Chapter 8: Day of the Dragon

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*at the front entrance*

The blimp popped, as it deflated down everyone cheered. "Ya!" Turner said as he high fived one of the people in orange. "Sink the ferry. No one's getting off this island" Jay announced as he cheered, Y/n giggled as she high fived Jay. "Yeah!" Bolobo shouted as he made vines sink the ship they had come to the temple on.

"The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear, still no sign of Chen and Clouse" Cole said as the ninja gathered around, "what about Skylar?" Kai asked,  Y/n looked over at him with worry in her eyes. "She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends" Lloyd said as he put a hand on Kai's shoulder. "And since you're her friend that means so are we. We'll find her" Y/n said with a slight smile, Kai looked at her and smiled. This was probably the first actual smile she had gotten since their argument. "She's right. With no way off the island, it'll only be a matter of time" Cole said with a smile, Garmadon walked over "I'm proud of you six. You've done what the original Elemental Masters never could: stick together. But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when you sleep" Garmadon said, Y/n nodded.

Turner and Neuro watched a group of Chen's captured guards, Turner had a spear which he had stolen from one of the guards. "Looks like all the action is over by now. Put me on 'Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge' and watch me smoke that course, I'll just-" Turner said but stopped when Neuro grabbed his head and groaned in pain "what is it?" Turner asked as he looked over at Neuro. "Skylar is sending me a message. We have to tell the ninja" Neuro said, Turner nodded and ran into the forest where he found the ninja and Garmadon.

Y/n looked at Turner concerned as he looked worried. "Chen just figured out Skylar's powers can finish the spell. She's in danger" Turner said as he looked at all the ninja. "He's replaced his elemental staff with the elements in his daughter" Garmadon explained, Kai gasped as he walked forward a bit. "Where?" Kai asked immediately. "Other side of the island," Turner said, Y/n looked over at Kai as he walked over to one of the vehicles.

"I'm going after her" Kai said in a stern voice, "we all are" Garmadon said as he looked at the ninja. "Jay, Zane, you take the Mech and Buggy. Cole and I will take the Roto Jet. Lloyd, you've got your dragon, so take Y/n with you. Nya, how fast will she go?" Garmadon said as everyone got on their vehicles, Y/n looked over at Lloyd and nodded.

"Fast enough" Nya said with excitement as she started the engine. "Everyone else stay here and guard the camp" Garmadon ordered as he hopped in behind Cole. "Let's get a move on!" Y/n said as she grabbed onto Lloyd who summoned his dragon. Y/n held onto him tightly as he went straight up for a moment before flying like normal. From the ground everyone watched as Lloyd's dragon flew through the air. "Karloff wish he could do that," Karlof said as he watched Lloyd's dragon. "Ninja go!" All the ninja started their search for Skylar.

"Watch out for booby traps. Chen's rigged this whole island" Nya said in the PA system which was connected to all vehicles. "Read you loud and clear" Jay said as they all flew and drove close together.   Y/n looked down and noticed Zane had flipped his vehicle. "Zane!" Y/n and Jay shouted as he landed on the ground near a pit. As Zane stood up he slipped and fell into the pit. Jay looked down, "carry on the mission without me!" Zane said as he waved them off. "He'll be alright. We have to stay on Skylar! She's too important!" Kai said as they continued driving.

*a few minutes later*

After a bit of searching, the group had gotten word that Kai had found Skylar, and to head back to camp. Y/n sighed in relief as she sat behind Lloyd, soon landing. "Still no sign on Chen?" Karlof asked as he took two guards, "he escaped, but we'll find him" Cole said, Y/n walked up to them and looked at Karlof. "Did Zane ever return?" Y/n asked as she looked around a bit. "The metal man? I have not seen him" Karlof answered, Y/n nodded as Karlof went to put the two guards with the rest of them.

Lloyd looked over as he then caught sight of his dad. "Dad!" Lloyd said as he ran to his father, pulling him into a hug. "I don't see Skylar or Kai" Garmadon said worryingly, "they said they were on their way" Shadow said, that's when Garmadon crouched down in pain as his back started to burn. Lloyd held him up as his Anacondrai tattoo started to glow purple. "Dad, what's wrong?" Lloyd asked as Garmadon crouched down to the ground in pain.

Y/n noticed and quickly ran over to see what was wrong. "I don't know" Garmadon groaned in pain, "your tattoo" Lloyd said as he looked at his father. "Something inside of me. Something is happening" Garmadon said as he kneeled, Y/n crouched down next to him and examined his tattoo, it was glowing brighter by the minute. Soon Garmadon turned into an Anacondrai, Y/n backed away from him a bit as his skin turned purple and his legs turned into a tail. "The spell...the spell, it's completed. If everyone with the mark of the Anacondrai is affected, that means" Garmadon said as Y/n turned around while Garmadon stood up. Lloyd sighed, "don't worry. I'm always on your side" Garmadon assured Lloyd.

"Let's get 'em guys!" Cole shouted as the fighters ran at the Anacondrai soldiers. Y/n went to punch one but it caught her fist. "They're too strong!" Y/n shouted as she tried to burn its hand off her but it didn't budge. Turner tried to outrun it but it caught him in its deathly grip. "It's too fast!" Turner shouted. Garmadon tried to get three down but ended up getting ambushed. "And there are too many! Retreat! Get everybody to the palace" Garmadon shouted. "Everyone, to the palace!" Lloyd shouted, Y/n tried to kick it but it was no use.

Y/n then slammed her foot on the ground while earth surrounded its body. "Let go of me, or I'll crush you" Y/n warned, the Anacondrai didn't let go so Y/n snapped its wrist, which she then managed to get free from its grip and run to the others. Y/n then dragged Neuro into the palace as Lloyd and Shadow closed the door with Cole, Karlof, Ash and Nya helping hold it shut.

Jay panted as he then looked up and caught sight of Garmadon's new form. "Snake among us!" Jay said as he formed electricity in his hands. "No, don't! It's my father!" Lloyd shouted as he got in between Jay and Garmadon, Jay pushed Lloyd aside. "First it was four arms, then you became a dragon, would you mind picking a body and sticking with it, please?" Jay asked in a rush as he looked at Garmadon.

"Could use a little help!" Cole said as the soldiers tried to push the doors open. Y/n, Lloyd and Jay quickly turned and helped keep the door closed with as much strength as they had. After what seemed like forever, the soldiers still wouldn't leave as they kept trying to get through the doors. Y/n groaned as she stayed on her feet and used her earth's strength to help her. As swords started coming through the doors Y/n started to panic. "Does anyone know any knock-knock jokes? Cause this ain't funny anymore" Cole said, as a sword just missed his head by an inch.

But after only a few more seconds the ruckus stopped. Everyone stepped away from the door. "Where did they go?" Nya said gently as she looked at the swords through the door. Cole went to open the door but Jay started to panic, "don't! It could be a trick" Jay said, everyone ran up to the top of the wall as they watched Chen's army fly away. "No" Y/n barley whispered as she gasped.

"This, this is just priceless! He took the Roto Jet and all of the blade copters!" Jay said as he put his hand on his hip. "What have we done?" Nya asked as she watched Chen and his army get further away from the island. "We all have families in Ninjago" Turner said, Y/n looked down at that comment. "And we had to destroy any other way off the island! Who's idea was that?" Jay complained.

"Your father was right, Lloyd. We thought we had the upper hand. Our guard was down and look what happened" Cole said, Y/n frowned as she looked up at Cole. "I'll go alone" Lloyd said, Y/n looked up at him. "And take on his whole army?" Y/n asked in disbelief. "I'm the only one with an elemental dragon," Lloyd said, but Zane cut him off. "Not anymore!" Zane shouted as he showed up with an ice dragon.

"You gotta tell us how you did that!" Jay said in amazement. "I faced my fears. When I realized it wasn't something in front of me that held me back, but something inside me. I found a deeper power. A dragon power" Zane explained. Y/n smiled up at him. "All right!" Cole shouted, and that's when Kai joined in with his fire dragon, Skylar, behind him.  Y/n smiled as she got up on the edge and took a deep breath before jumping off, a dragon soon appearing. And the others soon joined. "We are all one!" Y/n shouted as they made their way to Ninjago.

AUTHORS NOTE: I am back in school so I'll try to update this book as much as possible!!

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