Chapter 20: Curse World Part 2

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Jay, Zane and Cole were in their new vehicles while Y/n, Kai and Nya were on the docks in between them. The Preeminent was starting to break through as she tore the wood planks off the docks and threw them around. The Preeminent looked like a bug, and this bug wanted to destroy everything in its path, Y/n sighed out a shaky breath as she looked at the Preeminent.

"Whoa" Jay said as in the middle of the Preeminent it started to unleash more ghosts. "What is that thing?" Kai asked, "she's the Preeminent, the physical manifestation of the entire Cursed Realm" Zane told them as he looked down at them from his Mech. "I know one thing, she ain't pretty" Cole said as they stared at her. Y/n's mind was full of thoughts, like what she should do...what could she do? Lloyd was gone, again, and it was all because of her. "Ew! Gross! I'm about to lose my lunch" Jay said as he cringed.

"If we can't stop that, we might lose Ninjago" Nya said as she shot water at one of her tentacles. The tentacle twitched slightly as it started to dart towards them. Nya made a water shield around her as did Y/n. Kai used his fire to push him up. "Fire!" Kai shouted. "Lightning!" Jay yelled as he drove his GT away from the tentacle and shot it with lightning. "Ice!" Zane yelled as his Mech held the tentacle while he shot his ice at it, "earth!" Cole shouted as himself, Kai and Zane tried to shoot their elements in the center, but nothing happened.

"She didn't even notice that" Y/n said as she put her water down. "Oh, I hate unbeatable creatures!" Jay shouted as he kept driving away. Y/n looked at where the Bounty was and noticed Morro heading towards them. Y/n started to run, "no, no, no" Y/n thought to herself as she used her air element to push her up into the air and faster. Y/n ran as she was now in front of Misako, Wu and Ronan, with the sword in his hand.

"It's Morro," Wu said as they all looked up at him. Morro laughed sinisterly as he looked down at them, "you were wrong about me, Sensei. You said destiny didn't want me to be the Green Ninja. Well, I make my own destiny, and now yours is coming to an end!" Morro said as he glared down at them. "You've released this scourge and it won't stop until it has cursed all sixteen realms. I trained you to be a Ninja who protects, not one who destroys" Wu said.

Y/n looked up at her older brother, seeing the part of him she loved and knew he was slipping away.

"You made me believe I was to become the Green Ninja! Now I am!" Morro shouted as he raised his hands with a smirk. A tentacle grabbed Misako, "Wu!" Misako said in fear. "Misako!" Wu called out as she was pulled up next to Morro.

"The more souls the Preeminent takes, the bigger she gets. Say goodbye to your loved ones, and say goodbye to Ninjago!" Morro shouted as Wu staretd to chase after Morro. Y/n ran on the docks as she made sure Misako was always in her sight, as if she had lost sight of Misako, she would have failed to keep an entire family safe and together. "Warm up that paddle! We're leaving when they get back!" Ronan said as he cut a tentacle.

Y/n was now back to where the other Ninja were. "Zane! Freeze the tentacle holding that woman!" Y/n shouted as she looked up at the woman as she screamed. Once the tentacle was frozen it fell off and Zane caught the woman. "Thank you," the woman said as she started running. "Get to the ship! Hurry!" Nya shouted, she cut two tentacles that were holding people while Y/n looked around.

Y/n was looking for Misako as she searched frantically for her. "I don't know how to stop this thing. It just keeps coming!" Zane shouted as he cut another one. Kai threw his Aeroblade at one and cut it, only for it to contect back. "Ah! You stop one, two more grow in its place" Kai said as he grabbed his Aeroblade. Jay jumped out of his GT as the Preeminent took it and threw it. "If there ever was time to unlock your true potential, sis, it's now!" Kai said as he looked at Nya. "Let me just flip the switch. Oh yeah, I'm not a Nindroid! I don't have a switch!" Nay shouted at Kai.

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