Chapter 38: Pause and Effect

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*the sewers* 

"And if we do this right we can find Master Wu, save Cyrsu Borg, rescue everyone who was kidnapped, and stop Krux and Acronix. But it'll take stealth, concentration and precise execution" Lloyd explained as they looked down at the map Scales gave them.

"And where does the slug fit in?" Jay asked nervously as he looked at Lloyd, "what slug?" Y/N asked as she looked down at the map. Cole looked on his shoulder and immediately started to make weird noises, "ew! That one! Ew, ew, ew!" Cole shouted as he tried to shake the slug off. Y/N and Lloyd looked over at Cole as they giggled at him. "It's so big! So gross!" Cole shouted as he managed to throw it off him without throwing up. Y/N laughed as she started to make fun of Cole.

"Hey guys, what'd we miss?" Nya asked as she and Kai walked towards them, "ha, ha, ha! Cole freaking out over a slug" Jay laughed, "and Lloyd laying out the plan of attack" Zane said with a smile as Cole came back to the group with a scowl on his face as he watched Y/N laugh at him. "Heh, heh! But mostly Cole freaking out" Jay said as Cole crossed his arms over his chest and Y/N patted his shoulder gently.

"As I was saying, Zane will use his sensors to locate Cyrus Borg while Jay and Cole rescue the workers from the warehouse. Y/N and I will get Master Wu, who's probably in the holding cell. Kai and Nya, you have the toughest job...locating Krux and Acronis. So you take the map" Lloyd informed the Ninja as he handed Nya and Kai the map. "We can do that. Right, Kai?" Nya asked as she looked over at her older brother, "barracks...holding cell..." Kai whispered as he scratched his head, "ahem! Kai?" Nya asked as she poked Kai's shoulder. "That's a mess hall and...what's this?" Kai whispered, "Kai!" Nya shouted as she shoved her brother's arm. Kai looked at Nya and then at the others, "what? Yeah, yeah, we got it. Let's go" Kai said as he looked determined.

"Remember, stealth is key! Everyone know what they're doing?" Y/N asked as she looked at the Ninja, "on it" Cole said, still with his arms crossed. "Yup" Jay said quickly, "yup" Nya repeated right after. "Affirmative" Zane said as he nodded at Y/N, "oh, yeah. I know exactly what I'm doing" Kai said as he looked like he was angry for some odd reason. "Good luck! No pressure, but all of Ninjago is depending on us" Lloyd said as he chuckled slightly, "as always" Y/N teased as they all started running to the entrance.

*the holding cell*

Y/N kicked the doors open as she looked around, "empty?" Lloyd said as he looked around, "where's Master Wu?" Y/N asked as she then tapped her foot on the ground and felt vibrations behind them. "Lloyd–" Y/N was about to start but stopped when she caught sight of Raggmunk. "He was out to lunch," Raggmunk said as he pushed Wu into the room, tied to a wheelchair. "Kind of still is. Had to watch him, but wanted to eat. Thanks to me, we did both" Blunk said as he ate his food while walking next to Raggmunk. "If you've hurt him..." Y/N said as she took out her dagger, "him? I'd be worried about you" Raggmunk said as he looked at Y/N and Lloyd. "Yeah, you and your Ninja buddies are gonna pay for getting us stuck on this lame babysitting detail" Blunk said as he stuffed his fangs full of food.

Y/N side kicked Blunk in the stomach, sending him back into the wall and making his food fall on the floor. "Ugh! Now you're really in trouble!" Blunk shouted as he went to attack Y/N with his sword, but as his sword was about to hit Y/N, Lloyd shielded her with his katana and pushed him back. "Didn't your mother teach you not to fight with your mouth full?" Lloyd asked as he started to fight Blunk. Blunk blocked the exit as Raggmunk carted Wu out of the room. "Stop them! I'll watch the geezer" Raggmunk said as he left the fighting scene. "Hey! How come you get to?" Blunk asked but Y/N grabbed a rock which was on the ground and threw it at Blunk. "Whoa! Oof!" Blunk shouted as Y/N ran past him with Lloyd following her close behind. "Get back here!" Y/N shouted as she sprinted after Raggmunk.

*in the swamp*

Y/N tackled Raggmunk to the ground while Lloyd ran after Wu. "I'm coming, Master!" Lloyd shouted as Y/N got off of Raggmunk and ran after Lloyd as Wu was getting close to the edge. Just as Lloyd jumped to grab Wu, Y/N jumped after Lloyd and was about to grab his ankle, when time suddenly stopped.

When time went back to normal Lloyd grabbed Y/N's hand and the handle of the wheelchair as Y/N grabbed a root, "ugh!" Y/N shouted as she felt the weight of the wheelchair was heavier than she had hoped. "Is Wu okay?" Y/N asked as she grunted while trying to lift them up with one hand. "So far" Lloyd said as he held Y/N's hand tightly.

"I know this is a bad time to ask this but, when we were leaving the amusement park, you said you wanted to tell me something, and never ended up telling me" Lloyd mentioned as he tightened his grip on the wheelchair handle. "Really, Lloyd? Right now?" Y/N asked as she pulled them up slowly, "I know it's bad timing, but I'm curious, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Lloyd as he looked up at her. Y/N made it to flat ground as she let go of the root and grabbed onto an indent in the rocks. Y/N sighed as she rested her forehead on the rocks.

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