Season 2: Chapter 11: Winds of Change

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*the ocean*

The Ninja flew across the waters on their Elemental Dragons, Kai laughed as his dragon went faster. Lloyd chuckled, "getting ahead of yourself, Kai? I'm leading this charge" Lloyd said as he went up Kai's dragon, passing him quickly, making Kai yelp. Lloyd's dragon dipped its tail in the water, splashing Kai and his dragon.

Jay cackled, "that's one way to cool off a hot head" Jay said in amusement. "Hey, no one messes up my hair" Kai stated, Y/n smirked as she flew above him before going upside down and ruffling his hair, "what your gel filled hair?" Y/n asked as she laughed, Jay laughed loudly as Kai pouted slightly. "Haha, very funny, Y/n" Kai said as he rolled his eyes.

Soon Kai flew over Lloyd and dove down, splashing the water on everyone. Zane coughed, spitting out the salty water. Cole laughed as he moved into Zane's view, "you okay there, Zane?" Cole asked, Zane chuckled slightly, "affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out" Zane said in a happy tone. "Oh, what about a big fish? Incoming!" Jay shouted as a massive fish jumped out of the water, almost nipping Zane's dragon's tail. The fish was very fast as it tried to catch up to the dragons. "There he blows!" Cole shouted as he pointed at the massive fish below them. 

"Based on its weight and size, this is the mutant Fangfish, terrorizing the coastal village and depleting their food source" Pixal said as she showed the information on the fish in Zane's head. "Pixal says this is the one" Zane said. Lloyd and Y/n smirked, "and now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium" Lloyd said as they made their way to land.

"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay teased, "heck no. He was twice the size" Kai said, Y/n chuckled and rolled her eyes, "oh, I bet" Y/n said. "He's almost as hungry as you, Cole" Jay teased once again, "and twice as ugly as you, Jay" Cole said back, everyone laughed as the fish trailed behind them.

"It's time for the catch of the day. In line formation!" Lloyd said as he saw a boat up ahead. Once they got in a line Cole looked down, "it's right behind us" Cole said as the fish leaped out of the water. "Now!" Lloyd said as they all moved out of the way, only for the fish to land perfectly on the boat. The boys and Y/n cheered. "Now that's what I call, hook line and stinker!" Jay shouted.

*at the docks*

Once they made it back to docks Kai, Lloyd and Y/n smiled as they watched a father and son buy a fishing rod to finally go fishing. "Looks like we made this place safe to fish again" Kai said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "If your father was still here, he'd tell you he's proud. You've become a great leader, Lloyd" Kai said as he put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "No, we're a great team. Can't say I don't miss him" Lloyd said, Y/n smiled reassuringly at him, "mourning takes time, and you will never not miss him, you just might accept it, but only when the time is right" Y/n said as she smiled at Lloyd.

The fish was being carried into a little tank, "it's working!" Cole cheered, when they placed the fish down, water splashed Cole, Jay and Zane. Y/n laughed slightly as they all shook the water off of them. "With my dad gone, sometimes I question where I'm going. Sometimes I worry about who I might become" Lloyd said as he looked at his hands.

"I know how that feels. After I lost my dad, I lost my way. But I was lucky to have my sister watch over me. Don't worry, big shot, I'll watch over you from now on" Kai said as he ruffled Lloyd's hair. "We both will" Y/n said softly, Lloyd smiled as he got out of Kai's grasp. "Hey, no one messes up my hair," Lloyd said with a smirk.

"Hey, you three gonna get in the picture?" Jay asked with a smile. The four of them raced back quickly, "no one's gonna believe this. Getting a picture! This is awesome!" Jay said. "Back, back just a little further" Zane said to the camera guy. As the guy took a step back Zane smiled, "just a little further" Zane said. When the guy took another step back he fell off the edge, taking a picture before he fell into the water. The man laughed, "you guys." The Ninja laughed in relief as they all looked at each other, "oh, great! Who's gonna believe us now?" Jay asked, but to everyone's surprise the fish raised its fin in the air. Before splashing them with water.

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