Chapter 12: Ghost Story

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*the Bounty*

The Ninja were now in their new Ninja uniform, they looked out from the balcony and waited for Wu's word. "Take positions" Master Wu said, Y/n was about to go out too but Wu stopped her. "Sensei, I have to fight. Morro won't hurt me" Y/n said as she looked at him, she was in a different uniform, similar to Kai's but it was a lighter red and was tighter on her skin, which is what she enjoyed more.

"Y/n, I get he is your brother, but he is dangerous, and he has already hurt you enough as it is," Wu said, Y/n shook her head, "and so was your brother, but you still proceeded to fight him even at your weakest moments. Sensei, you've trained me all my life to fight, I'm a Ninja like them, I was born to fight" Y/n said as she looked at him with her mask still down. Wu sighed deeply, "that is no excuse, Y/n. You are injured and in bad condition, one more hit to the head and you could go unconscious" Wu said. Y/n let out a harsh breath as she watched Wu walk away from her. "My final decision is no," Wu said, "do you understand?" Wu asked, but there was no answer, "Y/n?" Wu said as he turned around only to see Y/n had disappeared. "Y/n!" Wu shouted.

Y/n showed up behind Kai and Jay as she watched Morro fly around the ship. "Ah, I give you this much. That Ninja never quits" Cole said as he looked up at the dragon. As Morro's dragon shot something at the ship Zane shouted "port side!" which made Nya move to the left and down, just missing the power ball. Jay and Cole looked up and watched as Morro started to fly after them, "the cannons" Cole said as Jay hopped on and started to shoot nets at Morro.

Nya made it so we went down more to dodge another power ball headed their way. Jay slid on the floor, "aah! Let me get this straight. You're just telling us now that you had other pupils before us, and now one of them is a cursed spirit and has possessed Lloyd, also is Y/n's older brother. All so that he can take your staff?" Jay said everything together as he looked at Wu with a worried look. "Morro won't stop until he gets what he's after" Y/n said as she held onto the railing. "There's a secret message engraved in it. All these years, I had no idea" Wu said. Jay threw his arms up in the air before throwing them down again. "Of course. Ha, just another day in Ninjago" Jay shouted as his nerves started to rise.

"If this is as fast as the Bounty goes, I think we're in for some serious trouble" Cole said as Morro flew over them before turning upside down and coming closer to them. "Is that where you learned that trick from?" Kai asked, Y/n glared at him, "Morro never had a dragon when I was younger" Y/n said as she looked at Morro who dropped onto the bounty with two long swords. Morro laughed as he looked at the Ninja in front of him. Zane moved in front of Wu as he started to explain everything he needed.

"I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff," Wu explained. "Kai and I will take you to our quarters, while Jay, Cole and Y/n will keep him busy" Zane said in urgency. "Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us" Cole said, "ya, we didn't fare so hot last time. Why is it you get off with the easy task?" Jay asked as they both looked at Zane. "Because I'm the intelligent one" Zane argues as they quickly go down to the lower deck. "Ah, let's take this guy," Jay said.

Jay and Cole both took out swords while Y/n took out her daggers. Jay and Cole ran at Morro, and not even two seconds later they were both already knocked down. "Oh come on" Y/n said as she looked at the two who were already groaning. Morro chuckled, "let's start round two shall we, little sister?" Morro asked, "we shall!" Y/n shouted as she quickly started to swing her daggers at him, but he managed to block a few attacks.

"Why am I steering the ship? There's a reason the auto-pilot was invented" Nya said as she pressed a button to turn on auto-pilot.

Y/n tried to get a good hit on him but he managed to block every attack. Morro smirked as he threw her off him. "Sorry, (nickname). But I gotta let the boys have some fun" Morro said as she hit her back on a wooden pole which held the sail. Y/n yelled in pain as she landed on the floor. "Oh, great" Jay said nervously as he ran at Morro, but just as Morro was about to attack Jay with his swords they were ripped out of his hands.

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