Chapter 13: Stiix and Stones

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Once they made it to Stiix they started walking across the bridge, separating the village to the outside world. Y/n was walking in between Cole and Kai while Zane was behind them and Jay was farther behind. Jay quickly made his way back to the group as they looked up to see a man on the sign, fishing.

"Welcome to Stiix. Uh, watch your step. Oh, I caught one. It's a big fella. Ugh, whoa. Whoa!" The man said as he started to reel in a fish, but just as he was reeling it in he fell off the sign and into the water. The Ninja went to the edge of the dock and looked down at the man. But Y/n looked behind her to see Kai sitting there, Aven nudged Cole which caused Jay and Zane to look back as well.

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights" Jay said as they started walking away, and towards the entrance of Stiix. "I'm fine with heights. It's water I hate" Kai said as he stood up carefully, "didn't seem to have a problem before" Zane said as he raised his voice slightly. "Before I could make a fire dragon at will. Since Morro's taken over Lloyd and our power's gone, I haven't felt...Aah!" Kai said but was cut off when the board from under him broke, making him fall, but he caught himself. Y/n and Cole made their way over to Kai as they helped him up. "Well now that we know ghosts don't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it" Cole said as the village Stiix was built on water.

Once they made it into the village of Stiix they looked around. "I've been here a few times, hasn't changed much" Y/n said as she looked around, "what a dump. You'd think the thief who stole the Scroll of Airjitzu would have better taste" Jay said as he plugged his nose while they walked, "this is Ronan we're talking about. He'd steal the sea if it were worth anything. We just have to figure out which rock he's under, and get to the scroll before Morro does" Cole said as they looked around. "Let's split up and start looking," Zane suggested. And so they did. Y/n went with Cole and Kai, while Zane went with Jay.

As Jay, Cole and Y/n searched in a pawn shop,   Y/n looked through the bookshelves. "Wait a minute, this is my dad's Blade Cup Trophy. What's it doing in a pawn shop?" Cole asked as he showed them his fathers trophy. "Selling stolen goods? Sounds like we might have stumbled on the right place" Y/n said as she turned to look at Cole. And as if on cue, Y/n heard whistling, coming from Ronan.

Jay and Zane went behind him to block one of his exits as Ronan held a blue pot. "Ronan. Going so soon?" Jay asked as Ronan turned around and started to walk backwards. Kai and Cole walking in front of Ronan as he backed up into Jay and Zane. "If this is about our last encounter, it was only business," Ronan said as he looked at Kai and Cole. Y/n leaned against a few boxes as she watched them deal with Ronan. "You left us in the mouth of a–" Kai said as his tone was stone cold. "So you're still upset. Let me make it up to you" Ronan said as he walked through the Ninja and placed down the pot, but when he pressed a button a net dropped, but to Ronan's surprise it didn't drop, the corners were stuck in the roof.

"Uh, that was a mistake. I can explain that" Ronan stuttered as he looked at the Ninja. "Nothing here is legit, including you" Cole said as they all walked up to the desk Ronan was behind, including Y/n. "Yeah, I bet your airship's not far either. What do you call it again? Rilo? Ruby?" Jay asked as he moved the net out of his face so he could see Ronan better. "Rex. And could you have a little sympathy? Sold her so I could buy this place. As you can see, I'm trying to make an honest living" Ronan said as he looked at the Ninja.

Y/n moved forward, "honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu?" Y/n asked as she looked at Ronan. Ronan looked at Y/n, seeing how big she's gotten, "haven't seen you in a while, where have you been the past 5 years?" Ronan asked, Y/n crossed her arms, "training. Now answer my question" Y/n said in an orderly tone.

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