Chapter 26: My Dinner With Nadakhan

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*the island*

Lloyd flew towards the island, falling to the sand as the sun was starting to set. Lloyd grunted as Y/N and Cole helped him up. "You ok? Did you see any land?" Cole asked with a sense of urgency, "just water. I tried to reach the mainland, but it's too far. We won't be able to get off this island on our own" Lloyd said. Cole started to giggle, Nya placed her hands on her hips and looked over at him, "what's so funny about our predicament?" Nya asked in a confused tone. "Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say to that. 'You're telling me we went to all that trouble to get the venom to stop Nadakhan, and now we have no way to get off this island?' Heh. Gone one day, and I already miss him spazzing out" Cole said in a Jay voice before going to his normal one.

"Me too. After he lied to us, I was so hard on him. And now he's captured and all alone. Some friends we are" Nya said as she looked at the sand. Y/N looked at her, "hey, Jay's strong. We'll get him back. It's like what Wu once told me, if you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen" Y/N said as she looked at the horizon. "She's right. If we can't fly off this island, we'll build our way. I've seen enough movies to know it's possible" Cole said, "and if we've built a rocket off an asteroid, what's one raft a little..." Lloyd said but Nya cut him off. "Across an endless sea filled with unknown creatures that wanna eat us? Uh, that was my Jay impression. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get building" Nya said as the three ran into the forest to get supplies.

Y/N looked at the water and then at her hands. Y/N walked over to the edge of the shore line and started to manipulate the water, moving it to her hands as they had calluses on them, she placed the water on her hands and watched as it glowed. Y/N felt as the water healed her palms. Y/N smiled as she watched the water fall.


"Water has healing abilities, which you must master on your own," Wu said as he looked at ten year old Y/N. "But, how do I master what I do not know?" Y/N asked as she looked up at Wu. Master Wu smiled down at her, he placed his hand on her shoulder and leaned down to her level, "just like the other elements, when you find out what makes you strong, you will use it to strengthen your powers" Wu said, Y/N looked at her hands and then back up at Wu, "I won't let you down Sensei" Y/N said as she placed her hands on either side of her body. Wu smiled as he leaned away from her, "I know you won't," Wu said as he walked back into the temple, leaving Y/N alone to her thoughts.


Y/N looked back at the water then looked over her shoulder at her back, "let's give it a try" Y/N whispered to herself as she manipulated the water and brought it up to her back, "come on, heal" Y/N urged as she felt the water seep into her uniform, but she felt nothing change, instead she felt her back sting in pain from the water. Y/N threw the water at a rock, "stupid water!" Y/N said as she kicked the sand.

*the next day*

The next day Y/N walked over to the others, they had started building the base of the little ship and were almost finished. "One more round of palm ties, and I'd say she's secure enough for sea," Lloyd said as he tied down the logs. "Why is it all sea vessels are shes?" Nya asked, Y/N tied a few more as Cole stopped what he was doing, "I don't know. Because it takes a lot of paint to make them look good?" Cole said, Lloyd and Cole laughed as Y/N cleared her throat as she sat next to him. Lloyd stopped laughing as he covered it up by coughing.

"I kid. I kid. Lighten up, roots" Cole said as he looked at Y/N. Nya scoffed, "I get it. My personal mission to rid the world of its prejudices is wearing thin" Nya said as she held a hammer. "Hey, uh, did anyone take my ties?" Lloyd asked as he walked over to where his pile was, only to find it gone. "Not me" Cole said from his seated position, "I didn't touch them" Nya said, "me either" Y/N said after Nya. "Huh. I could've sworn they were right here. All this sun must be baking my brain. I'm going back into the jungle to collect some more" Lloyd said as he ran off into the forest.

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