Chapter 6: Spellbound

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*in Y/n's room*

Lloyd looked at his hands for a second before looking back at Y/n, "so what should we do?" Lloyd asked, Y/n thought for a moment. "Since Shadow can't absorb any of our powers then we should be fine, just keep a close eye on him at all times if you can. We don't know for sure if he is the spy or not so don't let your guard down around him" Y/n suggested as Lloyd nodded in agreement.

"And for Skylar?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Y/n. "Avoid her at all costs. If she touches you we're all done for. The second she lays hands on one of us, the closer Chen will get to finishing that spell. So make sure you aren't in her arms reach" Y/n said as she looked into his green eyes. "You have to as well. If she gains your power we will be done for as well. You have all the ninjas elements, so the second she touches you Chen will already have a massive advantage if you get out. So you have to be careful as well" Lloyd said as he looked at Y/n worryingly but also like he was ordering her. Y/n nodded "I will, but you, Jay and Kai are my main priority" Y/n said as she looked at Lloyd seriously. Lloyd nodded.

"Get to bed, you have to get rest for tomorrow" Y/n said as she walked away from him and grabbed her book, stashing it back in her bag as she then looked at Lloyd. "Y/n?" Lloyd asked, Y/n hummed in response, "thank you" Lloyd said gently, almost as if he was whispering. Y/n looked at him confused, "for what?" Y/n asked. "For helping me, and trusting me enough to tell me this stuff" Lloyd said, Y/n smiled and nodded. "Don't mention it, now get to bed" Y/n said with a slight chuckle. Lloyd smiled as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him as he walked to his room and went to bed. Y/n walked back to her notebook and took it out as she went to Lloyd's page then went to a blank page and put 'People I can Trust' and 'Don't Trust'. Y/n put the fighters' names in each column she thought fit them in her opinion. She put Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Turner, Neuro,and Mr. Pale in the can trust section, while she put Shadow and Skylar in the can't trust section. Y/n sighed as she closed the book and put it back in her bag as she then walked to her bed and laid down, pulling the covers over her as she laid on her back, looking up at the ceiling. Y/n sighed as she turned onto her side and closed her eyes. Slowly falling asleep.

*the next day*

The next day, they all had breakfast together and got dressed into their ninja uniforms. They were now put on a blimp in the middle of the jungle. "What are you looking at, Zippy?" Jay asked coldly as he looked over at Turner who was sitting across from him, "the next one out of the tournament" Turner said in a confident tone. Jay laughed nervously as he looked down at his wrapped foot. "Why so scared to show your back, Shadow? Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?" Kai asked, Y/n glared over at him and Jay for already starting arguments before the next challenge even started. "I hope this next fight is between you and me, because I'm gonna put you on your back" Shadow threatened as he pointed at Kai, Mr. Pale whistled at Skylar as he sat beside her, "do you mind?" Skylar asked as she looked away from him, crossing her arms over her chest.

Garmadon sighed "tensions are high" Garmadon said, Y/n looked out the window with Lloyd "ya, not as high as we are now. Can hardly see the island from up here" Lloyd said as Y/n looked at the now tiny island from the tiny circle window. "I've had enough of this. I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?" Neuro started to panic as he went to the drivers area, once he opened the door it revealed there was no driver at all this entire time.

As Neuro shrieked, the tablet part of the blimp turned on, showing Chen. "How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see the light. I'm on? Right now?" Master Chen said as one of the guards answered from behind the camera. Everyone crowded around the small tablet. "Hello, final nine. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence, so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a Jade Blade, today you will be fighting for something different" Master Chen said as he showed them a part of the forest and zoomed in on Nya.

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