Chapter 24: Misfortune Rising

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*in the middle of the ocean*

"Ok, I've located Nadakhan's ship. It was last recorded to be seen in Gypsy Cove, three clicks north of Cannon Beach" Nya said over the comms. Cole, Lloyd and Y/N were on their elemental dragons, in search of Nadakhan's ship. "Thanks, Delara. Oh, I mean, Nya" Cole said as he covered his mouth with his hand, Lloyd giggled. "Not funny. Let's see how you like it when you look like our enemy's sweetheart" Nya said over the comms. Y/N chuckled, "I can't blame you on that one," Y/N said as she patted her dragon's neck gently. "Gypsy Cove isn't far. We'll let you know what we see when we get there" Lloyd said as the three of them dove under the clouds. After a few seconds Nya came back to the comms.

*Gypsy Cove*

"Well, if you can't get it, for my sake just get out of there, you guys," Nya said. Y/N looked at Cole and Lloyd with a confused look on her face. "Get out of here? But we just got here," Cole said. Y/N looked around for any signs of Nadakhan's ship. "Not you, Cole. Did you find Nadakhan's ship?" Nya asked in a whispered tone as the three Ninja were now standing on rocks. "Not exactly. But there is evidence of it" Lloyd said.

Y/N walked over to a few broken parts as she knelt down in front of it and examined the parts. "Looks like some repairs were made. But this is strange. What is electrical wiring doing on an old pirate ship?" Y/N asked as she picked up the piece of parts. "Maybe it already set off to sea?" Cole guessed. "I'm getting no readings of it anywhere. You'd think a big pirate ship would get someone's attention" Nya said. Y/N sighed deeply as she placed the piece down and looked around. "If Nadakhan's ship's not here, and it's not out there, where is it?" Lloyd asked. "Good question,"Nya said.

*the bar*

Y/N, Cole and Lloyd met up with the rest of the Ninja at a fighting bar, they were all sat at a table together while two men fought in the ring. They were all back in their disguises as they had drinks and food in front of them. "I'm so tired of sneaking around" Kai complained, "easy, Kai, we're all itching to get back into action. But so far two of our own have gone missing, and none of us have yet to lay an eye on him" Lloyd said as he looked at the group.

Jay looked down at his plate as Zane started talking. "If only we knew someone who had faced him and could tell us what to expect" Zane said as he looked at Y/N, she nodded in agreement. "I wish Wu were here to guide us," Lloyd said, but his words were drawn out by Jay's shouting. "No! Don't say that word!" Jay shouted. Everyone looked at each other before looking back at Jay. "I mean, why wish when we have everything we need right here, right? Ha, ha. Go, Ninja, go?" Jay said in a nervous voice as he raised his fist in the air. Everyone in the bar turned to look at the Ninja. "Nice going. You blew our cover" Cole said as he looked at Jay. "No, he didn't" Y/N said as she pointed up at the TV.

"I don't know why this is news anymore, but Ninjago City's once again under attack by pirates. Or dear I say, sky pirates?" the news reporter said. "We have to help!" Y/N said as she started to stand, but Zane grabbed her wrist and pulled her down, "but we're fugitives" Zane said as he looked at her. Lloyd put his body in front of Y/N slightly, "doesn't matter. We protect the innocent" Lloyd said as Zane let Y/N go. "And Soto said the map is on that ship. If we wanna stop Nadakhan, we need it" Nya said as they looked at the ship on the TV. "Well, what are we waiting for? I thought we were all itching to get back into action" Kai said, Y/N looked over at him and smirked.

*Ninjago City*

They all quickly got dressed into their suits as they were now running on top of buildings heading towards the ship. "For our own safety, travel in pairs. We need to protect the people, but also get that map" Lloyd said as they looked at the ship. "I forgot, what does the map look like?" Cole asked, Zane turned to look at him with an annoyed expression. "It's on a lantern. Look for a lantern" Zane said as they all put on their masks while Y/N pulled up hers to cover the bottom half of her face. "Ninja, go!" They all shouted as Lloyd, Cole and Y/N landed on a cop car."Protect the people, commissioner. We'll take care of the menace" Y/N said as they hopped over the officers and started to run after the ship on foot. Cole, Y/N and Lloyd made it onto a rooftop as they looked for a way to get on.

Cole walked near the edge and dodged a hook headed his way. He looked up and saw Dogshank on the anchor. "Boy, you're real ugly" Cole said as he pointed at Dogshank. "I'm not a boy. I'm a lady" Dogshank said as she lept off the anchor and belly flopped onto Cole. Dogshank threw Cole past Lloyd and Doubloon. Y/N looked over and watched as Doubloon started to do Spinjitzu. "Watch out!" Y/N shouted as she pulled Lloyd out of the way while Cole dodged him. "So he knows Spinjitzu. Let's see if he knows Airjitzu" Lloyd said as the three of them used Airjitzu to dodge Doubloon. "Forget him. We need to get that lantern" Y/N said as they used Airjitzu to get closer to the ship.

Y/N ran away from cannons as Monkey Wretch fired them at Lloyd, Cole and Y/N. Y/N barely dodged one, but the explosion caused her to lose her footing as she was about to fall off the roof, but someone grabbed her waist and pulled her up. Y/N looked at the person who grabbed her and saw it was Lloyd. "Careful, I thought I was going to have to dive after you, you know, like how you did back on Chen's Island" Lloyd said as he pulled her back up. Y/N opened her mouth to say something but no words came out of her mouth. Y/N watched as Lloyd chuckled and continued running, Y/N shook her head as she followed after him quickly. Y/N watched as Monkey Wretch fell onto a lamp post. "Bad monkey! Now, where is the lantern? It's gotta be here somewhere" Cole said as he looked around the ship. "Cole's in!" Y/N informed Lloyd.

*a few minutes later*

After a few seconds Y/N watched as Jay and Cole jumped off the ship. "We've got the lantern. Return to the meeting point" Cole said over the comms. "Hi, guys. We're almost there" Lloyd said as they soon came to a stop when the commissioner stopped them, holding a taser up at them. "Freeze! Don't test me, Lloyd Garmadon! And...girl Ninja" commissioner said as Y/N and Lloyd had their hands up. "You know we're only trying to help. If you don't believe me pull the trigger" Y/N said as she pulled her mask down and stepped in front of Lloyd. Y/N smirked as she heard the sirens getting closer as she grabbed Lloyd's hand and started to run. "Oh. Darn Ninja. I hate it when you're right" commissioner said as he stood there.

*Y/N and Lloyd meet up with the others*

Y/N and Lloyd made it to the meeting place to see Jay, Nya, Zane and Cole. "All right, now let's fire this lantern up and check out the map. Kai, a little light?" Cole said, as they all looked around they noticed Kai was nowhere to be seen. "Kai?" Y/N called out as she looked around. "Where's Kai?" Nya asked, the ground started to shake as they all started to lose their balance. "Who was supposed to-" Nya was going to finish her sentence when the earth shook and an explosion was heard. "What was that?" Zane asked as they sat up, "I don't know. But I'm afraid to find out" Lloyd said as they all stood up. 

AUTHORS NOTE: Here is chapter 24! Like I said, so far this is the shortest chapter I will be making (hopefully). And since it is so short I will be posting Chapter 25 since it is a little longer than this one!

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