Chapter 53: Radio Free Ninjago

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*the arena* 

Y/N's eyes widened as she heard their leader's voice echo through the stadium, shouting at the hunters to capture the Elemental Masters, meaning Zane, Kai and Jay used their powers. Wu, Cole and Y/N hid in the entrance of the stadium, Kai, Zane and Jay started to attack the people walking towards them.

"Heavy Metal! Heavy Metal!" The crowd cheered as a man hopped into the arena, which Y/N assumed was named, Heavy Metal. Y/N's eyes widened as she watched the sword absorb their powers before disappearing, "holy shi-" Y/N stopped herself as she looked down at Wu, he had his arms crossed over his chest as he raised a brow up at Y/N, Y/N chuckled nervously as she looked back at the arena. The crowd roared as Heavy Metal successfully captured the three Ninja in chains, Y/N grabbed Wu's hand as Cole led the way out of the stadium to keep him safe.

*a few minutes later*

Y/N held Wu's hand as she peaked over a tire, smiling as she caught sight of Kai, Jay and Zane in a cage. Kai nodded at them while Y/N nodded back.

Y/N crouched down as Wu got on her back, Cole helping her onto a machine as he grabbed her hand to pull her up, "what do you think you're doing?" a man asked as he was in what seemed to be crab legs, "uh...we've been asked to lend a hand" Cole said as he looked down at the man, "didn't I hear youse three are from the Dangerbuff clan?" the man asked as he looked up at the three of them.

Y/N propped Wu up more as he draped his arms over her shoulders. "Yep," Cole said proudly, "well, then I refuse to hunt with either of you, because no Dangerbuff I know can shoot a hole in the ground" the man said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then stay at home, tinsel toes, cause the boss says they need all the hands he can get. And legs" Wu said from over Y/N's shoulder as the man looked at his machinery for legs. The man walked away as he mumbled a few curses under his breath, Y/N chuckled as she looked back at Wu, "nice one" Y/N said as she felt his hand rest on her shoulder.

The helicopters started as Iron Baron ran over to one of them. "To the hunt! To the hunt!" Iron Baron shouted as they flew off, the other vehicles following close. Wu was now in between Cole and Y/N as she held him close to her to keep him on the vehicle.

*the Hunt*

It was dark, night had come faster than they had anticipated, the Ninja were tied up on what seemed to be a pedestal which tied them to wood. Iron Baron was under them, doing something, Y/N tried to listen carefully, but his voice was drowned out by the talking amongst the others. Y/N looked over as she noticed the electricity running around them, making their elemental powers known to whatever was around them. "I'm excited to see what tonight's catch brings!" Iron Baron shouted as he cackled while walking over to the fire.

Y/N, Cole and Wu could hear them laughing from where they were standing, "how are we supposed to rescue them way up there?" Wu asked as he looked up at Y/N and Cole, "in short, we don't. Not until they're alone" Y/N said as she placed her hand on Wu's shoulder.

"Hm...why don't you join us, Dangerbuff?" Chewtoy asked, Y/N looked at Cole, a worried look plastered on her face as Wu grabbed her hand and started to walk over to the fire with Cole leading the way, "I don't like this" Y/N whispered to Cole, "I know, but we have to blend in" Cole whispered back as they neared the fire.

"Sitdown and listen to me. They never do, do they?" Chewtoy said as he looked at the others. Y/N sat next to Chewtoy as she kept Wu in between herself and Cole. "Uh, that's some blade you have there. Crazy how it repelled those powers" Y/N said as she watched Heavy Metal sharpen his blade from across the fire. "Oh, yeah. Carved from Dragonbone. From a piece of the Firstbourne" Chewtoy said as he looked at Y/N, "Firstbourne?" Wu questioned as he looked at Chewtoy. "Hey, where have you been, Dangerbuff? IN the belly of Beetlenut?" the man asked as he hopped out of his crab legs and used his arms to pull himself closer to the fire. The people around them laughed as Y/N pulled Wu closer to her.

Chewtoy hit Y/N's shoulder playfully, Y/N grimaced slightly as it was the shoulder that was stabbed by Mister E.

"Firstbourne is the mother of all Dragons" Jet Jack started as she looked at Wu. "The most powerful in the Realm. No one's ever seen it entirely, but it is said to possess every element of her beloved spawn" Jet Jack explained, which made Y/N get goosebumps slightly. "The one prize that's always eluded Iron Baron" Jet Jack said as she spit in the fire. "Tell 'em, Jet Jack" Arkade said as he looked at her. "She took Baron's leg. Then his arm. Then his pride" Jet Jack said as she looked at Y/N and Cole. "But someone here got a piece of her, didn't you, Heavy Metal?" The man known as Daddy No Legs said as Heavy Metal stabbed his sword into the sand.

Y/N glanced at him as she then looked back at Jet Jack, "Iron Baron's been searching for her nest all his life. Said she protects there the Dragon Armor" Jet Jack said with a smile on his face, "Dragon Armor?" Wu questioned. Chewtoy squeezed closer to Y/N as he looked at Wu, "worn by the First Spinjitzu Master. Whoever controls the armor, controls Firstbourne. And he who controls Firstbourne, can protect us from the Oni" Chewtoy said as he then spit into the fire as he moved away from Y/N, "Oni?" Y/N questioned as the hunters cheered.

They all spit in the fire, which made Y/N's skin burn hot as it creeped closer to her. "When the Oni see me riding on the mother of all Dragons" No Legs shouted as he raised his fist in the air, "that will be the day" a man shouted from Y/N's left, "it's gonna be me, you know" another man shouted from Y/N's right.

"The Oni? What do they look like?" Y/N asked as she looked at them, but when Jet Jack was answering, "he's right—" the wind blew as they heard the roars of a dragon.

"Dragon!" No Legs shouted as the hunters stood from their spots at the fire.

"Don't just stand there, Dangerbuff! Man the turret!" No Legs shouted as Y/N pulled Wu and Cole off the ground.

The Ninja cackled from their spots as Iron Baron looked around. "Where is she?" Baron asked as he looked around, "there! There!" Baron shouted as Y/N looked past Kai and saw the clouds move away from each other. Y/N's eyes widened, "it's a wind dragon" Y/N whispered under her breath, Cole's eyes widened as he looked at her pained expression.

"Lay low! Let her come" Baron shouted as the wind dragon soared closer to them, "wait for it...wait for it" Baron said, Y/N held onto Wu and Cole as the wind dragon blew out the fire, and the force was so powerful that they had to hold onto something to stay standing. "Now!" Baron shouted as the dragon flew around them.

Y/N's eyes watered as the chains were being shot at the dragon, "take the shot, Dangerbuff! What are you waiting for?" No Legs shouted as Cole pulled Y/N into a vehicle, Wu hanging onto her back as Y/N looked up at the dragon. Cole aimed the chains at the dragon before he quickly aimed it at the generator, making the electricity. The tower blew up as the Ninja landed on the sand.

"Oh, no. My mistake" Cole said as Aven looked up at the dragon, "I should've known to never trust a Dangerbuff! Get out there!" No Legs shouted. "Now's our chance. Let's get them" Cole said as he hopped down and caught Y/N in his arms before placing her down on the sand. Y/N caught Wu as he jumped into her grasp.

"She's making a run for it! Follow her!" Baron shouted as everyone ran over to the vehicles. "What?" Y/N asked as she turned around to see the Ninja back in the cage, "you heard the Baron. Get a move on!" No Legs shouted, Cole pulled Y/N onto a vehicle as Wu was on her back.

They were chasing the wind dragon through the sand. Y/N felt her stomach twist and turn, she hated this, she felt like she was hurting her brother in a way. Cole held onto Y/N as they were closer to the ground than he had hoped.

"Ha, ha. She's fast as the wind, I'll give her that!" Baron shouted as Jet Jack was blown away by the dragon's wind. Jet Jack made her way back to the dragon as the vehicles started to shoot their chains at the dragon. The dragon managed to break off one of the chains as she pulled hard.

"We're losing her!" Baron shouted, Y/N looked up as Heavy Metal climbed up to one of the chains. Heavy Metal climbed the chain as he went up to her neck and lifted the chain around her neck, choking her as she dove into the sand. Y/N placed her hand on her mouth as she gasped at the sight, Cole gave her a side hug as Wu hugged her neck gently.

*a bit later*

Once they parked around the dragon, they all cheered. Y/N, Cole and Wu walked up to the cage the others were in, "so tonight wasn't our night" Kai said as he looked down, "it wasn't hers, either" Y/N spat as she heard the hunters cheering loudly at their victory. "We'll figure out a way out of this. For us, and the Dragons" Cole said as he placed a hand on Y/N's back.

Y/N looked at the sky, "Lloyd...please tell me things are going our way up there" Y/N thought as she then looked back down at the feeling of someone hugging her leg, Y/N looked down to see Wu hugging her leg, Y/N smiled as she patted his head gently. "Please, be strong, and know that...we will come back, even if it's the last thing I do" Y/N thought as she felt anger rise through her veins.

AUTHORS NOTE: here is chapter 53! I finished my exam quickly, so I decided I'd just post right now, and then I am hoping to post tonight since I won't be working out because my last exam is tomorrow! And then I will start doing a set in stone sechedule and give you guys three days, four at most, for when I will post more chapter!
Also, would you guys want me to make a book for every new "season" so when Hunted is over and we move onto the next Season which is March of the Oni, would you guys like it if I made another book for the next series? 
If so, please feel free to comment! Or even message me on Wattpad or DM me on TikTok, which my account is the same username as my Wattpad account!

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