Chapter 48: Dread on Arrival

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*the Temple of Resurrection* 

"Open your eyes, 
Y/N. Open your eyes" A voice echoed through Y/N's mind. Y/N groaned as she opened her eyes slowly. Y/N gasped as she looked down at her wound to see it was horribly tied by a cloth around her waist. "Where am I?" Y/N questioned as she looked around and saw she was in a cave, Harumi ahead of her, her hands behind her back as Harumi's hair was now down and straight. Two bikers were holding Y/N as they seemed to be dragging her up the steps.

Y/N looked down at her real body and saw how pale she looked, how weak she was. "You were right" the voice said again, but this time, it was coming from behind her. Y/N looked behind her to see Morro. "Morro, where are we?" Y/N asked as she looked around, "I don't know. I know as much as you do, and slightly more" Morro said, Y/N walked through her body and looked at Lloyd as he was being held by two other bikers.

"What more do you know then?" 
Y/N asked as she glared at Killow, "I know that you have lost too much blood. If the Quiet One tries to resurrect Master Garmadon, you have a chance of dying" Morro said as he looked at her, Y/N turned to look at Morro. "Lovely, do you know anything that could help me?" Y/N asked as she rolled her eyes slightly. Morro nodded, but when he didn't speak Y/N looked at him, "well, don't keep it a secret now" Y/N said as she walked over to Morro.

"You know of your sub elements, right?" Morro questioned, Y/N nodded, "then you know you can heal, that being a sub element from water" Morro said as he looked at Y/N. "Yes, I know. Now what are you trying to say?" Y/N asked as she started to get impatient. Morro looked down the steps, "when you wake up and those boys put you down, use the liquid around you and heal yourself as best as you can" Morro said as he looked at Lloyd. 

 glanced at Lloyd, "what liquid?" Y/N asked, Morro motioned to come over to Lloyd, which Y/N obliged and walked over, "take a closer look" Morro said, Y/N leaned close to Lloyd's face as saw it had a slight glow to it. Y/N's eyes widened, "sweat" Y/N said as she looked up at Morro, who smiled down at her with a proud smile. "But...I can't heal deep wounds, I can only fully heal scabs," Y/N said as she looked at Morro.

Morro shook his head, "you can do so much more than heal scabs, 
Y/N. You just have to believe in yourself, just like the Ninja, Wu, Misako, Lloyd, and I believe in you" Morro said as he placed his hand on Y/N's head, Y/N looked at him. "You are so much stronger than you think, Y/N. You just have to believe in yourself. Fight, and never stop fighting for what's right" Morro whispered as he placed a kiss on Y/N's head.

"The spider's in the house. Sleep, sleep. The spider bit the mouse..." Harumi sang as she then started to hum the same tune. Killow poked Lloyd's back as he chuckled. "So this is your true face, without the mask. No wonder you covered it" Y/N said as she looked up at Harumi weakly, Y/N smirked as Harumi turned towards Y/N. "Bite your tongue, Scarlet Ninja. The fight is all but over" Harumi said as she glared down at Y/N. "Haven't been called that yet" Y/N whispered as she glared up at Harumi.

"Where are you taking us?" Lloyd asked from behind Y/N. "Trapped in the Palace of Secrets all my life, it gave me time to make a few...alterations, you could say. Yes, I destroyed the palace, but I was careful not to damage the Temple of Resurrection" Harumi said as they walked up a few more sets of stairs before making their way out in the open. Where they were on a temple in the middle of water.

"The Ninja have survived, Quiet One. They are in the city" Ultra Violet informed Harumi as she ran over. Y/N looked up weaky as she saw one cage being brought down to the ground. Y/N looked over at Lloyd, "what was that you said about the fight being over?" Lloyd asked. Harumi raised her hands, "let them come. If anyone tries to stop me, I always have my insurance policy" Harumi said as she motioned over to the cage, Y/N and Lloyd's eyes widened at the sight of Misako being pushed into the cage. "Mom!" Lloyd shouted, "Lloyd? Y/N?" Misako shouted as they raised her cage into the air. "She's crazy. She wants to bring back your father" Misako shouted down at Lloyd.

"I've been so looking forward to reunion" Harumi said as she smirked at Misako. "Let her go" Y/N said weakly as she looked at Harumi. "This is between us" Lloyd said as Harumi looked at him. "No, Lloyd. There was never anything between us" Harumi said. Y/N looked over at Lloyd weakly as Harumi grabbed his chin to make him look at her. "It hurts, doesn't it? There's nothing more powerful than a blow to the heart. We found her after she tracked down young Wu. Helpful of her" Harumi said as she kept her hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

"Don't...touch him" Y/N said as she could tell she lost too much blood. Harumi smirked as she looked at Y/N. "Look at you, weak, pathetic. You couldn't even protect yourself from getting a dagger to the hip, how do you think you'll make it any longer?" Harumi asked as she grabbed Y/N's neck and squeezed it slightly. Y/N tried to take as many breaths of air as she could.

"If I wasn't weak right now...I'd make you eat your words" Y/N spat as she looked at Harumi dead in the eyes. Harumi's smirk disappeared as she used her left hand to dig into Y/N's hip wound. Y/N gritted her teeth, but didn't let her pain show. Harumi let Y/N go as Y/N coughed slightly. "Prepare the ceremony. We begin at nightfall" Harumi said as she and Ultra Violet started walking away. "I won't let you get away with this," Lloyd shouted as Harumi ignored him. "Or what? You'll cry?" Ultra Violet asked as she laughed.

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