Chapter 4: Ninja Roll

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It was later that night, it was raining outside. It was the next fight. "Skyler, Master of Amber, versus Jacob, Master of Sound" Master Chen said as they were in what looked like an empty training room. "Fight! Fight!" Master Chen shouted as Jacob made sounds with his guitar. "Eenie, meenie, minie, mo, catch a Jade Blade by its toe!" Skylar said as she threw her spear at a vase. Which turned out to be empty. There were multiple big vases, all empty except for one which was hiding the Jade Blade.

As the fight began to actually get more physical Y/n put her hands up to her ears at the sound of Jacob's power. "The Master of Sound's gotten stronger since the last time I saw him," Garmadon said in an impressed tone. As Kai pushed his way through the seated contestants he sat next to Jay, with a smile on his face. "Sorry, all of these temples look the same. Did I miss anything?" Kai asked with a massive smile on his face. "By the looks of it, you didn't miss much" Y/n said as she pointed at the angry elemental masters. "Maybe we shouldn't be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team, the bigger targets we put on ourselves" Jay said as he looked over at Garmadon, Y/n and Lloyd. "Don't say that, we are a team. Sure we just lost Cole and still can't find Zane, but we're still a team...just smaller" Lloyd said as his voice grew smaller by the second. "All the more reason to stick together" Y/n said as she looked at Lloyd reassuringly.

Kai looked down at the fight and noticed something. "Skylar's fighting?" Kai asked excitedly, "what has him so excited?" Garmadon asked as he looked at Kai who was standing and watching the fight carefully. "He had a crush on her, until he found out they might be related" Jay laughed as he looked back at Garmadon. "Her element isn't fire. She's the Master of Amber, power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched. I found that out the first day we saw her, when she had helped you up off the ground I saw your fire go into her so I looked deeper into it and figured out what her power was" Y/n said with a smirk on her face as she watched Kai look back at her. "You're telling me we're not related?" Kai asked with an excited tone.

"Oh, boy. Here we go again" Jay said as he rolled his eyes. As the fight continued Y/n started to get bored, Skylar was fighting a man who was almost blind, using echo location as his only way of seeing movement. While Skylar could beat him in a minute. As Skylar broke the last vase, she picked up that Jade Blade. Making her the winner of this round. "Yes! Go, Skyler!" Kai shouted as he cheered almost louder than the rest of the Masters. "Winner! And loser!" Master Chen said, as another trap door opened from under the Master of Sound, dropping him in the pit while Skylar stood victorious. "I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things" Master Chen said as everyone cheered. "But then in yesterday's battle Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset" Master Chen said as he threw the plate of jewels and shiny things behind him.

"For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house. That is all. Thank you, you can go" Master Chen said as everyone walked away, giving Jay angry looks before leaving. "Nice one, Jay" Kai said angrily. "Easy, Romeo" Jay said as he looked angry. "Don't worry about them. We aren't here to make friends, just to save ours" Lloyd said as Kai and Jay looked at him. "Yes, but your exclusion of others has only made enemies. Beware how you treat those around you, for they will treat you the same" Garmadon said as they all made their way out of the arena, and into the chow house.

*That Night*

Y/n laid down on a table next to Jay. After a while everyone was asleep. It was around midnight, Jay sighed as he got out of bed and walked over to Lloyd, "couldn't sleep either?" Jay asked as Lloyd got out of bed, Kai jumped off the bunk as Y/n got out of bed and walked over to the three. "Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back" Kai said while Lloyd grunted. "Speaking of backs, these new beds are the worst. All right let's do..." Lloyd said but the sound of a bell made them jump. "Quick, back in bed" Y/n whispered as they all jumped back into bed.

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