Chapter 51: Firstbourne

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*Realm of Dragons and Oni* 

Kai was looking through the broken Bounty parts while Y/N was sitting on her knees by the water, Wu by her side. Y/N scooped up some water into her hands, heating it up with her fire before cooling it down. Y/N slowly brought her hands towards Wu, "drink up" Y/N said softly. Wu smiled as he placed his small lips at the tips of Y/N's fingers as she tipped her hands towards him, allowing Wu to drink the water. "Is it good?" Y/N asked as she wiped her hands on her legs, Wu nodded as he swallowed the rest of the water down. Y/N smiled, "good" Y/N said as she placed her hand on his head.

"Foil. I found foil! Ah! Yes! We have foil!" Kai shouted, Y/N looked at Wu as he shook his head, Y/N smirked as she shook her head slightly, "boys" Y/N whispered as she grabbed Wu's hand. Wu nodded as he crossed his tiny arms over his chest, "boys" he repeated as Y/N walked over to the others.

*on the Bounty*

"Okay. Let's see if it works" Zane said as he faced what looked like a small radio satellite. "Say we're lucky enough to reach someone in Ninjago. After everything that's happened, is there even a home to go back to?" Cole asked as he looked at Y/N, "we have to try, we can't just leave Lloyd, Nya and Pixal to defend Ninjago on their own. So, there's only one way to find out" Y/N said as she nodded at Kai, letting go of Wu's hand as she looked at Zane. "Here goes nothing," Kai said as he flipped a switch. There were static sounds coming from the radio. "And that sounds like nothing," Zane said as he looked down. Kai groaned loudly, "we're never getting home" Kai shouted as he walked to the edge of what was left of the Bounty.

"So it doesn't work. I'm telling you guys, I've been feeling so much better now that I've accepted our situation. This is our new home" Jay said as he put his hands together. "You don't sound yourself, Jay" Cole said as Kai paced around, "I'm just saying you don't have to freak out about it. Heh. It could be worse" Jay said as he looked lazy, he looked like he truly didn't care. "Worse? Worse? Jay, the only thing about to be worse is the look on your face when I punch it" Y/N said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "A strange tea lady just marooned us in the Realm of Oni and Dragon. A realm, mind you, we know nothing about, with no hope of getting home, and no clue as to what else is out there!" Kai shouted as he looked at Jay. "Uh, Oni and Dragons, duh?" Jay said as he looked at them with a calm look on his face.

"Sure, Jay. We've all seen dragons. But aren't you the least bit concerned about coming across an Oni? I mean, we hardly know anything about them" Cole said as he looked at Jay, "except that they like to destroy, and Master Wu is part one" Zane said as he sighed deeply.

"I'm hungry" child Wu whined as he sat by a fire. Y/N started to walk down the plank towards him with Cole behind her. "Sorry Master, but I thought we told you. We're rationing our food" Cole said as he and Y/N walked over to him.

"Hm. Perhaps there is some useful guidance you could impart on us in this difficult time?" Zane asked as Jay walked away and Kai moved over to Zane. "Master Wu?" Y/N said softly as she looked at him, hope in her eyes as they all waited for his response.

"I'm hungry" Wu whined as he looked at Y/N. Jay started cackling, "ah, man" Jay said as he looked over at Kai. "You not freaking out is freaking me out!" Kai said as he started to grab his hair. "Kai,'s much easier coping with life's problems when you let go of hope" Jay said as he walked over to the small ramp they made. "Woo-hoo! Hey, turn up that music! That's my butter and jam. Yeah-ha!" Jay said, meaning the static.

"Yeah-ha. He's totally lost it" Cole said as he looked at Y/N, who nodded in agreement. "Nope. I've totally found it" Jay said as he was slouching by the fire, his hands behind his head and his legs crossed.

"Still hungry," Wu said a bit louder as Kai and Zane walked down the ramp. "We all are" Kai said in a harsh tone as he looked at Wu, Y/N shoved Kai's shoulder. "Be patient with him. He's growing, he's going to be hungry. At his growth rate, we'll have our old Master soon enough" Y/N said as she looked at Kai with a warning look. "We're low on food, Master. How about you go out and find some?" Kai asked as he placed his hands on his hips, his tone softer than before. "I don't wanna," Wu said as he crossed his arms. "Now, Master, don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today" Cole said with a proud smile.

"Pfft, ha. That's rich. Now we're giving him lessons he taught us. Ha, ha" Jay said as he laughed, Y/N glared at him as she was fed up with him talking. Wu looked up at Y/N and Cole, "will you...will you come with me?" Wu asked softly, Y/N smiled down at him as she kneeled in front of him, "sure, we can come" Y/N said softly as she ruffled his hair.

"Okay, you guys fix the radio. We'll go see what food we can scrounge up" Cole said as Kai and Zane nodded before heading back up the ramp to go fix the radio. "Come on, Little Master" Cole said as he started walking, "why do you call me that?" Wu asked as he looked at Cole, "uh...habit, I guess" Cole said as Wu stood up and followed Cole and Y/N.

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