Chapter 30: The Way Back

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*the islands*

"Thank you. I don't know how we'll ever be able to repay you" Kai said as he looked at Skylar, "let's just say you owe me one" Skylar said as she smirked at him, "or a few thousand, if we're talking denomination of currency" Ronan said as he scratched his chin. Lloyd looked at him and shook his head with a disappointed look, Kai looked disgusted while Y/N rolled her eyes. "What? No reward?" Ronan asked with a high pitched voice. "Hey, you'd do the same for us. Only with less pizzazz" Darreth said as he shook his chest with a chuckle.

"I hate to break up the reunion, but may I remind you we have a wedding to stop?" Jay asked as he walked back over to the group. "That's right. Jay has his last wish to take the Djinn down" Misako said with a sense of urgency as she looked at the others. "But since we don't have the poison it'll be up to us to slow him down. Come on, there's no time to waste" Y/N said as they all started running but stopped when Lloyd spoke. "Wait. If you defeat Nadakhan, his power will diminish" Lloyd said in his old man voice. "Uh, yeah, that's kind of the point," Cole said in a sassy tone.

"Of course, Lloyd is all too right. If his power diminishes, Djinjago will fall. Ninjago will be crushed" Wu said as he placed his hands behind his back, "even if we win, we lose?" Kai asked in a much calmer voice. "Well, whatever you decide, I sure don't want an all-powerful Djinn calling the shots. You have to take him out if you have the chance" Soto said in a low voice. "Ninja, you go stop Nadakhan. The rest of us will return back to Ninjago to prepare for the worst" Wu said as he looked at Y/N and nodded, she nodded back at him as she then looked at Jay. "Ninja, go!" Jay shouted as the Ninja ran off to defeat Nadakhan.

Darreth started running as well but Ronan stopped him. "Ah-ah, not you, Darreth" Ronan said as he looked at Darreth with his usual stone cold stare. "The Brown Ninja will live to fight another day" Darreth said as he smiled and placed his hands on his hips like a hero would. "This way. We'll take the jet down" Ronan said as he led the others to the jet.

*on another island*

"Get ready" Jay shouted as pirates were headed towards them. Zane put ice on the ground as they all slipped except for a handful of them. Kai used Spinjitzu while the others fought with their fists. "Hyah! Oh, yeah, I forgot it did that" Jay said as he watched a blue orb go into the sword after striking a pirate. Y/N turned around and saw a pirate coming up behind Lloyd. "Lloyd!" Y/N shouted as she held her hands out and the pirate stopped in his tracks. "Ahh! What's happening to me!" the pirate shouted in pain as his body stood still. Lloyd's eyes widened "what the–" Lloyd said, but as he turned to look at Y/N, he saw her standing there with a scared look on her face as her hands were shaking, while they were directed at the pirate.

Lloyd quickly made his way to Y/N as he placed his hands on her shoulders, "Y/N, it's okay. Let him go" Lloyd said in his old man tone. "I can't, I don't know how" Y/N said as she heard the man yell in agony. "Just breathe, you're safe, Y/N. I will protect you" Lloyd whispered, Y/N looked at him as she let her hands fall to her sides, Y/N watched as the man fell and his body shook. "Come on, we have to go" Lloyd said as he grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently as he followed the others with Y/N behind him.

*in the temple*

As Jay broke down the doors there were cannons faced towards them. As the cannons were fired, the Ninja hid behind pillars. Jay jumped on one of the cannons and knocked the two pirates down. "Ha! Two sky pirates with one stone" Jay cheered as the second cannon was turned towards Jay. "Jay, focus," Cole said as he took out the other two pirates. "The entrance to the wedding haul" Jay said as he walked up to the door. "Let me help. It's locked. And it won't budge" Cole said as he tried to push it, but it was no use. "Maybe if we use all of our powers together" Lloyd suggested. "Fire!" Kai shouted. "Lightning!" Jay yelled. "Ice!" Zane shouted as he used his element. "Earth!" Cole yelled. Y/N and Lloyd used their powers at the same time, which caused the doors to shatter.

"And by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you all-powerful" Clancee announced as he shut the book. "Ugh, we're too late," Cole said as he looked at Nadakhan as he laughed. "Do it, Jay" Y/N said as she watched Nadakhan float higher. "I wish Nadakhan wasn't—" Jay shouted as he ran up to Nadakhan. "I wish you wouldn't say that" Nadakhan said as he struck Jay with his wish. Jay fell to the floor and mumbled as Kai helped him up. Y/N looked at Jay and saw the tape around his mouth. "Oh, no. He has infinite wishes" Kai announced. "And I don't have to follow any rules. This feels good. Begone!" Nadakhan shouted as he tried to hit the Ninja with his wish.

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