I think I might get Y/N to do it as well? Let me know if you guys are good with that?
And Lloyd gets older in the next season when we meet Harumi, so that means Y/N ages up as well! Just so everyone knows, Y/N is the SAME age as Lloyd, Lloyd is born in September and Y/N is born in October, or whatever month you'd like that's just what I chose! But Y/N and Lloyd will be 18 or 19 in Season 5!
I am hoping I get home in time to start Season 5 tomorrow!

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