Chapter 17: The Crooked Path

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*Steep Wisdom*

They were back at the tea shop, Zane put up a sign and sighed "there. This should keep customers away. Closed for renovations" Zane said as he turned to look at Kai who was putting a water pale on the door. "More like fortifications. When Morro and his goons show up looking to steal the Sword of Sanctuary, they won't know what hit them" Kai said, Cole opened the door and looked up as the water bucket started to drop.

Just as the water was about to hit him he backed up into the shop. "Careful, you know, not all of us are immune to water. And I for one would like to stick around long enough for Misako and Sensei to figure out the last clue" Cole said as he hopped over the sticks covering the water under them. "We got Cyclondo, we got the sword, now we just have to figure out where the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master is," Jay said as he placed more sticks down. "Let's hope they figure it out soon. I don't know how long we'll be able to hold out" Kai said as they then walked inside and saw Y/n sitting down.

And when Jay saw her in deep thought a question passed his mind, "Hey Y/n? How old were you when Morro died?" Jay asked, Cole hit him in the back of the head. "Hey don't ask that you knucklehead!" Cole said as Jay looked at him "Sensei Wu said we could ask her questions" Jay said in his defense, "ya not offensive ones Jay" Kai butted in. "I was about 3 maybe 4" Y/n said as she leaned back against the wall.

"Are you alright, Y/n?" Zane asked as he saw her uneasiness, Y/n looked up at him from her sitting position and smiled. "If I am being totally honest, not really. I never thought I'd see my brother again, and yet here I am tracking him down to stop him from destroying Ninjago. Crazy huh?" Y/n asked as she chuckled to herself, Zane looked down at her with a sad look on his face, "Y/n it is ok to not be ok. If you need anything we're here for you" Kai said as he kneeled down in front of her, Y/n looked at Kai and smiled "thank you...all of you. I don't know what I would do without all you idiots in my life" Y/n said as she looked up at all the boys, Jay and Cole smirked while Zane held his smile. "Even Lloyd?" Kai asked, Y/n looked back at him with a slight smile, "even Lloyd" Y/n said as she smiled at him.

And just as they calmed down they heard the early detective warning system. Also known as a wire that sounded a bell. The boys quickly ran out. "Intruder" Kai informed. "Let them have it! Pull!" Jay shouted as they all pulled the mini catapults with water balloons at a sign. The man with a paper sighed deeply, "no wonder you're going out of business" the man said as he gave   Y/n a piece of paper before walking away. "No, you're the one going out of business!" Jay shouted.

"Who sends letters anymore?" Jay asked as he looked at Y/n who was reading the letter. Y/n sighed as she showed them the piece of paper, "guys, he's right. It says they'll shut us down unless we drum up some business" Y/n said as she looked defeated. "Well don't tell Ronan. If this place is worthless, he won't stick around. And we need all the help we can get. Come on, we're gonna need more water balloons" Cole said as the boys walked back to the shop.

Y/n looked up at the sky as the wind blew past her softly. Y/n looked around quickly as she thought Morro was around, Y/n groaned as she hit her head gently, "get out of my head" Y/n said to herself as she squeezed her eyes shut. Y/n was trapped in her mind as the wind blew past her, till it stopped. Y/n opened her eyes as Misako's voice echoed through her mind. "Y/n, please come join us in the shop" Misako asked in a soft tone. Y/n looked behind her and at Misako, "uh, ya...sure" Y/n said as she followed Misako and the boys back into the shop.

"Thanks for gathering on short notice" Misako said as Kai closed the door behind Y/n. "Looking for something?" Kai asked as he looked at Ronan. "Just making sure the tea plants are in alphabetical order. Yep, there we go. A to Z, heh" Ronan said as he looked at the plants in boxes. "So you figured out where the tomb is?" Jay asked as he felt like time was running out. "Not yet, but we think we know how to locate it," Misako said.

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