Season 5: Chapter 41: The Mask of Deception

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*This is Y/N's new uniform! You can make your own but I am using this one!*

*the mountains* 

Y/N, Cole and Jay flew through a set of doors as they hit a wall harshly. Y/N grunted as the boys got up and closed the doors, pushing them against the freezing winds. "Cole, Y/N, you're my friends, but right now, you're my worst enemies. You, Cole, have no idea how time travel works" Jay explained as they started walking around the temple, where men meditated with scents floating around the room. "If someone goes back in time and alters the past, our reality as we know it would change. We could look totally different and not even know it" Cole explained as he took off his mask. Showing off his brown locks, which he had let grow out.

"But we don't. Thus, Master Wu must have slipped into a time stream into the future" Jay said as he took off his mask, showcasing his curly brown hair. Y/N sighed as she took down her mask, her hair had grown in length and had become more wavy and looked silky. "Whenever he is, it's been a year. It's time we find him" Y/N said as she looked at Jay.

"Uh, hi. Sorry to bother you. Cole, Master of Earth. Uh, this is Y/N, Master of Roots. Jay, Master of Blabber" Cole said with a smile as he looked down at a man in red and orange with a hood covering his head. "Lightning" Jay mumbled over to Cole, Y/N elbowed Jay slightly, "stay on task" Y/N whispered as she then looked down at the man. "We heard that an old man who lost his memory wandered in from the cold. About so high, long beard, drinks a lot fo tea," Cole explained as he did a few motions while Jay mimicked them.

"I told you not to introduce yourself as the Master of Earth. No one knows what that means" Jay said as they walked away from the man. "No, you bolthead. Everyone here took a vow of silence" Y/N said as she looked over at Jay as if he was the dumbest human on earth. Jay smirked as he walked over to a man who was in the middle of meditating. "Can you point us to him?" Jay shouted, the man looked at Jay angrily as he pointed to his left, "thank you. I-I like your place" Jay shouted as Y/N cringed and rubbed her temples while Cole slapped his forehead.

As they walked down the hall, Y/N felt like her nerves were about to explode, the possibility of finding Master Wu was slim, but after hearing they had found an old man with memory loss made her believe in hope. Y/N, Jay, and Cole smiled as they saw a man with his back towards them, he had the same straw hat as Wu, was wearing all white, and had poured himself a cup of tea. "Wait. If it's him and he lost his memory, don't remind him of that stupid TV show I once hosted, okay?" Jay whispered as Y/N rolled her eyes and then turned to the man.

"Uh. Master Wu?" Y/N asked softly, the man stood up slowly as he turned to face the Ninja. Y/N's smile faded as she didn't recognise him, it wasn't Wu. "Aw, come on. We came all this way, and it's not him? Aw, that's it. I quit" Jay said in a pouting tone as he turned around harshly and started to walk away. Y/N felt her hope slowly depleting as she turned to look at Jay, "I'm tired of losing people in my life. Wu would never quit on us, and we're not quitting on him" Y/N said as she walked after Jay with Cole by her side. He looked sad at her comment about losing people, maybe out of pity, but Aven didn't notice it much as she focused on Jay.

"If he's really still out there, couldn't he at least send a letter from the future? Or leave a message to stand the test of time? He's wise. He'd find a way" Jay argued as he looked at Y/N, Cole placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, "we just have to keep looking" Cole said as he looked at Y/N and Jay. "Yeah, you do that, and while you're at it, I'll be doing something more useful, like being a Ninja" Jay said in a frustrated tone, Y/N scoffed, "hah. Some Ninja you are. You talk more than you fight" Y/N argued as she got up in Jay's face. Cole looked around and cringed slightly, "at least I'm entertaining. All you do is judge and act like you know everything" Jay argued back.

Y/N opened her mouth to say something but stopped when one of the men yelled. "Would you stop fighting!" the man yelled but gasped, "way to break your vow. Ahh. Oh, no, I spoke, too" another said in fear. "Ha, ha. I knew you didn't have it in you" another man said. "I've been holding this in, but I just want to say I hate doing your dishes" a different man shouted. "Well, if everyone's doing it, I'm doing it, too," another man shouted.

Y/N looked down at her wrist as it beeped. "Ah. That's our cue. Got to run" Jay said as he, Cole and Y/N ran to the doors. When the doors opened, a strong gust of wind pushed them back, but Y/N, Cole and Jay fought back the wind as they put their masks on and started running.

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