Chapter 47: Game of Masks

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*the Bounty*

"Get your hands off me!" Y/N shouted as she struggled against the masked man's grip. The masked man pushed her to the ground, scraping her cheek bone, Y/N looked up as Ultra Violet picked baby Wu up. "Don't touch him!" Y/N shouted as she managed to spin herself onto the back and kicked the masked man in the face, as she got up and started running towards Ultra Violet, Big Man grabbed her and slammed her onto the wood. "Agh!" Y/N shouted as Cole looked at her, his eyes widened, "let her go!" Cole shouted. Big Man cackled as he chained Y/N in between Cole and Nya.

The bikers laughed as they looked down at the Ninja who were chained in a circle, in the middle of the Bounty. "If you harm one hair on his head..." Y/N said as she looked up at Big Man, "you'll what?" Big Man asked, "you don't scare me, you look pathetic" Y/N said as she spit blood onto his shoe. "That's it" Big Man said as he grabbed Y/N's jaw harshly and made her look up at him.

"Where is he? Where's the Green Ninja?" Big Man asked as he looked down at Y/N and the other Ninja. "Ha. Like we'll ever tell you" Y/N said as she smirked, blood painting her lips. "Uh, Y/N, you don't argue with a man whose navel is that close" Jay said as he looked at Y/N.

"Mister E found them." a biker said as he pushed Y/N back harshly before going to the upper deck. "Good eye, Mister E. The Oni Temple is just fifteen miles north of here. Set a course for the Quiet One" Big Man said as he looked at the map. "You don't have to call her that. We know it's Harumi" Nya said as she looked at the bikers, they all giggled slightly. "Do you guys have any idea what you're doing? She's planning on resurrecting Garmadon, Lore Garmadon. Then I guess you never had the chance to meet him" Kai said as he smirked at the bikers. "No, but we look forward to it," Big Man said as he leaned on the railing.

"In our experience, when the bad guys try to unearth an ancient evil, it never ends well for them," Zane said as he looked up at Big Man. "Yeah, just ask Pythor, Master Chen, Morro, or even Garmadon himself" Jay said, Y/N glanced down at the mention of her brother's name.

"Hmm. Then it's a good thing the Quiet One isn't a bad guy, but a bad girl" Ultra Violet said, which made all the bikers laugh. Y/N moved her wrist in the chains and stopped when Ultra Violet spoke. "Careful, Ninja. I wouldn't want to upset the child" Ultra Violet said as she played with her small spear. "Let's just hope Lloyd discovers Harumi's secret before her help arrives" Y/N whispered to Cole and Jay as they both nodded.

*the Oni Temple*

They had finally made it to the Oni Temple entrance, which was under a waterfall. "I've got an itch. You mind coming over here to scratch it?" Kai asked as he looked at Ultra Violet. "Shut it, hair gel" Ultra Violet warned as she showed him her dagger.

Y/N watched as Wu had a wrench in his hand and was waddling around a biker. Wu fell and started to cry while the biker laughed at him, Wu stood up and whipped the wrench at the biker's stomach as he started to waddle away while laughing. Wu managed to jump onto the biker as he ran around trying to get Wu off of him. "Get off me" the biker shouted, and that's when Y/N caught sight of their way out, the keys. Y/N smirked, "huh" Nya said as she caught sight of them too.

"Ultra Viloet, get over here" Killow, also known as Big Man, said from inside the cave. "Watch over them for me, will you?" Ultra Violet asked as she ran over to go help Killow. Y/N nodded as Cole, "glow, little glow worm. Glimmer, glimmer" Cole started to sing as he smirked. "That song again? It ain't gonna work, beef cake" the biker said as he looked at Cole. "Maybe I just feel like singing. Lead us lest far..." Cole said as he continued singing. "Hey, I said knock it off" the biker said as he walked up and in front of Cole.

Y/N looked over at baby Wu. "Psst. The keys. The keys. Get the keys" Y/N whispered as Cole sang loudly. Wu grabbed the teapot and smiled at Y/N as he held it up proudly, Y/N shook her head, "not the tea. The keys. There. Please" Y/N whispered as she watched Wu take a sip of tea before grabbing the keys and walking over in between Y/N and Nya.

Wu put the key in the key hole, once the chains were unlocked, Cole jumped out of the chains and kicked the biker back. Y/N smiled as she stood up and picked Wu up into her arms. "Oh, thanks, little Wu," Y/N said as he giggled in her arms. The biker was about to get up but Jay held the sword close to his face, "nu-uh" Jay said as he shook his head.

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