Chapter 55: The Gilded Path

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*the desert* 

Y/N sat by the fire beside Cole as she stood up and walked near Kai, "huh?" Wu said as he sat up, "look who's up" Kai said as Wu pushed the blanket off him. "And look who's got longer legs. Even as I'm saying that out loud, that's super weird, right?" Cole asked as a now teenage Wu was walking over to them. "With his augmented growth cycle, that's quite normal for a young teenager" Zane said as they all smiled at older Wu, "a teenager? Oh, now we're in for it" Jay said as Y/N rolled her eyes, "Jay, we're still teenagers" Y/N said as she looked at him from across the fire.

"Yeah, but grown-up teenagers, well, except you I guess, you're eighteen" Jay said as he rolled his eyes. Wu placed his hand on Y/N's arm before touching his forehead, "what's wrong, Wu?" Y/N asked as she looked at him with a worried expression, "I...I have a dream. I was fishing with my father" Wu said as he looked down, "the first Spinjitzu Master" Jay said with excitement. "And my brother was there," Wu explained, Kai walked behind him to stand beside Jay.

"His memories are coming back" Cole said as he looked at Y/N, "do you remember anything else? Anything your father said?" Y/N asked gently as she placed a hand on his back. "Yeah. He said–" Wu started to explain, Y/N looked up as she heard a clicking noise as she pulled Wu back as something shot into the ground where Wu was once standing.

Y/N took out her bow as she aimed it at the man while the boys took out their weapons. "Show yourself!" Cole shouted as he looked up at the man, "there is no escape. You are my prisoners now" the man said as he walked closer, it seemed to be Heavy Metal as he held what seemed to be like a bad crossbow. Y/N went in front of Wu as she kept her arrow loaded and ready.

"Is it true?" Heavy Metal asked as he pointed his finger at them, "is what true?" Y/N asked as Cole and Kai covered her, "what you said. He is the son of the first Spinjitzu Master. Is it true?" Heavy Metal asked in a deep tone.

"Don't tell him. Remember what happened when they found out about our powers" Kai whispered to Y/N and Zane. "I can hear you," Heavy Metal said as he shot another metal arrow down near Cole's foot. "Yes. It's true. I am the son of the first Spinjitzu Master. I am Wu" Wu said as he made his way past Y/N, Zane and Kai. Heavy Metal's eyes widened as he started to take off his mask.

Y/N's eyes widened at the sight of a woman's face. "Then the legend is true. You have come back to take the Dragon Armor" Heavy Metal said, her voice softer without the mask on. Jay pushed in between Wu and Heavy Metal as he pushed her back slightly, "whoa. Not what I was expecting" Jay said as he looked at her, "you're Heavy Metal?" Y/N asked as she looked at her. "That is my given Hunter name. My real name is Faith" Heavy Metal said as she placed her hand on her chest.

Faith's voice had a Russian accent, making her tone rough but stern. "Faith. All you need is faith..." Wu whispered to himself. "Please. Tell me. Do you know where the Dragon Armor is?" Faith asked in a desperate tone. Wu walked away slightly as he pointed to his right, "that way" Wu said with a smile as he looked back at her, "then we must go" Faith said as she stomped on the fire to put it out.

"Go? Go where?" Zane asked as he looked back at Wu, "to the Armor" Wu said with a smile. "Iron Baron has his hunters looking for you. And they never fail. The farther we get, the longer we'll live" Faith said as she ran off. "Yeah, Zane. We're going for the Armor. Away from the man with the funny hat. That's a good thing" Jay said as they watched her. "Sure. Cause when has our Master ever led us astray? Why are you leading us astray? You don't even know where the armor is" Kai asked as he looked at Wu. "No. But I have Faith" Wu said as he smiled at Kai. "Oh. Faith? He has Faith" Kai said as he nudged Y/N.

Y/N glared at Kai for a second before she looked at Faith as she pulled a hover vehicle. "Uh, how are we all gonna fit on that thing?" Cole asked as he scratched his head. "We aren't. But it will hold out supplies. What it can't carry, we bury. Iron Barron cannot know I am helping you" Faith said as she poked her crossbow into Jay's chest. "Yeah, yeah. Of course. Heh, heh. Your secret's safe with us. Now lower that giant rifle thingy" Jay said as he chuckled nervously.

Faith threw it up into the vehicle, as Y/N then looked at Wu and Cole, "so...we have Faith" Jay said nervously. Y/N turned to Wu and sighed deeply, "I hope you know what you're doing" Y/N said as she looked at him, Y/N could tell he was in deep thought.

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