Chapter 22: Public Enemy Number One

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*later that night*

Y/N walked into a bar, she opened the double doors and saw a man leaning against the bar table. "We're closed" he said in a rough voice, "I know, but do you have any food? I'm starving" Y/N said as she had her hood over her head, the man rolled his eyes, "yeah, sure" he said as he motioned to the back. Y/N looked over to her right and saw a vending machine. Y/N looked at the man, "thank you" she said softly as she walked over to the vending machine.

Y/N touched her pockets and noticed she had no money. The man was watching the news. Y/N tried to keep her mind away from the news as she had to stay focused and stay away from the cops, and out of sight. Y/N looked at the vending machine and smiled at the sight of chips. Y/N looked down at her hand and used lightning to try and get the chips to move up, Y/N tried to keep calm as she heard the chief talk about finding the Ninja. Y/N heard the man cough and took the chance to make the whole thing pop, which made a bunch of food fall out. Y/N grabbed as much as she could before she went to the pool table and pushed a white ball into the hole, making a noise, causing the man to turn around.

But when he turned, Y/N was nowhere to be seen, it was as if she hadn't even been there to begin with. The man looked at the doors as they waved back and forth in the wind, "what the?" The man said as he looked back at the vending machine and rolled his eyes, as he continued to watch the news. "If you see the Ninja, report to authorities immediately" the chief said as he walked away, the cameras followed him as he shut the doors in the reporters faces.

*The next day*

Y/N was walking in Ninjago, she walked up to a group of people looking at a few TVs, which were showing the news. Police cars drove past them quickly, Y/N sighed as she looked at the TV. "The Ninja haven't been seen in days, but that hasn't stopped one from updating his status. @Fi-ya13 posted: A place of peace, a place to fight, a brotherhood born on one fateful night. What does it mean? Is it a message? Is it a riddle? Or just a bad poem?" the reporter asked. Y/N walked across the road as she sighed deeply. Y/N placed Kai's tracker on a rat as she quickly ran away. Once she was far enough away, she summoned her elemental dragon. "Ready to fly, Akela?" Y/N asked as she looked at Akela. Akela poured gently as Y/N smiled at him, "good, cause we have people to see" Y/N said as she hopped on his back, Akela flew high into the clouds to avoid human eyes as she made her way to the meeting point.

*the monastery*

Y/N smiled slightly as she saw everyone's dragons fly to the mountain peak. Y/N landed and quickly hopped off Akela as she watched him disappear. "Seriously? I was the last one to figure out it was Wu's old monastery? And Lloyd wasn't even trained here" Jay said as he looked at the others. "It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place too, so there isn't much time. Zane, show them what you found" Lloyd said as he looked at Zane. "I came across security footage of Sensei at the Library of Domu. He was not alone" Zane said as he walked over to a wall and projected the footage onto the wall. "Hey, look. It's Wu" Cole said as they all looked at the footage. "What happened? Who was he looking at?" Kai asked, Y/N sighed "we don't know, but no one's seen him since" Y/N said as she looked at Kai, then back at the footage. "The library database indicated he had checked out a book about the Teapot of Tyrahn. We originally thought we may be dealing with Clouse. If this is what I think it is, it appears to be far worse. We may have a Djinn on our hands" Zane said as he stopped projecting the footage on the wall and looked at the others.

"A Djinn?" Jay said as he smiled slightly. "Like a genie, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him," Nya said. "What else do we know about Djinn?" Lloyd asked. Y/N sighed deeply, "not much, just that they are very sneaky and have great power" Y/N explained as she walked closer to Nya, Lloyd, Cole and Kai while Zane walked over to Jay. Kai, Nya and Cole talked while Lloyd looked at Y/N.

"It's good to see you, I was worried they found you after you were spotted" Lloyd said as he looked at Y/N. Y/N chuckled slightly, "it takes a lot more than that to catch me, a couple lousy cops can't stop me" Y/N said as she looked at him. Lloyd nodded, "I'm just glad you're safe" Lloyd said softly as his gaze softened while looking at her. Y/N smiled, "I'm glad you are too," Y/N said with a smile.

After a bit Lloyd looked at the others, "then it's settled. Since we know so little about Djinns, we need to head back to town to investigate more about him" Lloyd said as Zane and Jay joined the group. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. If we head back together, the police will arrest us on sight. We should split up" Cole said as he looked at everyone, "but anyone caught alone with this character suddenly disappears" Kai argued. "Then we travel in pairs. Y/N, Zane, we will head to the library to see what else we can find" Lloyd said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Wait, wait, wait" Jay said as he walked up to Nya. "Yeah, yeah. And Jay and I can look for clues at the scene of the crime where he framed us. What do you say, buddy, just like old times?" Cole said as he looked at Jay. Jay giggled slightly, "heh, sweet. Who doesn't love old times? Eh?" Jay asked with a nervous smile.

Lloyd looked at Kai, "Kai, you and your sister see what else is out there. If we wanna clear our names and get Sensei back, we need to find this Djinn and take him down. Let's meet back here at sunup. Oh. And, guys, look out for each other" Lloyd said. The Ninja ran opposite ways as Lloyd summoned his power dragon. Y/N was about to summon hers when Lloyd called out to her. "Y/N, how about we use my dragon, it's harder to see two dragons than three?" Lloyd suggested, Y/N nodded as she grabbed his hand, he pulled her up as Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight as he started to fly off the mountain, Zane following beside them.

*at the library*

Once they made it to the library, they quickly changed into their disguises, Y/N, Zane and Lloyd heard the front doors close as it was now closing time. "Road clear" Lloyd said as they walked over to a shelf. "The book he was reading is still here. That camera took the footage of Sensei" Lloyd said as they looked up at the security camera, Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder as she looked at the camera. "We don't want to be spotted. Nya gave me an arrow that is able to hack into security cameras and shut them down, but still makes it so in the office it looks like nothing happened" Y/N said as she pulled her bow out of her hoodie and took out an arrow, "where did you hide that?" Lloyd asked as he looked at the bow and arrow in her hand, "I can fold my bow since it isn't wood. And the arrows are easy to hide" Y/N said as she aimed her arrow at the camera, "will it damage the camera?" Lloyd asked, Y/N shook her head, "not one bit" Y/N said as she let go of the arrow, once the arrow shot into the camera, Y/N and Lloyd watched as the camera's head fell and the lights turned off. Y/N smirked as she folded her bow and tucked it into her hoodie "interesting" Zane said as he smiled at Y/N, Y/N smiled back at him.

Y/N, Zane and Lloyd walked over to the book and looked down at it. "The Teapot of Tyrahn. The ancient markings on the side describe it's a powerful relic that can trap mortals" Y/N said as she looked at the page Wu was looking at. "Oh. That may explain why people are suddenly disappearing" Lloyd said. Y/N turned around and walked over to a shelf as she started to pace. "And here's something more. Once a Djinn is freed from imprisonment, the only way to destroy him is by—" Zane said but she was cut off. "Somethings wrong, Zane, are you ok?" Y/N asked as she looked at Zane.

"Warning. An unknown presence is hacking into our system" Pixal informed Zane, "can you isolate the source?" Zane asked Pixal. "It's coming from inside the building" Pixal said as she was then glitched into Ronan. "Look at that, Tin Can, I'm in your head. Sorry, didn't wanna have to come to this, but a job's a job, right, buddy?" Ronan asked from inside Zane's head. "What's wrong? Why did you stop reading?" Lloyd asked, Y/N looked over at Zane with a confused look on her face.

"I know it's unfair, but I disabled your voice box. And now I'm shutting down your defenses and–oops. There go your arms" Ronan said, Y/N watched as his shoulders dropped, Y/N walked up to his right side while Lloyd walked up to Zane's left side. "Zane?" Y/N called out gently. "If it's any consolation, I didn't wanna have to fight you. And now technically, I don't. Good night, good buddy" Ronan said as Zane's vision went black. "Are you there?" Lloyd asked as he looked at Zane's now relaxed body. Y/N and Lloyd looked over at the camera as the arrow fell, "I took the liberty to close off the wing, Lloyd and Y/N. Been meaning to say, love the TV spot" Ronan said over the intercom. Lloyd pulled Y/N as they ran behind bookshelves.

"What was it you guys said? Reading is the first step to every adventure?" Ronan asked, Y/N watched as Lloyd looked at the window. "Sorry, Zane, but we've gotta get out of here" Lloyd said as he walked up to the window only for bars to go over it. "Yeah, they installed those to keep the bad guys out. Or was it the good guys in? I don't remember for the life of me. Which are you, Y/N, Lloyd? Good guys or bad guys?" Ronan asked, Y/N looked around, "we were framed. You know us, Ronan. We would never do any of that stuff" Y/N said as she looked around. "You also know me, and I'm getting paid an awful lot to bring you guys in" Ronan said over the intercom. But just as he finished his sentence, books moved to the side to show Ronan, in the flesh. "How's Nya? Boy, I missed her" Ronan said. Y/N pulled Lloyd away as Ronan pushed himself into the bookshelf as he started to shoot at them.

Lloyd sent an energy ball towards Ronan as they kept running away. Y/N pulled Lloyd in between bookshelves. "Boo" Ronan said as he pushed books towards them. Ronan tried shooting at them but missed as Lloyd pulled Y/N down, the shot missing her by a centimeter, Lloyd fired an energy ball through the bookshelf but Ronan dodged it as the three of them kept running. Lloyd pulled Y/N into him as they hid behind a bookshelf. Y/N panted as she sighed deeply.

"Let's make this easy. I'll take you back to the station, you can answer their questions and clear your name" Ronan said, "not until we stop the threat. And you're gonna pay for what you did to Zane. But not today" Lloyd said, Y/N and Lloyd pushed the bookshelf as it created a domino effect. Causing Ronan to get stuck as they both started running. Lloyd used an energy ball to open the doors, Ronan stood up and threw something at them both. Y/N just missed it as Lloyd was being wrapped around a rope as he fell to the ground. Y/N looked at Lloyd as her eyes widened. "Lloyd!" Y/N shouted as she turned and ran up to him. Aven looked up and noticed Ronan walked towards them. Y/N took out her bow and pointed an arrow at him.

"You touch a hair on his head, I'll shoot you" Y/N said as she kept her aim on him. Ronan placed his hands up, "we both know you won't shoot me, Y/N" Ronan said as he stopped moving and looked at her. "Why is that?" Y/N asked as her hood fell, showing her hair as she glared at him, her arrow pointed at him steadily. "Because you know that if you shoot me, there will be a real target on your head, the people may not know who you really are, but they will once they learn a Ninja killed an innocent man" Ronan said, Y/N didn't budge. "What makes you innocent?" Y/N asked as she glared at him. Ronan chuckled, "why wouldn't I be? I'm on the chief's side, who would believe fugitives?" Ronan asked, Y/N sighed deeply. "Shoot me, and I'll hurt them both" Ronan threatened.

"Y/N, run" Lloyd whispered. Y/N shook her head as she kept her eyes on Ronan, "I can't" Y/N said as she pointed her bow to the floor. "Good choice, now drop it" Ronan ordered. Lloyd looked up at Y/N as he shook his head. "Y/N, run, while you still can," Lloyd said. Y/N dropped her bow and arrows on the ground. "Hands up and on your knees" Ronan ordered as he looked at her. Y/N put her hands up as she went on her knees next to Lloyd. "Why aren't you running, Y/N? You still have a chance" Lloyd said. Y/N shook her head, "I can't leave you" Y/N said as she looked down at him. Ronan smirked, "looks like I didn't miss either of you" Ronan said as he looked down at them. Ronan smirked as he looked down at Y/N before he punched her, knocking her out as she fell back. Lloyd's eyes widened, "Y/N!" Lloyd shouted as he looked at her, as her nose started to drip blood. "Three down, four to go" Ronan said as he looked down at them.

*a few hours later*

Y/N was pulled up harshly as she opened her eyes, her body was weak from fatigue which was catching up on her. "Hey! Let her go!" Lloyd shouted as Y/N looked like she had been in a fist fight, and clearly lost. Her cheekbone was bruised and she had dry blood on her nose and top lip. "Shut it, Ninja" the officer said as he shoved Y/N forward, Y/N was pushed into Lloyds back as she groaned, "sorry" Y/N said as she stood up straight and walked behind him. "Don't be," Lloyd said softly.

"The search is over. We have the Ninja. Ninjago is safe once again. Now, let this be a lesson to everyone. No matter who you are or how famous you become, justice will find you" the chief said as he gave Ronan a bag of money. The Ninja walked into a jail bus, there were bars on the windows to keep them in. Y/N walked in after Lloyd and sat in the seat across from him, while the others sat in the rest of the seats. The cameras flashed as they took photos of the Ninja in a jail bus. "We have a place for criminals. It's called Kryptarium" Chief said as they headed to the Kryptarium jail.

Here is chapter 22! I know this is a shorter chapter compared to what I usually write, and so far since I'm writing ahead, some of them are shorter chapters, and I appologize for that! But I will make sure that they are as good as possible! 

If I am being honest, I totally forgot this season was a thing because I hadn't watched the show since Covid so I totally forgot what villains are in what seasons, and I came to realize which seasons both in the book and on the show I am super excited to write!

And just so everyone knows, I have not watched the newer show called Lego Ninjago or Dragons Rising, so I will be going into them 'blind', so if I mix up characters when I begin writing them I am truly sorry!

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