Chapter 54: How to Build a Dragon

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"I can't do it!" a tiny voice shouted as her fists slammed into her sides. Wu sipped his tea as he looked down at the little girl, "what seems to be troubling you, 
Y/N" Wu asked as he looked down at her, "I can't get the move right! I've tried and it doesn't work!" Y/N shouted as she went to punch one of the machines, but it moved out of the way, making her fall onto the ground. Y/N groaned as she let her forehead fall onto the ground. Wu sighed deeply as he placed his tea down and walked over to Y/N as he picked her up and placed her on her feet.

"It's impossible!" 
Y/N pouted as she crossed her arms over her small chest. "Is it? Or are we only confined by the walls we build ourselves?" Wu asked as he looked at her, Y/N didn't meet his eyes as she looked away from him, "I'm not Morro you know" Y/N said as her lip quivered slightly, Wu smiled gently at her, "'re not" Wu said softly, Y/N rolled her eyes, "you are Y/N, the master of the four elements and their sub elements, most known as the Master of Roots" Wu said which caught Y/N's attention.

"Why am I called the Master of Roots?" 
Y/N asked, Wu smiled, "you are called the Master of Roots because you are the roots that will hold the Ninja up" Wu said softly, "there are more people like me?" Y/N asked as her eyes glowed, Wu nodded, "many more, just like you, with special abilities" Wu said as Y/N smiled at him.

"I want to be a Ninja! And then, I want to be a Master, just like you!" 
Y/N said as she smiled brightly at Wu, Wu smiled at her, "you will, one day you will teach me just as I teach you" Wu said as he smiled warmly at her. Wu stood up and placed his hands on his hips, "now, try again" Wu said, Y/N nodded as she got into a position and lifted her hands up before smashing them down in front of her as wind sliced through the air and into the punching bags, Y/N cheered as she watched sand fall from the bags while Wu smiled proudly at her.

*end of flashback* 

Y/N was sitting on a vehicle, her mood had darkened when they captured the wind dragon. But as she was deep in thought she heard something on the radio, "...never quits. The resistance never quits. The resistance never quits" those words repeated on the radio as Cole had his head on her shoulder while sleeping, and Wu was fast asleep in her arms. Y/N's eyes widened as she recognized the voice, "Lloyd" Y/N whispered as the vehicle hit a bump, making Cole wake up with a groan as they made it back to Deads End by dawn.

The children chased the dragon as they stopped in place, Cole hopped off the vehicle as he helped Y/N down, Wu still asleep in her arms, "it's cruel...what they teach these kids" Y/N said as she watched the kids cheer, "I know, but we can't fix them, Y/N. All we can do is hope that we get out of here" Cole said, Y/N nodded as she gently woke Wu up. "All right, Wu. Nap times over, we've got work to do" Y/N said softly as Wu opened his eyes and nodded at Y/N as they all walked over to Muzzle and No Legs.

"We've got it. If we can't shoot straight, may as well make ourselves useful" Cole said as Y/N placed Wu down next to her, Muzzle mumbled under the mask as No Legs looked down at him.

Y/N looked over at Kai as he looked at her through the bars. No Legs and Muzzle walked away as Y/N sighed, facing her body towards Kai. "Tell me you have a plan" Kai pleaded as he looked at Y/N, "well it's in the early stages" Cole said as he looked over Y/N's shoulder, "he doesn't have a plan" Wu said which made Y/N sigh deeply as she looked back at Kai, "we are trying our best here, it's not easy when you guys have eyes on you every breath you take" Y/N said as she looked back at the dragon hunters to see them at the chain of the dragon.

"Tonight, we feast!" Baron shouted as the hunters cheered.

Y/N scowled at the people as she then looked over at Kai again, "with this place swarming with hunters, breaking you out is gonna be impossible" Cole said as Y/N felt her hands turn into fists. Wu placed his hand on Y/N's right fist, Y/N's eyes widened as she looked down at him to see him smiling at her softly, a memory flashed in Y/N's mind, feeling that same smile from older Wu, radiate off of younger Wu.

"You will, one day you will teach me just as I teach you"
Wu's older voice rang through her mind. "This is what he meant" Y/N whispered, but she was torn out of her thoughts when Zane spoke.

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