Chapter 57: The Weakest Link

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*The picture is for a bit later in the book, you will understand when you read it! But this is the referance photo!*


Y/N opened her eyes softly. She was in a room, it seemed like a place dump trucks came to, it smelt like puffy potstickers, noodles, and tea. Y/N sat up as she looked around the room to see a teapot and teacups to go along with it. Y/N stood up as she walked out of the small room and looked down the small balcony and saw Nya, Skylar, Mistake, Darreth, Lloyd, and Harumi.

Y/N ran down the stairs as she scanned their clothing, noticing them out of their Ninja uniforms and in brown clothing. "Lloyd" Y/N whispered as she walked in front of Lloyd and placed her hands on his biceps. Y/N noticed his eyes were still dark, "oh, Lloyd" Y/N said softly as she traced her index finger under his eye gently.

"They are safe, for now" Morro said from behind her. 
Y/N looked behind her as she saw Harumi tied to a chair and the Mask of Hatred at her feet. "Why is she here?" Y/N asked as she glared at Harumi as she smirked at the Ninja and Mystake. "They managed to capture her, brought her here to bargain with, but realized she wanted to get kidnapped so Lloyd would use the mask," Morro explained as he looked down at Harumi and the mask.

"What would happen if he did?" Y/N asked as she looked at Lloyd for a moment. Morro sighed, "the Oni Mask is full of dark power, Lloyd is part Oni himself" Morro explained, "I know that already. What would happen if he wore it?" Y/N asked, her tone more scared than angry. "I do not know. I only know as much as Wu had taught me" Morro said, Y/N's brow raised, "he taught you about the Oni and Dragon?" Y/N questioned. Morro shook his head.

"He explained his story to me, I put the pieces together" Morro clarified. Y/N nodded as she looked back at Lloyd, "is he hurt?" Y/N asked as she stared at Lloyd, "no" Morro answered as he walked around slightly. "Good" Y/N said softly as she then looked at Nya and smiled. "She's okay too?" Y/N asked, Morro nodded. 

 smiled as she walked up to Nya, "she's like the sister I never had, she is kind and caring towards me" Y/N said as she looked at Nya softly. "I can tell you like her," Morro said as he looked at Y/N, she nodded in agreement.

Y/N sighed as she looked down, then over her shoulder, "can you see the future?" Y/N asked as she turned to face her brother, Morro nodded slightly, "if I want to" Morro said with a shrug.

Y/N nodded as she looked back at Nya before looking over at Lloyd, "do we make it back to Ninjago?" Y/N asked as she felt a lump in her throat, praying that his answer was the one she wanted. Morro sighed, "there are four thousand, five hundred, and twenty three possibilities" Morro said as he looked at her, "and how many of those end up with us in Ninjago again?" Y/N asked as she looked at him, hope in her eyes. 

Morro sighed as he kept his gaze on her, "two" Morro said as he looked at her, his gaze softening.

Y/N cursed under her breath, "then I guess we have to fight till the end to get back home" Y/N said as she felt determination rise through her body, Morro smiled proudly at his sister as he nodded.

Morro walked over to her, "I love you, sister" Morro whispered as he hugged 
Y/N gently.

*The First Realm* 

Faith stomped on the fire, "the sun is up. We must go" Faith said as she ripped Jay's blanket off of him. "Hey! Whatever happened to breakfast being the most important meal?" Jay whined as he kicked his legs in the air.

Zane sat up as he glanced over at Faith, "we're getting closer to the Firstbourne's nest. We'll eat when the son of the Spinjitzu Master has the Dragon Armor, and we are all in Ninyego" Faith said as she grabbed her sword out of the ground and threw it into one of the vehicles, along with the blanket Jay had. The boys sat up as Jay rubbed his head, "it's Ninjago. It's really not that hard to pronounce" Zane said as he shook his head slightly.

Cole looked over at Y/N, who still seemed to be asleep. "Ah, to be back home in a real bed" Kai said as he smiled to himself, "mm. With real food" Jay said as he licked his lips. Cole glanced over at Wu and nudged him, "and cake. Why did I ever give up cake?" Cole asked as he tapped his stomach. Jay snorted, "because your body is a temple?" Jay said as he looked at Cole, "what is this cake?" Faith asked as she looked at them.

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